Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 220 Orc Extermination Base Camp, Layout!

Only then did Tyrande order that the huntress go down to make up the knife, and only then did two hundred of the thousand huntresses in the distance charge towards the pile of corpses.

Seeing the corpse is the Moonblade's ten consecutive hits, plus the Moonblade's rebound attack, a total of 4,000 times!

Do you not believe that there are orcs who can live and pretend to be dead?

With occasional screams, it finally fell silent!

As soon as Tyrande waved his hand, thousands of huntresses charged towards the orc base camp in unison!

The orc army has been given such a long time, it should be enough for them to tip off the news, right?

"Report! General, our base camp has been attacked by the enemy, and the situation is unknown!"

"What? The human race still has troops to attack us? Could it be that the enemy reinforcements are coming?"

A ninth-level orc who led the charge hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield, took his troops and rushed back to the base camp.

In this regard, the Ximen crisis was lifted.

"Why did the orc retreat?"

"We won! We fought off the orcs!"

"Aww, oh!"

Ximen's hard-working soldiers hugged each other excitedly and began to receive Ximen to quickly organize the defense line.

The eight silver-level fighters fighting in the sky were already out of breath, and at this time they also heard about the attack on the orc base camp.

The four orc generals wanted to leave the battlefield immediately.

But how could the silver level of the human race be as they wished?

One by one desperately blocked, the orcs couldn't escape at all for a while.

The more anxious the orcs are, the more excited the humans are!

Of course, they also knew that if the orcs attacked fiercely, they wouldn't be able to stop them for long.

Can only do our best.


Where's the enemy? Where's the base camp?

The first general who arrived led his 10,000 people to look around in a hurry.

He just came to support yesterday, but the base camp is gone?


"General! Nobody!"

"General, there are none here!"

"General! No one found us!"

The successive reports gave him a bad premonition.

whoosh whoosh!

At this time, it was still dark, and the sky seemed to be dark suddenly, and all the orcs looked up suspiciously.

Suddenly frightened and lost his voice.

I saw arrows raining down the sky one after another, covering the sky.

When the enemy army reached the ambush circle, there was no need for special command at all, and they directly came to shoot ten consecutive strikes!

The orc army hurriedly swung their axes, fending off the sky in the sky.

It's a pity that there were too many arrows, and the low-level orcs didn't even survive a round, so they received a box lunch on the spot.

The rest are good level orcs, still struggling to support.

After ten rounds of continuous volley, the orcs were killed or injured.

There are less than two thousand orcs alive.

Most are wounded.

"Be wary of the surroundings, beware of sneak attacks!"

The general looked around in fear, for fear that a group of enemy troops would suddenly rush out and surround them.

After a full two minutes of silence, the general wanted to arrange for someone to go to the camp to investigate.

There are dense arrows flying in the air!

"Damn! There is no end!"


The general was so angry that he cursed, but he still ordered all the orcs to resist.

With the experience of resisting the rain of arrows, and the surviving orcs are all above level four, the lethality of the rain of arrows is greatly weakened.

But this round of salvo still took away nearly a hundred orcs.

Like this, a two-minute pause, a salvo.

After a two-minute pause, another salvo was fired.

The general knows that he can't wait anymore.

My group is no match for the unknown enemy at all.

There are more than 10,000 people, and only a thousand people are left before they meet. How can this be done?


With the general's order, the surviving orcs breathed a sigh of relief, one by one scrambling to retreat to Yumo City.

I want to meet up with the orcs over there.

By the way, explain the situation encountered.

Just after the orc general led the remnants out of the base camp, the thousand huntresses had been waiting for a long time.

Charged on them.

"Cavalry! Enemy cavalry!"

The orcs who saw it were all shocked, who is this enemy.

With so many elite archers, there are even cavalry!

And the mounts they ride are very strange, they are almost the same as those of the orcs.

It is completely different from the common cavalry of the human race.

They can't allow them to think too much, they can only be prepared to deal with the impact.

But what happened next was completely different from what I thought.

At a distance of 100 meters, this group of cavalry did not continue to charge them, but started to run around them.

What's the situation?

…‥Seeking flowers 0

Soon, they understood.

Countless magical moon blades exuding a terrifying aura shot at the orcs one after another.

Most of the orcs couldn't even stand it, and fell to the ground and died on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the moon blade would bounce after attacking and attack the people around it.

Although the power has weakened, it is not because of them working a few times.

Just three minutes.

The battle is resolved.

The orc general vomited blood, and it seemed that he would not survive.

The weakest cavalry in this group has the strength of level five, and they are still magicians!

The strongest one was even a lot higher than his aura, although he didn't make a move, but he knew it was very strong!

"Who the hell are you...?"

With doubts, he died.

"Hey! Don't you want to keep two people alive and let them report the news?"

"Don't worry, keep it!"

"But, looking at him like that, can he still live to report the news?"


More and more orc troops learned the news that the base camp was wiped out.

They gave up the siege one after another and prepared to gather together and head to the base camp together.

The house was stolen, what a fart!

Don't be afraid of being made dumplings!

"What's going on! How could the base camp be destroyed!"

"How did you defend, the enemy has knocked down the base camp without a sound, a bunch of trash!'

Fogg kept reprimanding the orcs under his hand, and he was already very angry with the silver-ranked human fighters.

Coupled with such bad news, he immediately became angry three times.

"We can't take down here anymore, the enemy reinforcements are coming, we have to evacuate!"

Hank said in a low voice.

"Retreat? Coward! If you want to retreat, you should retreat yourself! Your home has been stolen, so you know how to escape! The orcs have lost all face!"

"Fogg! Who do you call a coward? Want to practice with me!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, what a big deal, the enemy is still nearby!"

Seeing that the two generals had sparks and wanted to fight, the old peacemaker Ruit hurried forward to fight.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

Henk and Ford said in unison.

Rhett didn't dare to speak directly, you are amazing, can't I afford to provoke or hide?

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