Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 230 Successfully Repelling The Orcs, The Enemy Has Doubted Life!

But at the moment, the orcs are very busy.

The originally innocuous rain of arrows gradually became stronger and stronger, and more and more orcs were killed or injured.

"What's going on? Isn't it a good defense? Why are the casualties getting bigger and bigger?"

The orc general caught the orc commanding to resist the rain of arrows, and roared angrily.

"General, I don't know, it seems that the enemy's archers are getting stronger and stronger! No, they must have sent more people, it must be like this!"

Feeling the general's anger, he said tremblingly.

"Damn it, what happened to the dozen teams that went out to investigate? Have you found the enemy's position? The key is the enemy's archers!"

"All the reconnaissance teams we sent out lost contact, and none of them came back!"

The orc general was about to go mad with anger. If he continued to fight like this, even if he captured this city.

There are not many people left in his army!

"Damn it, don't let me catch you and divide you into eight pieces!"

The orc general roars incompetently!

He is so imposing that he can't make a move at the silver level, he is already angry enough, if he is not afraid of the top powerhouses of the human race.

He rushed up early and broke through the opposite line of defense.

Instead of directing and watching plays here!

"You, take 10,000 people, find the enemy's location, and send messengers!"

"Yes, General, if you can't complete the task, come and see me!"

The orc general arranged for good people to continue to resist the enemy's archer attack, and he personally led the people to kill them!

"According to that direction, everyone, charge with all your strength!"

The orc general thought for a while, considering where the archers might exist.

The order is given, the whole army goes out!

Don't care if you get ambushed!

Anyway, it's all fog, you can't see me, I can't see you!

But the general position of your archer has already been known by this general!

Unexpectedly, just after running a few hundred meters, dense arrows fell down.

A large number of orcs were completely unprepared and died on the spot.

"Enemy attack!"

The miserable screams all reflect the panic of this army!

"I don't believe it. You are an archer! You are not a siege crossbow. Could it be that the range can reach two thousand meters?"

Feeling the direction of the arrow, he was sure that the local archer was less than a few hundred meters ahead.

"Kill, the enemy is ahead, and victory is at hand!"

The orcs rushed up excitedly, and countless arrows responded to them.

With the prepared orcs, although most of them were resisted, the casualties were still obvious.


A magic bullet shot straight into the sky, and the light emitted was faintly visible in the foggy sky.

But that's enough!

The orc general at the south gate laughed, and quickly dispatched an army of 30,000 to kill in the direction of the signal flare.

Destroy the sneak attacking enemy in one fell swoop.

As for the human line of defense here, these 40,000 troops are enough!

The support battle on Ximen's side also started.

After repelling the orcs in the north of the city, the troops rushed to the west of the city to continue killing the orcs.

It is really easy to use war to support war, after killing a lot of enemies.

The archers have not only upgraded their level, but many archers have reached their full level.

How could Ye Chen let go of such a good opportunity to kill enemies and gain experience?

The full-level units are waiting, and those who are not at the full level will be the first to upgrade.

As a result, the greater the casualties of the orcs, the faster Ye Chen's troops will be upgraded, and the battlefield is indeed a good place.

By eating this group of orcs, it is estimated that there will be at least nearly 10,000 full-level troops, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

In the south of the city, the 30,000 troops who came to besiege and kill the elf archers have already joined forces.

At this time, more than 5,000 orcs have been lost, and they are now one kilometer or two kilometers away from the south gate.

No trace of enemy archers has yet been found.

The orc general is going crazy, this group must have moved their positions, otherwise they would have been found long ago.

"Feilan! You didn't find the enemy, what kind of flares are you firing?"

The orc general who dared to come to support saw that there was no one around, and there were only a large number of arrows attacking, so he immediately taunted.

"You can do it!"

Fei Lan had nothing to say and could only reply.

"I come and I come, trash, go aside!"

The general who came to support taunted him, and then rushed directly to the distance with full fighting spirit.

How can it be so difficult to find an enemy?

"Hey! The general said that silver-level wars cannot be launched!"

As soon as Fei Lan finished speaking, a red magic arrow pierced through the supporting generals in the blink of an eye.

…seeking flowers……………………

Immediately lost breath, instant kill!

"It's over! Retreat! Retreat!"

Fei Lan saw that it was over, and instantly killed the early silver level.

He can't bear it even if he specifies it.

The orc army retreated cautiously while resisting the rain of arrows.

"Run away!"

Before Feilan finished speaking, a huge explosion exploded in the square formation, and the formation suddenly dispersed.

Feilan ran away without saying a word. He was not like those brainwashed orcs who were so foolish as to go up to die even though they knew they were invincible.

Before he could escape the joy of being born.

Another magic arrow shot his head off on the spot!

Seeing that the two generals were dead, the orcs who knew the situation ran away in fright, and a large number of orcs in front of them slowly resisted the arrows of the archers.


Still retreating slowly!

There were more than 10,000 orcs who escaped, and these were handed over to the huntresses to upgrade

Fire suppression within a range of 100 meters, coupled with a flexible posture.

Orcs without long-range means became living targets.

The orcs who have lost their fighting spirit can only obediently turn them into experience to enrich Ye Chen's army.

The battle ended in less than half an hour. It is worthy of being an elite army of orcs, and they have given a lot of experience.

There are more and more full-level players, and more and more high combat power.

The archers were the first to reach the full level, and their lethality was even more astonishing.

The orcs attacking the defense line at the south gate were still obsessed with the joy of not being disturbed by the rain of arrows.

They all felt that the enemy attacking outside the city had been wiped out.

They will never know until their death that their people were actually wiped out!

At this time, the orcs in the west of the city could not resist the pressure and retreated.

For the first time, the army of elves joined forces to launch a general attack on the orcs at the South Gate!

Yes, more than 10,000 people beat 40,000 orcs!

Ye Chen stopped adopting indecent tactics, and directly pressed the army.

Ten thousand archers attacked directly, and five thousand huntresses pressed forward to prevent the orcs from retreating.

Isn't this just making dumplings?

As for the orc's silver-level combat power, it's enough to leave it to Tyrande.

After killing so many silver ranks today, I am afraid that there is only one or two short of being able to directly break through to rank 11, which is the level of the great magister!

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