Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 231 Cheers From Yumo City!

The orcs at the south gate were in full swing, and the general of the orcs was extremely excited.

Looking back, he watched the growing magic arrows shoot three times in a row, and fell into silence.

In the late silver period, seconds are up!

There was a flash of light all over Tyrande's body, and a terrifying coercion emanated instantly.

But it was well hidden in the next second.

Tyrande just rose to level 11 and became a powerhouse comparable to the golden warrior and great magister!

Fighting monsters and upgrading is delicious, Ye Chen looks envious for a while!

If he can fight monsters and level up, he can go directly to places with a lot of monsters and burst out.

The level is not rising slowly? It is not the practice that is hard now!

The rest of the orc infantry panicked and responded to the attack of the tens of thousands of archers.

But now, how can they resist the archer army that has been upgraded and their strength has greatly increased?

The huntresses also fought desperately at "127". Because of the level limit, the archers reached the full level early at the peak of level 6 or level 7.

They must at least reach the peak of the eighth level.

What's more, the level of orcs is only seven or eight.

Plus scattered nine-level generals.

Not enough points at all, and even complained that the archers have reached their full level and competed with them for experience!

However, complaints are complaints, and Ye Chen's orders are supreme.

Ye Chen's words are the first principle of the elves!

Destroying the orcs is the first goal!

"Fugui? Look, have the orcs retreated?"

"Where? Where? Let me see! It really is!"

"The orcs have retreated, the orcs have retreated, and we are defending!"

"Woooooo! I'm still alive!"


At the south gate line of defense, more and more people came to their senses.

In this battle, the city was almost destroyed!

They were almost wiped out!

They almost lost their home!

They were very fortunate that they still had it, and they kept it, but then they fell silent again.

It was only then that the orcs attacked so ferociously.

The south gate was broken, and even the anti-blocking was almost gone.

"You two, report the situation to the city lord, and I will take someone to the front to check. Who will follow me!"


"I go."

"Take me one."

"I'll go as well!"

Everyone shouted to go, but they couldn't go together. If the orcs play tricks, everyone who goes there will die, and who will guard the line of defense if they are all dead.

Randomly called a dozen people, with determination.

Proceed forward cautiously.

But what they saw next shocked everyone, and they walked two hundred meters without seeing a single orc.

But after climbing over a ruin, they saw orc corpses all over the ground.

Most were killed by arrows.

Keep walking, corpses are everywhere, and even traces of magic can be seen.

Is it? Reinforcements?

With doubts, he led everyone back carefully.

This must be reported quickly!

"Hahaha! Good! Great, I knew it was worth the money!"

After the city lord heard the news, he laughed loudly, and the tears in his eyes flowed down his cheeks.

However, he did not expect that this group of mysterious troops would be so powerful.

According to intelligence, this time the orcs wanted to take advantage of the big sky to annihilate Yucheng.

The troops he brought were terrifying.

There are not only 200,000 ordinary orc infantry, but also 100,000 elite orcs.

Among them, they also dispatched 20,000 troll elite spear throwers!

Even Yumo City in its heyday couldn't resist.

The stronger the strength of this group of mysterious troops, the safer Yuji City will be.

Why don't you just pay a little money?

Cough cough, it is indeed a billion points!

At this time, Ye Chen was lost in thought while holding the space ring containing ten million gold coins.

He is also clear about the follow-up transaction with the city lord of Yumo City, this plot is not only why, it is so familiar!

This Yu Mo City really didn't expect that it would be so rich, this is 100 million gold coins, how can I give it?

What's more, he was in Yumo City before, and Song Qian'er was very happy because of the 30,000 gold coins.

This can also allow them to practice steadily for one to three years, which Ye Chen can't understand.

To Ye Chen's surprise, Bai Potian, the lord of the city, also made a small plan that no one knew about.

That is the secret observation, Ye Chen's power.

Although everyone needs to collect the 100 million gold coins, it will still seriously damage the vitality of Xingcheng.

But within a year, they will be spared the destruction of their families!

As for a year later...

Most of the teams sent them back to the Warcraft Mountains, leaving only Tyrande and a dozen or so nine-level peak huntresses!

Ye Chen is now going to find Bai Potian to get the 100 million gold coins that will soon belong to him...

Although 100 million gold coins seems like a lot, when Ye Chen thinks of the elven residents with 2,000 gold coins each, he gets discouraged every day.

One hundred million gold coins is nothing more than 50,000 elf residents. Why are elf residents so expensive?

If this is all made of archers, how many are there!

It's a pity that units like archers are limited. As for how many, Ye Chen still doesn't know yet.

Only on the day when the limit is reached, Ye Chen will know.

"Welcome, welcome, the hero who saved Yufu City twice!"

Bai Potian who rushed over happened to meet Ye Chen.

Seeing this luxurious team lineup, Bai Potian was shocked!

Looking back at Zheng Yan of the Luo Yan Legion, Zheng Yan immediately understood.

He whispered in Bai Potian's ear: "These twenty-odd women riding black panthers all have the aura of the peak of the ninth level! As for the woman riding the white tiger, she is very terrifying, I can't see through it!"

If Zheng Yan, a fighter at the beginning of the silver level, can't see through, it means that this woman's strength will definitely be positive in the later stage of silver!

"My lord, please go to the City Lord's Mansion and take a rest!"

Bai Potian saluted respectfully, and brought Ye Chen and the others to the reception room of the City Lord's Mansion.

As for the matter of the 100 million gold coins, Bai Potian has already started to deal with it.

The first is to let the 1.1 people of Yumo City know who saved them twice.

Even in the future, who will protect them!

The news spread to everyone's ears like a tornado!

"It's great that we can live and finally don't have to wait to die!"

"It turns out that the only man in the Rose Mercenary Group in the legend is the one who led the mysterious army to save us twice!"

"What? Ye Chen who makes millions of men envy and hate?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he is our hero now! You are not allowed to speak ill of him!"

"Isn't it just twenty gold coins per person? I'll donate one hundred! As long as you can protect Yumo City, you can ask for all of my wealth!"

"It turns out that the third prince is really pretending to be a great hero, so shameless!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down and you will die!"

"Whoa! Win, win!"

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