Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 225 The Orcs Strike Again, The Third Prince Who Underestimates The Enemy!

Although the third prince had a great life and survived, his cultivation level fell to a fourth-level fighter.

Although no cultivation base is lost, it is not much better.

I don't know how long it will take to restore to the eighth-level fighter!

The battle for succession is even more difficult!

Your own plans are completely disrupted!

Now he hates Ye Chen's teeth itching!

But now Ye Chen and others disappeared without a trace as if they didn't exist, which made him helpless.

Ye Chen and the others also lived in the Warcraft Mountains.

"Wow! There is even a small house here,~ so beautiful!"

Seeing the elf hut, Nan Boer jumped up curiously.

Look east and west.

"Is this for us to live in?"

"Of course! There are many rooms, just pick one!"

Ye Chen waved his hand indifferently, chose a room at random, and went to rest.

Only then did everyone stroll around, and found that there were only a few styles of elf huts, they picked the one they liked, and lived in it.

"It's amazing, the toilet has its own small magic circle!"

Nanboer was shocked by the novelty as if it was the first time entering the city.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly small room has complete functions.

And there are thousands of elf soldiers living around, forming a barracks.

Guard the perimeter!

With so many elves as companions, you won't feel lonely at home!

Practice is on the right track!

In this way, the days passed day by day.

Yumo City suddenly heard a bad news, and the orcs sent two more troops to attack Yumo City.

It is said that this time the number of orcs was even greater.

Can they stop it?

"Hurry up and escape! Before the orcs surround this place! You can still escape, and you won't be able to get out any later!"

"A group of cowards, our third prince sits in Yumo City, with a mere orc army, so why not be afraid!"

"The ignorant is fearless, I hope you will not regret it in the future!"

"Hey? What do you mean, you should explain clearly!"

Disputes are everywhere, some believe in the Third Prince, some believe in Yumo City, and of course more are...

But for most people, they have lived in Yumo City for most of their lives, so how could they just leave.

Guarding Yumo City is everyone's responsibility.

"A mere orc! I can destroy it with a wave of my hand!"

"Third prince, don't underestimate the enemy!"

"When did you become so timid?"

Seeing the proud and ambitious appearance of the third prince, Zhao Si felt both happy and sad.

Although having confidence is a good thing, it doesn't make you blindly confident.

Killing a few orcs who lost their combat effectiveness makes them think that their army is invincible, and it is conceivable that something will happen.

But the orcs were about to approach the city, and under this situation, the third prince was retreating, and the reputation he had accumulated would be ruined.

We can only hope that the third prince will become more courageous after suffering this setback.

With the recovery of a large amount of precious potions, the cultivation of the third prince has also returned to the peak of the sixth level.

It will take some time to return to level eight.

If ordinary people suffer from such an accident, it is not impossible for them to recover from a setback, let alone recover their cultivation.

It's nice to have money.

"The orcs are coming, the orcs are coming!"

The onlookers on the city wall rubbed their eyes fiercely, and when they realized that it was not a hallucination, they shouted in panic.

The surrounding soldiers took action one after another, closing the city gates and preparing supplies for the defense of the city.

After this short period of time, the purchase of city defense materials is the top priority, so the city defense materials are quite sufficient.

It's just that the loss of personnel is not optimistic about replenishment.

Including the surviving soldiers of the Luo Yan Legion, the entire Yumo City is only 70,000.

Including the 100,000 elite of the third prince, it is only 170,000.

If you defend desperately and wait for reinforcements, it is not hopeless.

"Soldiers, follow my prince to charge and kill the orcs!"

The third prince excitedly rode on his war horse [bring 20,000 yuan and rode out of the city first.

Behind them were 70,000 infantry, followed by 10,000 archers.

"No! The third prince can't go out!"

The city owner was shocked when he saw that the third prince was going out of the city to fight.

This has the convenience of a city, but it may not be able to defend the city. If you go out of the city to fight, isn't that a death sentence?

You die as soon as you die, you can't drag down the millions of soldiers and civilians in Yucheng!

"Go away, I will deal with you after the prince wins the battle!"

The third prince kicked the city lord with a disgusted look on his face, and turned him into a big somersault.

...ask for flowers...

Then speed up to kill the orcs.

"It's over! My Yumo City is over!"

The city lord Bai Potian wailed like a child, he didn't expect the third prince to be so unbearable.

If it was true as the rumors said, the result of destroying the orc base camp and repelling the orcs was simply claimed by the third prince.

But it's too late to say anything, even if you desperately want to defend Yumo City.

He wiped away his tears in two or three strokes, got up from the ground and went to discuss with Zheng Yan, the head of the Luoyan Legion.

"What? Why don't you stop him from ordering?"

After hearing this, Zheng Yan looked in disbelief, and stared at Bai Potian with big eyes.

"I can't stop it, I can't stop it! The last battle hurt my foundation, not to mention my strength has regressed, even a fifth-level fighter might not be able to beat a level 5 fighter, how do you want me to stop it?"

As he spoke, Bai Potian cried aggrievedly.

"You're a man of decades, you really don't feel ashamed, pay it back!"

Zheng Yan sighed and slumped on the chair with a decadent look.

The city lord Bai Potian is a man, and he has noticed it during this time.

It can be said that he lives for Yumo City.

Now, Yumo City is about to suffer, but he can do nothing.

"Let's find a way, how to get through this difficulty!"

"The above said that the army of the third prince is here, so we must protect the safety of the third prince. The reinforcements are being urgently mobilized, and they will arrive in two days!"

"Heh! So, we are still entrusting the blessing of the Third Prince?"

Zheng Yan said mockingly.

"The key is that the third prince has brought out his entire army of 100,000, how many will be left? How can this little force last for two days?"

The room fell silent again.

"Hahaha! The orc is right in front of you, kill me!"

"Third Prince, don't rush so fast, be careful of the danger!"

The few cavalry generals at the side were sweating profusely. The third prince didn't know the horror of the orcs at all.

If you go on like this, you will suffer a big loss!

You have to protect the third prince well, otherwise their lives will be in jeopardy!

20,000 cavalry, like a sharp long sword, cut into the orc army in an instant.

This team of orcs has more than one hundred thousand soldiers, but they are only ordinary orc infantry. .

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