Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 242 Occupy One Side, Get Up!

White crystal coins, blue crystal coins, amethyst coins, colorful crystal coins!

Corresponding to Silver Warrior, Gold Warrior, Crystal Warrior, and Legendary God of War respectively!

These are even more precious cultivation materials!

And the only currency!

Seeing that the staff were about to go back to work, Ye Chen took out another interspatial ring containing one million gold coins.

Passed it to him quietly.

The staff looked at it, nodded in satisfaction, and said.

"If ordinary people come to Central Territory, it is best to go to a kingdom and submit to a good force. The road ahead will be ten times smoother!"

"But, you guys, your strength is good, you can occupy an uninhabited territory and develop slowly!"

“It’s good here!”

After speaking, the staff took out two maps and pointed them out to Ye Chen.

By the way, explain the division of the map.

"How about it, do you want to buy this territory?"

"It only needs one hundred thousand white crystal coins! It can also be one hundred million gold coins!"

"It's very cost-effective. If you don't have enough money, you can also take out a loan. You can pay it together in 10 years! Don't worry, as long as your safety is guaranteed after the certification!"

The staff's words directly hit Ye Chen's heart.

All he needs now is money and territory!

"This place, if I want it, I will take a loan!"

Ye Chen paid another 10 million gold coins and successfully won this territory!

After leaving the pier, Ye Chen led the crowd all the way north, and came to a city with a population of tens of millions.

This is the only city with a teleportation array in a radius of ten thousand li.

It's also the fastest way to get to your destination.

"A group of vampires, they are so damn expensive!"

Ye Chen was in pain and paid another two million gold coins, equivalent to two thousand gold coins per person!

The exchange rate between gold coins and Baijin coins is one thousand to one, and this is the only crystal coin that gold coins can be exchanged for.

As for the crystal coins above, no one will exchange them at all.

Soon, after passing through the teleportation array, Ye Chen and others came to a kingdom called the Red Sleeve Kingdom.

The Red Sleeve Kingdom occupies eleven cities, and there are many uninhabited territories around them.

It is the most suitable for the development of new forces, but there is one point.

Once the new forces grow stronger and there are no crystal warriors or holy magisters in charge, they will be swallowed up by other forces.

This has also led to very few people developing no man's land.

However, for Ye Chen, that is not a problem!

[Ding! Survival mission released: build a city! (Aboriginal population reaches 100,000!)]

[Reward: 100,000 elite human infantry, 10,000 elite human knights!]

[Ding! Survival mission released: Resist the invasion of other forces!]

[Reward: Increase the level of fire magic by one level, and one thousand human griffin knights!]

[Ding! Survival mission released: Conquer a country!]

[Reward: 1 million random elite human units! 10,000 Griffin Knights!]

[Ding! Survival mission released: Development! (The population of the city's aborigines has reached tens of millions!)]

[Reward: A random top legion! A random hero is upgraded by one level!]

With four missions in a row, Ye Chen was very happy.

There are tasks, which means rich rewards.

Now he is worrying about not having enough manpower!

But each of these four tasks is more difficult than the other!

Not to mention the fights, but the two development tasks in it, Chen has a headache.

You are a poor and white person, and the power of the establishment, how can you attract people to live in it.

It's okay to work hard for 100,000 yuan, but 10 million is too much!

Ye Chen came to the selected territory, and found that it was not an empty space, but a dilapidated city of moderate size!

One repair is enough to accommodate a million people!

Looking at the state of disrepair, it is estimated that no one lives there.

Isn't it just a little bit broken, just fix it.

It's a hundred times better than rebuilding a city. Building a city? Where's the money?

Now Ye Chen doesn't have much money on hand, only a little over 100 million gold coins left!

Everything costs money, so save some money.

Gold coins are really irresistible!

This 100 million gold coins is really not much!

"The robber is coming! The robber is coming!"

Ye Chen, who had just entered the city for a while, suddenly spotted several figures.

Before he could say hello in surprise, he ran away in a panic.

Still yelling what robbers are coming?

Do you look like a robber yourself?

Look at the thousand mighty and domineering knights behind them, how can they look like robbers?

Bunch of blind guys!

Ye Chen rode a knight's horse and continued to stroll leisurely.

Since I could see a figure just now, it meant that there must still be people in this city.

Maybe my first task will be completed in a short time!

The streets are dirty, and the shops along the street are already dilapidated.

When seeing residential areas, either they have been abandoned for a long time, or the gates are closed.

There is a high probability that someone is living there!

"The City Lord's Mansion? It's really broken! You guys ask the Venerable Master to check this place and clean it by the way!"

Ye Chen called a few knights and ordered.

"Master, leave this trivial matter to us! Don't bother the knights!"

Thirty sailors hurriedly said, for fear that they would not be able to reflect their own value, they turned around and were abandoned!

"Alright, I'll leave hygiene to you!"

Hundreds of knights rushed in first, looking around to see if there was any danger.

Only when it was found that there was no danger, did the crew go in to clean up.

Ye Chen continued to walk around with the rest of the knights, this is his own 770 city!

Based on magical perception, Ye Chen was sure that there were many people hiding in the surrounding houses.

But for some reason, I am so afraid of them. Could it be that there are really robbers around here?

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

There was a crisp sound, and a glass marble rolled to the side of the road.

A five or six-year-old child ran over in a hurry, picked it up, and was about to run away.

A knight hurriedly stopped him, wanting to ask about the situation here!

"Don't hurt him, he's still a child!"

A young woman burst out of the house, protecting the child behind her.

Looking at Ye Chen and others with a look of fear!

"I'm fighting with you!"

An old lady with extraordinary temperament held up a crutch in her hand, and staggered towards the knight.

Upon seeing this, the knight withdrew his long sword.

"We have no malicious intentions. I am the new lord here. If you have any difficulties, you can talk to me!"

Ye Chen said softly, trying to be as kind as possible.

The old lady's family of three hugged each other, and then carefully looked at Ye Chen and others.

This temperament, this subordinate is indeed not like the previous robbers, so they are relieved.

Coincidentally, the old woman turned out to be the former city lord's mother named Yin Xuan, and the young woman was the former city lord's sister named Qian Yun!.

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