Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 219 Five Thousand Archers, Let's Understand The Rain Of Arrows?

"Hey! Humans, you should surrender! Surrender to our orcs, and you can get an extra official job!"

"Fuck you Ma De, you ugly bastard still wants Lao Tzu to submit, let your mother do a striptease first!"

"court death!"

In the sky not far from the city, three areas were divided for four silver-level battles between humans and orcs.

When you come up, it is a warm greeting.

A total of eight silver-rank fighters from the two groups bumped into each other with a bang.

For a while, it was impossible to fight.

Both sides want to kill each other's silver level as much as possible, so as to relieve the pressure on the fighters below.

"It's not good, the west gate has been breached!"

"How is it possible, the main force of the orcs is obviously at the east gate, how could there be extra troops to break through the west gate?"

After the city lord got the news, he was in a state of confusion, so he had to go to Ximen to check in person.

Bringing the last thousand guards of the City Lord's Mansion, with the determination to die, block the attack of the orcs.

Warcraft Mountains!

The Priestess of the Moon, Tyrande, led a large army and marched towards the west of Yumo City.

The queue marched forward neatly, and dozens of huntresses released their sentries, turning into almost invisible owls and flying into the distance.

Everything around is under control.

After several hours of marching, we finally came to 443, not far from the rear of the orcs.

Even Sentinel Owl, has spotted the Orc stronghold.

Everything is within Tyrande's grasp.

Although it was still daylight and it was impossible to hide and march, Tyrande didn't take the orc base camp that was so empty.

"Brother! Why don't we take a break! How could someone sneak attack in this wilderness!"

"Hey! After standing on duty all night, you still let us stand, you really don't treat us as orcs!"

The two yawning orc infantry kept complaining.

Looking at another, stronger orc, his eyes were full of hope.

"Okay, okay, I'll watch over this, you guys hide in a more secret place, don't let anyone find out!"

"Long live Big Brother!"

The orc captain waved his hands at them in disgust, and let them go to rest.

Just when the two lazy orcs found a hidden place, they were just about to lie down and sleep.

A swipe of an arrow pierced an orc's neck.


The other orc stared wide-eyed, and instantly became refreshed, not sleepy at all.

I was so scared that I was about to call for help!

Unexpectedly, before he shouted the word save, another arrow shot through his neck with precision.

The orc stared at the two big eyes, dying with regret.

How could he know, how could he get married if he was lazy!

"You say you, why worry, if this operation fails, Lord Sacrifice wants you to look good!"

"Sister, I was wrong, am I excited if I don't see the enemy! This is the first time I have fought against creatures other than Warcraft, so excited!"

"Okay! Hurry up and search for the rest of the enemy army!"

Seeing her getting more and more excited, the leading elite archer immediately stopped her, and a group of more than ten people continued to infiltrate.

There are more than 30 teams like this, and they all scattered out to clean up the sentries outside the orc base camp.

The large army waited quietly on a high slope.

"Enemy attack!"


The shouting orc fell to the ground on the spot.

The orc base camp became chaotic. At this time, there were still 5,000 ordinary infantry in the orc base camp. Those who failed to go to the battlefield were holding back their energy!

Just when they heard that there were enemies, they rushed over excitedly one by one.

"Where is the enemy? Where?"

whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen arrows pierced the neck of the screaming orc precisely.

Only then did the orcs discover a few hundred meters away, several women in robes.

"There they are, kill them!"

More and more orcs are gathering here, a large group of Ulala squeeze me and squeeze yours to kill the elf team.

The archers fired dozens more arrows, and seeing that the distance was less than two hundred (dbaa) meters, they ran away.

And the orcs here don't have long-range troops, only infantry with big axes, and they won't be able to catch up with them for a while.

While you were chasing after me, more and more elf squads arrived and cooperated with each other to evacuate to the target point.

The orcs who were chasing were miserable, but the orcs with shields were fine and could withstand the attack of the archers.

Those poor jingling orcs are miserable, not to mention low-level, and they only have a big ax all over their bodies.

Although the battle is fierce and brave, it is a living target in front of long-range troops.

In a short distance of three kilometers, hundreds of people were killed!

The general who stayed behind was so angry that he came out of his tent directly.

The strength of the early stage of the ninth level is fully revealed.

"Run! Why don't you run!"

"I didn't expect it to be a group of juicy girls. There are so many of them. Brothers are lucky! Hahaha!"

The orc general said arrogantly, staring lewdly at the elf archer's long legs, drooling.


A magical arrow wrapped in orange flame pierced the orc general's heart in the blink of an eye.

The powerful magic arrow pierced through the guards of more than a dozen orc generals one after another before dissipating slowly.

"This, this general is dead!"

"Avenge the general and kill these little bastards!"

Seeing the general hang up in the blink of an eye, all the orcs are a little confused, what's going on?

Then some orcs finally came to their senses and shouted to avenge the general, all the orcs regained their composure and rushed over angrily.


The cold voice resounded all around, and the orcs saw arrows raining across the sky, and there was no more.

There were 5,000 archers neatly arranged in ten rows, and after only one round of salvo, most of the nearly 5,000 orcs were gone.

Most of the rest were hit by an arrow. Although there was nothing serious, their hearts were hit hard.

What kind of family is this? Thousands of archers, it seems that the level is not low. At the very least, there are third-level fighters, right?

The surviving orcs are all above level three.

A third-level archer can't kill a third-level fighter with one blow, but this is a dense rain of arrows!

Even high-level fighters may not survive a few rounds.

This is still the case when the opponent's archers do not have advanced fighters.

Once the archer reaches the seventh level or above, it will be an earth-shaking change.

Not to mention the mysterious role of the general who shot the arrow in seconds.

Before the orcs could react, another round of arrows rained down densely.

The orc only said: Mom, my head is numb!

With three salvos, there were no living monks to be seen on the battlefield. .

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