Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 245 If You Spoil My Good Deeds, Then Disappear!

So far, the population of Chang'an City has exceeded one million, and it has been promoted to a city with a population of one million.

It is no worse than before the run-down!

Moreover, the troops stationed in the city are all soldiers above the seventh rank, which greatly improves the sense of security in Chang'an City.

This is unmatched by the cities of many kingdoms!

In the season when Chang'an City was skyrocketing, a news suddenly spread in Chang'an City.

"What? The Wuqi Kingdom is coming to attack us? Why is that!"

"It's bad, it's said that they sent millions of troops, and they want to destroy us directly!"

"It's really deceiving, we still have a new home, they will come to destroy our peace, they will go to hell!"

"Didn't it mean that the lords of the new forces have a ten-year protection period, and other kingdoms are not allowed to send troops to attack? Why do they want to break the rules!"

"I do not know!"

"Yes! Why is that!"

The entire city of Chang'an was in chaos, and Ye Chen- hurriedly sent someone to maintain order.

But there are still 200,000 people who left the city overnight and ran away!

The remaining 800,000 people unexpectedly spontaneously formed a team of 200,000 people with uneven strength.

Want to help Chang'an City, their hard-won home, tide over the difficulties!

Although the strength is average.

But Ye Chen was very moved, and all of them were recruited into the army and trained as a reserve army.

The treatment is still very good.

How could Ye Chen let these lovely people go to die.

Even if the enemy is ten times stronger!

What's more, the attack this time is just a small country.

So is the strength!

Ye Chen is not afraid at all, and Ye Chen is somewhat worried about the enemy's high-end combat power.

Are there crystal warriors or holy magisters?

This is not what Ye Chen knows.

According to intelligence, the strength of this group of millions of troops is mostly in the ranks of fourth- and fifth-level fighters.

A small number of elites are at level six or seven.

No trace of the High Legion!

It can be said that this battle is stable!


Two violent auras soared into the sky, and the terrible coercion spread throughout the entire Chang'an city.

Everyone's breathing is stagnant!

"What's the situation? Is there a strong enemy coming?"

There was a thump in the hearts of all the people, and a bad feeling was about to come.

Everyone was discussing with each other in a panic, when exactly did it happen.

There was only one blacksmith's shop, a muscular old man with a white beard, looking solemnly in the direction of the city lord's mansion.

Then the brow relaxed.

"It seems that this lord is not ordinary. With the help of a crystal warrior and a holy magister, the nearby kingdom will change!"

No one knew that this old man with a white beard was actually a not weak crystal warrior.

And it's hidden in a run-down blacksmith's shop!

"Master, the enemy is about to reach the Russian ambush!"

"It's just right, when the paladin arrives, kill him without leaving any behind!"

Paladin and Archmage broke through at the same time, Ye Chen is very happy now!

Now you don't have to worry about high-end combat power anymore.

I just don't know how much the gap between my own power and other kingdoms is now!

"General Taihan, we are not far from our destination, and we can reach Chang'an City in just two hours!"

"Well, I see, the front is suitable for ambushes, let the soldiers be careful, and then send a team to investigate!"

"Yes, General!"

A young general in white robe saluted General Tai Han respectfully, and then hurried to work.

And General Taihan, a gold-level peak fighter, is only one step away from reaching the ranks of crystal fighters.

In Wuqi Kingdom, one of the top masters!

And the strongest person in Wuqi Kingdom is their king, Wuhai!

A strong player in the early stage of Crystal Warrior!

"Hmph! Don't blame me for being ruthless if you dare to spoil the prince's good deeds. You'd better pray that you didn't use the prince's treasure!"

As if thinking of something, Taihan snorted coldly, and the surrounding soldiers shivered inexplicably with a chill!

"What's going on, why hasn't the investigation team sent any news yet!"

The young general in white robe is Taihan's most powerful right-hand man, with the strength of the gold-level late stage, he should not be underestimated.

And his good gun made countless enemy troops startled.

Just when he was in doubt, when he stepped forward to investigate, a big hammer more than one meter wide fell from the sky.

slammed into him.

The young general in white robe didn't even have time to react, he only just clenched his spear tightly.

...asking for flowers......

The hammer hit the face.

With a bang, the ground within a hundred meters around exploded!

An outstanding player in the late golden period, without even saying a word, he fell on the spot!

"Oh, it's broken, it's broken, the enemy must have noticed such a big commotion."

The person who came was the paladin who had just broken through the crystal warrior. His strength had increased dramatically, and he felt itchy when he saw the white-robed young general in the late golden period.

I didn't expect that there would be such a big commotion, it would spoil the master's good deeds, then it would be terrible!

At the same time, General Taihan's heart skipped a beat.

Looking at the astonishing noise in the distance, I have a bad feeling.

That momentum is not as good as writing it yourself, is it? Crystal Warrior?

no no no!

Taihan shook his head, calling it impossible.

How could a small lord have crystal warriors to help him.

As usual, the highest level of this kind of lord is only gold level, and there are not many even in the middle and late stages!

The strength of your subordinates is even weaker!

Those with a high level like that, had already found a good opportunity to join.

Enjoy the glory and wealth, and even improve your cultivation!

Let all the soldiers be alert, it is the battle formation that kills the evidence.

Immediately, the 30,000 soldiers in the front immediately searched forward.

Because the team was too long, there were only more than 80,000 people leading the battle at the front, and the team behind got the news and was hurrying to come!

After a while, there was a burst of shouting and killing, but it only lasted for less than three minutes, and then disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Just when everyone was wondering, the rumbling sound in the distance kept getting closer.

Ten thousand heavy cavalry suddenly appeared and charged them!

"Enemy attack! Resist the impact!"

When the generals saw the strong appearance of the enemy army, their faces changed immediately.

None of these ninth-level auras is a top-notch high-level army!

And these ten thousand iron cavalry, they may not be able to stop it!

Their soldiers, recruits start at level four, but most of them are at level four or five!

Those at level six or seven are all elite legions!

High-level legions can only be eliminated by high-level legions, unless there is a strong intervention, but this is simply not practical.

How could a baby like a high-level legion not be accompanied by a master?

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