Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 243 Destroy The Robbers And Make A Fortune!

If you say that Yinxuan is only in her fifties, she is no different from an old woman in her seventies or eighties.

The reason is that the family is broken and people are dying, and all kinds of things are worrying.

In order for the only remaining family members to survive, they have exhausted their minds, even at the cost of life yuan to forcibly raise their realm to meet the enemy.

"Search for me, I don't believe they are so lucky this time!"

Suddenly there was an arrogant voice in the distance.

"It's them, it's the crucible!"

Qian Yun was startled, and her arms around her son tightened a bit.

"Oh? A robber? Isn't this the one that delivers the courier?"

Ye Chen laughed disdainfully, waved his hand and asked the paladin to take half of the knights to see what was going on.

By the way, find out the lair of these bandits and destroy them!

Paladin Yilong excitedly rang his big hammer, called out a group of knights, and killed them in a mighty manner.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a mount, otherwise it would be suitable to lead this group of elite knights.

Not far away, a group of smirking people kicked open the door of the street and searched carefully.

After a while, several people were dragged out from several rooms!

"Let her go! You bandits will be punished! I will kill you!"

"Help! Help me! Ah!"

Several robbers tore the clothes of the young woman, and kept swearing.

There are also two robbers pressing the woman's husband to watch!

Boom boom boom boom!

The noise woke up the group of robbers who were looking for fun, and they looked around in horror and became vigilant.

They are most familiar with this voice, but also most afraid of it.

This is a battle caused by a large number of heavy cavalry charges.

This is a three-way zone, why is there an official force?

They didn't understand and had no chance to think.

Some robbers couldn't bear the pressure, and ran away with weak legs and feet.

After a while, cavalrymen armed to the teeth suddenly appeared in front of this group of powerful pavilions.

The powerful deterrence directly destroyed their weak hearts, and they fled directly!

The ninth-level elite knight easily cut the fleeing robbers in half like cutting fruit.

Some knights even stringed them into candied haws with knight spears!

In just ten minutes, only a few of the hundreds of robbers in this dilapidated city were left alive.

Destroy all the rest!

Before being tortured, the few remaining robbers have already told all the news they know.

Even when he was a child, he peeked at the widow in the village taking a bath. He made it clear.

The people hiding in the city applauded after knowing this.

Some even ran out directly, boldly spitting at the robber's corpse on the ground.

It can reflect how hated these bandits are.

The people in the city have greatly improved their favor towards Ye Chen and others.

For Ye Chen's development here, it has made a good start.

After a whole day of statistics, there are still more than one hundred thousand people living in this ruined city, although life is very difficult.

But they still didn't leave to escape!

One is that this is their home.

Second, they have nowhere to go either!

The third is that bandits are rampant on the road, even if you escape, you may be caught by the robbers!

This city was also renamed Chang'an City by Ye Chen!

This is also the first city that Ye Chen actually obtained in another world!

The unification of the continent begins with the development of Chang'an City!

But this first step directly stumped Ye Chen.

It takes a lot of money to repair this dilapidated city!

There is also the problem of the survival of these 100,000 people, and the prosperity and development of Chang'an City still needs a long stream of water.

This group of robbers who are doing evil is a good thing. Exterminating them can greatly relieve the financial pressure.

But according to the captives, there are more than 70,000 bandits in the bandit fortress closest to here, and the power is not simple!

Although he is not as strong as his Thousand Knights, he still knows the truth that ants kill elephants more often!

The robbers who can survive here must have extraordinary strength!

[Ding! Survival mission: build a city! The population reaches 100,000! (Completed!)]

[Reward: 100,000 elite human infantry, 10,000 elite human knights!]

What a coincidence, what happened.

Unexpectedly, the system rewards were issued at this time, and there were 100,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry outside Chang'an City in an instant!

Ye Chen quickly arranged for them to come in.

Now there are more than a hundred thousand mouths, and Ye Chen's pressure is even greater.

Now it is necessary to quickly solve this group of robbers and alleviate the current predicament.

It has to be said that the human race units rewarded by the system are good.

The 100,000 infantry are all seventh-level fighters, and 20,000 are even the peak of the seventh level!

What surprised Ye Chen was that among the 100,000 infantry, there was actually a general at the peak of silver, and ten commanders in the middle and late stages of silver were in charge!

It is a pity that there is a fault between the eighth and ninth levels.

Will there be new surprises when the number of people reaches millions?

Ye Chen is not clear about this.

And this cavalry, that is, the elite knights, all of them are level nine, and there are 3,000 of them are the peak of level nine! A commander at the peak of silver!

Now I am comfortable, this strength is enough to attack even a small kingdom! No, it is more than enough!

Many matters related to the construction of Chang'an City still need to be supervised by Ye Chen personally. As for the matter of exterminating the bandit's lair, it fell to the head of Paladin Yilong.

Leading 90,000 infantry and 10,000 knights, they marched to the bandit's lair!

After two hours of rapid march, the Paladin led the army and finally came to the gathering place of the robbers!

An exquisite fortress, it is said that 70,000 to 80,000 robbers lived here, and there were many people who were captured by the robbers.

Today's Chang'an City needs a large number of people!


For soldiers above level 7, no siege equipment is needed at all, and they can climb the city wall with a few jumps!

(Qian Nuo is good) As for the knights of the ninth level, it is even easier, just go over there!

As for this small fortress, ten thousand knights formed a charge formation, turned into a sharp blade, and cut a big hole with one blow.

Go ahead!

The robber sentries were stunned, how could it be possible!

Before everyone could react, a large number of knights continued to attack many robbers.

The killing continued, and when the knights had killed two back and forth, the 90,000 infantry were belatedly joining the battlefield.

Seeing the infantry entering the arena, the knights stopped rampaging, but divided into three teams.

Cut the entire battlefield, the infantry enters the field, and surround the panicked bandits to death here!

If Ye Chen were here, he would definitely find that the power of warriors and magicians was actually three points weaker!

Since coming to Zhongyu, Ye Chen hasn't made a move in person.

Otherwise, he will definitely make an amazing discovery!.

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