Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 246 Since You Want To Try, I Will Reward You By Dividing The Body Into Six Horses!

As for large defensive equipment?

What's going on in this wilderness?

The last way is to consume more than ten times the force to contain it, which may be useful!

But to encircle and kill the heavy cavalry with infantry of similar strength, this, uh, maybe, there is something wrong with the brain.

But they have no other way, the enemy has already reached the front, and they are not resisting.

Die worse.

"Don't mess up, keep the formation, wait..."

Before the leading general could finish speaking, he was thrown out by a knight.

Fortunately, he is a silver-level fighter, this impact is nothing more than a small injury.

When he reacted, there was another surge of cavalier guns.

No matter how good his strength is, he can only end in hatred.

In the blink of an eye, there were only 40,000 people left in the vanguard of Wuqi Kingdom.

Moreover, "February 17" was incorrect and was cut into three parts.

Surrounded by a large number of Ye Chen's infantry, they were wiped out in a short while.

And their main general, Taihan, was knocked out by the paladin with a club.

If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, he would have died a long time ago.

However, it is still possible to keep him for some information.

The war continues.

These 80,000 pioneers are nothing more than ordinary soldiers, most of them are at the fourth or fifth rank.

Their elite is still behind!

But there is no need to worry, the reason why elites are called elites is that they are refined rather than numerous.

The number is not too much.

The 10,000 heavy cavalry continued to kill the enemy in the rear, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, and charged him for several rounds.

Try to kill the enemy's vital force as much as possible.

"No, it's the enemy's heavy cavalry, the pikemen go up, and the archers shoot their arrows!"

Looking at the menacing heavy cavalry army, the leading general straightened his hair.

Fortunately, he is a gold-level fighter, but a group of heavy cavalry composed of nine-level fighters, nothing more than mediocre.

In the next second, he was pierced by a knight spear.

"Heh, I really don't know if you are brain-dead or useless, you dare to take the charge of the heavy cavalry!"

The silver peak knight general taunted a bit, and fixed his eyes on the other gold-level enemies.

His eyes were golden.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't resist their charge at all, even if the enemy's elite infantry entered the field, they still couldn't resist.

Very embarrassed.

However, due to the entry of the enemy's elite infantry, the lethality of the knights has been greatly reduced, but they are still very terrifying.

"Continue to charge!"

The knight general saw that the lethality was not so obvious, so he gave up this battlefield and turned around to invest in another place!

There, it was the archer phalanx of Wuqi Kingdom.

There are a total of 10,000 archers, including many archers of the sixth and seventh ranks.

Although unable to deal damage to knights, this group of archers is the biggest threat to Ye Chen's elite infantry!

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, thousands of knights plunged into the archer phalanx of Wuqi Kingdom.

The screams sounded immediately, how could the archers with weak defenses be able to resist the heavy cavalry of the ninth level.

The end is of course tragic death on the spot!

The deputy general of this army happened to be present, watching helplessly as his precious team was easily wiped out.

His heart was bleeding.

He is a late gold rank warrior, so of course he is not afraid of this group of heavy cavalry.

Angrily, he yelled, and wanted the knights to kill the Quartet.

But a huge hammer fell from the sky, smashing it into meatloaf precisely.

The soldiers around looked at this incredible scene in a daze.

Shock and fear kept pounding their hearts.

"I surrender, don't kill me!"

At this moment, someone's mood finally broke, and there was the first one to kneel and surrender.

More and more Wuqi Kingdom soldiers put down their weapons, knelt on the ground and raised their hands high!

Ye Chen's elite infantry came late and quickly joined the encirclement and suppression of the enemy who resisted to the death.

"It's really weak, there is not even a crystal warrior, invincible is really lonely!"

The paladin tidied up his hairstyle coquettishly, and then swung his sledgehammer, bursting out with fighting spirit.

Like a meat grinder, it fell behind the enemy, and it was a mess.

Thousands of soldiers died tragically in each blow, and more than 200,000 soldiers were killed in just a few minutes.

The paladin's deterrence directly killed the enemy army.

It has been such a long time for such a powerful person, none of the strong men of the Wuqi Kingdom came to stop him, and he was definitely killed.

After tenacious resistance, the consequences are obvious.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

"Don't kill me!"

"Mother! He's the devil, the devil!"

"Damn it, you dare to ruin the good things of the prince, you will die!

"Do you know who I am? How dare you tie me up, are you tired of living?"

Taihan woke up leisurely, and what he saw were countless soldiers who surrendered...

Immediately, he became angry and yelled loudly!

"It's just a defeated general, why are you so proud?"

One of the soldiers sneered, and took out his stinky socks that he had kept unwashed for two months.

Throwing it into Tyhan's mouth.


A strong smell suddenly filled the surroundings, and the strange smell in his mouth made Taihan retch directly!

"grown ups!"

Seeing the paladins coming, Tian Bing hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, take your stinky socks, I want to ask him something!"

The paladin pinched his nose in disgust and said.

I can smell it from such a long distance, how long has it been since I washed my feet.

Can bedmates stand it?

The soldier smiled awkwardly, took the stinky socks away, and hurried away.

"You are their general? Crystal Warrior?"

Taihan pretended to be calm and said.

"What? So what if it is, so what if it's not, obediently tell me everything you know, and leave you with a dead body!"

The paladin patted Taihan's face lightly, and said viciously.

"Hmph! I won't tell you, my 5.0 princes will avenge me, and cut your corpses into pieces!"

Taehan said incompetently and furiously.

"Oh! It's your prince, it's all right, I got it, let's go!"

The paladin let out an oh, and gave a few more words to the soldiers beside him, and looked at Tai Han quietly!

"Wow ya ya ya!"

Tai Han froze for a moment, and struggled angrily.

After a while, several knights came over leading their horses.

The paladin loosened Taihan's restraint in twos and threes, before Taihan could react.

A sledgehammer slammed into his face, knocking him dizzy and losing his ability to resist.

Several soldiers quickly stripped him naked.

"Hey! It's so small, why it's not even half the size of a little finger!"

"Spicy eyes, really hot eyes!".

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