Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 244 Save The People From The Sea Of ​​Suffering And Touch The Interests Of Others!

The battle lasted only two hours, and a bandit fortress was dug through.

Only a small group of robbers scattered in the building resisted tenaciously and refused to surrender.

The big troops were already cleaning up the battlefield, and the gold, silver and treasures looted by various robbers were piled up in secret rooms, which was very spectacular.

I don't know why they are stacked outside instead of inside the space ring.

However, none of this matters anymore.

A total of 170,000 people were rescued by the fortress, and tens of thousands of them were homeless and intended to settle in Chang'an City.

This time, the population of Chang'an City doubled again!

"What? Our stronghold in Heiyao Mountain was taken away?"

"Is that thing still there?"

In a splendid palace, a man in a black python robe was furious, and the cup in his hand was smashed to pieces!

"My lord, please calm down, the little one will investigate!"

After the black-clothed men finished speaking, they left in a flash.

"Even if someone else takes it, it's fine, anyway, they don't know how to open it!"

Only the prince was left in the room with a dark face.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to ruin this king's good deeds, you will be torn to pieces!"

"Master, we found two good things in the bandit's stronghold!"

The paladin came to Ye Chen with a flattering face, took out two small boxes, and handed them over.

"Oh? What is this? 060, this box is very delicate!"

Ye Chen curiously picked up a box, looked to the left, and looked again.

Found it can't be opened!

I tried my best and tried hard, but found that it really couldn't be opened.

Let the Paladin try it.

The paladin patted his chest and said leave it to me.

He frowned and tried his best, but the box remained motionless.

"Hey! It's really strange, is a small box so flat?"

"I don't believe you can stop a burst of fire from heaven?"

Ye Chen wants to put a few large magic spells and blow up the box to the sky.

He can't believe how strong this box is?

"Master, don't do it. The things inside are very precious. It is probably some kind of treasure that can improve your cultivation. What if it breaks!"

The paladin hurriedly stopped him, he deeply felt the treasure in one of the boxes, which was very attractive to him.

There is a high probability that he can quickly improve his strength, but he can't just give it to Huo Huo.

"Then what should I do? Anyway, I can't open it, so I can't leave it as a flower to look at!"

Ye Chen shook his head, stacked the two boxes together, thinking about putting (dbda) there first!

But who would have thought that when the two boxes were stacked together, they would suddenly emit a dazzling light.

Accompanied by a sound of mechanical vibration, an object popped out between the two boxes, one on the left and one on the right!

Slowly radiating light!

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

The paladin stared at a lotus-shaped object, his eyes were so golden that he was almost drooling.

"Do you know what baby this is?"

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know, but it's a good thing, a very good thing! This baby can make me break through the crystal warrior!"

Ye Chen firmly believed in the words of the paladin.

It is impossible for them to lie to themselves. Since it is said to be helpful to their realm, it must be helpful.

"Then I will reward you, hurry up to refine and break through the realm!"

"Thank you, master!"

The paladin took the treasure and ran away without a trace.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

Suddenly, Archmage Vargos rushed in like a gust of wind!


Although the archmage shouted Ye Chen, his eyes were staring at another treasure in the box!

A water blue seed!

What a big one!

"You don't want to say that this treasure is also useful to you, can help you quickly break through the Holy Magister?"

"Hey, master, how do you know?"

"As expected of the master, you have great powers!"

"Take it, take it, refine it quickly, if you can't break through the holy magister, I want you to look good!"

"Thank you, master!"

With a flicker, the archmage disappeared.

It can be seen how urgent it is.

It's a pity that there are only two kinds of good things, and they can only be used by his strongest subordinates to improve the top-level strength.

What's more, among the system rewards, there is a task reward that can increase the level of any hero by one level!

The priestess can fight monsters and upgrade, and it is no surprise to quickly reach the Holy Magister.

The key is in the archmage and the paladin, in case they are random, they are still the archmage or the golden warrior. Wouldn't this unique and great opportunity be wasted?

This is an opportunity to become the God of Law or the God of War for nothing!

Must pay attention to!

He believes that his city, with a population of tens of millions, is not far away!

Although it is only two hundred thousand now!

This treasure is not blessed to enjoy by itself, after this busy period, it's time to practice hard.

It has to be said that Zhongyu is indeed a good place full of talents, and the speed of cultivation has increased several times.

No wonder people often say that the gold level goes everywhere, but the silver level is not as good as a dog!

This cultivation condition beats the Northern Territory countless times!

In this way, Ye Chen's Chang'an City has developed safely for two months!

"Huh? My tree of life has evolved into an ancient tree. Good guy, I can create new troops and heroes!"

Just when Ye Chen was happily making all kinds of creations, and it was real.

Suddenly thought of something terrible, and the hairs stood on end.

"It's broken, I forgot that there is a new hero, the task reward is randomized, but he will be left alone! That's not in vain!"

Just when Ye Chen remembered to stomp his feet, he suddenly discovered that the altar of elders had an additional function.

Heaven-given sublimation: The newly born hero can be upgraded to the highest hero level of the current elves!

Ye Chen clapped his hands together, isn't that the end?

Although it requires a lot of resources, but who is he, he is Ye Chen!

"What? 100 million gold coins, 100,000 white crystal coins can be upgraded to the peak gold level? So expensive?"

Ye Chen has black lines all over his face, but he can still bear it, but the peak gold level is not something he can be satisfied with!

At least at the level of Crystal Warrior, right?

As for the resources consumed, Ye Chen was a bit apprehensive, but it would take a while for the priestess to become a holy demon.

Only then will the required resources be known.

Small difficulties, sprinkle water!

Isn't it just white crystal coins? Just buy them from the orcs!

Ye Chen didn't even remember who stomped his feet in a hurry just now!

In just two months, the city of Chang'an has taken on a new look, and trade with foreign cities can't help but resume.

Even the population has doubled!

Hearing about the prosperity and stability of Chang'an City, more and more displaced people came to settle down with their families!

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