Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 213 The Human Race Has Traitors! Highlight Moment!

"Xiao Yan, the Luo Yan Legion cannot be buried here, the hope of the Legion is in your hands!"

"Xinghe, Jiansheng, take Zheng Yan away!"

At this moment, Zheng Guangrong was like a madman, and he was strong enough to fly the silver-ranked orcs who were fighting with Zheng Yan, and at the same time withstood the attacks of three silver-ranked orcs!

"Master! If I don't leave, I will kill these thieves!"

Zheng Yan was beaten all over his body, and he was not experienced in battle, so he was no match for orcs of the same level.

Lieutenant General Xinghe and Lieutenant General Jiansheng picked up Zheng Yan and left, taking a hundred thousand soldiers with them and retreating.

And Zheng Guangrong and the remaining two lieutenants led the remaining more than 50,000 soldiers to resist the 100,000 orc army.

Buy time for large troops to evacuate.

Luo Yan Legion's 200,000 elite cannot all be buried here.

Not only the Luoyan Legion needs to leave seeds, but the city of Ningyuan Kingdom also needs them.

Once the Luo Yan Legion is all left in the valley, the orc's plot will succeed.

Then Yumo City, which is the closest to here, will suffer.

They simply cannot resist the orcs' long-term attack.

Moreover, most of the main force of Ningyuan Kingdom is on the main battlefield, and it is impossible for the defenders of other cities to come to support.

Fortunately, the terrain of the valley was dangerous, and the orc army could not charge.

This gave Luo Yan Legion a lot of time.

And the orc's top cavalry, the flying dragon cavalry, was also held back by the infantry in the rear, and they would not be able to break through their defense line for a while.

It seems that there is no problem with the retreat of Luo Yan's army.

"Humans, do you know how to run? What cowards! You don't even have the courage to fight to the death.

Seeing that Luo Yan's army had escaped halfway, the orc general cursed angrily!

Unexpectedly, they would retreat, and 50,000 people were left behind to hold them back.

In this valley, at this moment, they will not be able to break through their defense line at all.

Only when the flying dragon cavalry kill all the human soldiers who blocked their steps, can they work together to eat the remaining human soldiers.

Time will do the rest.

"You dare to invade the territory of the human race, and you will pay the price sooner or later!"

Zheng Guangrong didn't want to argue with these orcs, he couldn't hold it anymore.

The orcs' high-end combat power is too strong, and the human race also has some shortcomings in this regard.

But the human race has excellent equipment, and the gap in this respect can be narrowed a lot.

But now three beat him one, even if his realm is a bit higher than the orcs, it will not help.

Looking at the time, more than half an hour has passed since the army retreated, which is enough time for them to retreat to Yumo City.

As time went on, the situation became more and more serious.

Seeing that the human army will not be able to hold on, it will be defeated across the board.

Zheng Guangrong made a bold decision.

"Death squad, suicide attack. Delay squad, retreat!"

Following Zheng Guangrong's order, the army panicked for a moment, but soon suppressed it again.

They knew that this time they were really going to die on the battlefield, but before they died, they had to bite off a piece of orc flesh.

The Death Squad and the Delay Squad were established very early by the Luo Yan Legion.

A death squad composed of 3,000 elite infantry, and a harassing delaying squad composed of 5,000 light cavalry.

Used to stop the enemy's march.

For the battlefield behind, delay time.

Zheng Guangrong, who has experienced many battles, did not expect that he would use it on the day he was in power.

Of the 5,000-man dragging team, only 3,000 were left. They quickly left the battle, and the news was in the dense jungle behind them.

There are less than 2,000 of the 3,000 death squads left, and they ignited the magic explosives on their bodies one by one.

Fearless of life and death, he passed over the heads of his comrades and rushed into the orc phalanx.

With the sword in hand, he died with an orc warrior, and exploded in the final smile.

This is a magical creation with great power and short detonation time.

It is specially used for decisive battles with orcs and suicide attacks.

Anyone who uses this magical creation will surely die without life!

This is something that no one wants to use.

A burst of violent explosions caused quite a panic in the orc phalanx.

Even the offensive formation is much weaker.

Such a ferocious suicide attack shocked the orc army quite a bit.

"Hahaha! Try the great gift that our human race gave you!"

Seeing the soldiers rushing into the orc phalanx without fear of life and death, Zheng Guangrong smiled wryly.

Then a huge force erupted in the body!

"No, he's going to ignite blood essence, everyone be careful!"

The well-informed orc general was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly asked the two leaders of the same level to stand by.

In the battle with the human race, many elite orc generals died in the suicide attacks of the human race.

This method of burning essence and blood is unique to the human race.

Although the highlight moment is only one minute!

The orcs also learned it secretly, but it was useless at all.

This has also become one of the things that orcs fear!

Just when the three orc leaders were ready to deal with the impact.

Zheng Guangrong rushed into the army behind the orcs in the blink of an eye, and caught the orcs by surprise.

Because most of the time, the fighting style of the human race is aimed at the orc generals.

You don't lose if you kill one, and you earn one if you kill two.

The three orc leaders who were getting ready widened their eyes. They didn't expect this damned human to kill the orcs behind them.

A general of the human race who exploded into the ordinary beast crowd, isn't this a wolf into the sheep?

Kill all crazy.

Just three seconds after the three orc leaders were stunned, Zheng Guangrong had killed a thousand orcs.

And the numbers are still rising.

"々. Stop him!"

Fogg roared, pulling the two leaders beside him back to reality, and the three (male Zhao) rushed towards Zheng Guangrong angrily.

Who would have thought that Zheng Guangrong would not even block, and desperately killed the orc soldiers.

Due to the large gap, the three orc leaders couldn't effectively intercept Zheng Guangrong.

It just left several deep and visible bone wounds on his body.

But what's the use?

His highlight moment is only one minute.

Then you have to die.

Even cutting off his arm will not help, Zheng Guangrong is still killing indiscriminately in the army of orcs!

A minute passed in the blink of an eye.

Zheng Guangrong closed his eyes with a smile, although he can only do so much!

In this short minute, there were more than ten thousand orc soldiers killed by Zheng Guangrong.

The right time, place and people! Both are indispensable!

Otherwise, this short one minute would not have produced such an astonishing result, even if Zheng Guangrong, who was burning with essence and blood, was already infinitely close to the Golden Warrior!.

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