Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 224 The Third Prince Is Here, And The Third Prince Is Gone!

"Leader, let's go back!"

Seeing that the third prince really had bad intentions, Wang Gantang wanted to drag Song Qian'er away.

"Hey? Why are you here, and you want to leave! We haven't talked about this yet!"

"I heard that your Rose Mercenary Squad is quite strong, and this prince wants to recruit you into my corps, so let's try your strength first!

At this moment, the Third Prince had already thrown aside his gorgeous coat.

After speaking, he gave a wicked smile, and immediately sent Wang Gan flying.


Seeing her sister being beaten into the air, Song Qian'er was furious.

He took out the magic wand from the space ring and recited the spell.

But the third prince had been prepared for a long time, and he rushed to Song Qianer in the blink of an eye, and knocked Song Qianer's magic staff away with a single palm.

Song Qian'er, who was forced to stop the spell, spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and was imprisoned by the third prince with both hands.

"Zizizi! Your strength is not enough, it's a pity that you have such a beautiful face!"

"It's delicious!"

The third prince stroked Song Qian'er's face with his fingers appreciatively, took a deep breath, and looked intoxicated.

"Made, kill him!"

Suddenly there was a roar at the door.

A magic moon blade hit the third prince fiercely, and sent him flying far away. He spat out a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes, kicked his legs, and didn't breathe!

"A little eighth-level fighter! How dare you touch Lao Tzu's woman, I'm getting impatient."

Just when Ye Chen wanted to continue cursing, Song Qian'er quickly grabbed the corner of his clothes with her small hands.

"He is the Third Prince!"

Song Qianer said in a low voice.

Although Ye Chen came, she was very excited, but what happened next was frightened.

Ye Chen's people, oh no, it should be the people from the Rose Mercenary Corps who killed the third prince in an instant!

This is the end of the calf.

It's reasonable and I can't explain it clearly. It is estimated that there is no place for the Rose Mercenary Group to survive in Ningyuan Country.

It's even about to be mobbed!

"Ha! This wretched grandson is the third prince?"

Ye Chen froze for a moment, he didn't expect it, he really didn't expect it.

I looked again at the guy who was not breathing and was lying on the ground.


The third prince has just arrived, so it's over.

Who is to blame? He still blames himself for not attacking anyone well, but attacking the people around him.

deserve it!

"Withdraw! There is no way to stay here!"

Ye Chen knew that no matter how he explained, it was useless, killing was killing. (dbfc) can only take them back to the Warcraft Mountains.

This good day has not been enjoyed for a long time, and it is gone again.

It's all the fault of the perverted third prince.

Can't walk when you see a girl?

"Huh? By the way!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ye Chen's mind, as if he had thought of something.

He hurriedly ran to the third prince's body, touched it around, and finally only found two space rings.

Too late to open and view.

The wind is tight, shout!

Ye Chen immediately led the crowd to quickly pack up their things, left the city gate, and ran away.

Before running away, Ye Chen dismissed the matter of the third prince taking credit for his work and sent him to the doctor.

Whether others believe it or not is another matter.

The seeds are sown, and sooner or later there will be fruits!

And in the city lord's mansion, after a while, there was a scream, and this happened!

The City Lord's Mansion suddenly became a mess. The third prince was assassinated and killed in the City Lord's Mansion. They also need to cool off.

Yuan Chou rushed over when he heard the sound, feeling extremely terrified in his heart.

The third prince was assassinated and died under his protection, so he must die!

"Eh? There's help! There's still help!"

After the inspection, Yuan Ti shouted excitedly.

There is no unparalleled road. Fortunately, some time ago, he found a high-grade rare potion, which is very precious.

Even if there is only one breath left, it can be saved.

It's just that it will lead to a sharp drop in the realm, and it's only valid for people below the silver level.

If he hadn't already become a silver rank, he might have used this potion.

And at this moment, the third prince was still heaving a sigh of relief, if the breath dissipated, the gods would be hard to save!

Afraid of accidents, Yuan Ti quickly served the third prince.

In an instant, the third prince's whole body glowed with light.

The wound healed quickly, and his pale face slowly turned rosy, and he began to breathe.

It's done! My life is saved!

Yuan Ti cried excitedly.

Although the third prince was rescued, he will still be punished.

Protecting the third prince is not good!

"Who met the third prince last!"

"General, he is the head of the Rose Mercenary Group. The third prince once ordered that no one should be disturbed."

One of the subordinates said tremblingly.

"The rose mercenary group is very good! The whole city is searched and arrested, and they must be captured alive!"

Yuan Yi gave an order, and the whole city was under martial law!

The whole Yumo City was in chaos.

At this time, the Rose Mercenary Group had already fled and went to the Warcraft Mountains.

And in Yumo City, rumors spread one after another.

"Have you heard that the third prince was assassinated and almost died!"

"Ah? How did the Third Prince be assassinated? What happened? Tell me!"

"I don't know that!"

"Cut! Tell me if you don't know, it's tempting!"

"Hey, hey! I know about this. It is said that it was the third prince who forcibly robbed the civilian girl and was found out, and he was beaten to death on the spot!"

"How is it possible? That's in the City Lord's Mansion, and it's heavily guarded!"

"It is said that the third prince sent all the guards out and gave an order not to be disturbed!"

"Oh! That's how it is! But, isn't the Third Prince a great hero? How could he do such a nasty thing?"

"I know this. My uncle's second uncle's third aunt's fourth nephew is working in the city lord's mansion. They say that the third prince pretended to be a military worker, and he was not the one who saved Yumo City!"

"Hush! Be careful, this matter is not interesting to talk about, it will be over soon!"

In just one day, all kinds of rumors flew up, saying everything.

Only there is no mention of the Rose Mercenary Corps!

And the big guy was a little suspicious about the third prince.

That's how the seed germinated.

A whole week passed before the third prince woke up slowly.

Thinking of being plotted against, Yi Shi was furious.

And this mastermind is the only man in the Rose Mercenary Group, the third prince can't wait to smash Ye Chen to pieces immediately.

Just about to get up, I suddenly felt something weird.

Taking a closer look, my own cultivation has dropped to a fourth-level fighter!

I am an eighth-level fighter, and I am only a few months away from a ninth-level fighter!


With a scream, the third prince fainted again.

The eunuch Zhao Si, who heard the news, hurried over to check, and saw that there was nothing serious.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Check it out for the miscellaneous family. The Rose Mercenary Group must be destroyed. No, the miscellaneous family will tear them into pieces!"

Zhao Si was very angry at this time, he had just walked away when the prince had a serious accident.

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