Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 247 Break Into The Wuqi Kingdom, Surrender To The Scumbags!

The paladin grinned in disgust when he saw it, and quickly asked his subordinates to act.

"Since you want to quarter your body by five horses so much, I will send you another horse over there, and quarter your body by six horses to send you on your way.

Hearing the paladin's words, Taehan hadn't reacted yet.

After waking up slowly, he realized that he had been stripped naked and was about to be quartered by five horses.

"Huh? Isn't this divided into five horses? Why is my second brother also killed?"


With a scream and a sizzling, an indescribable part of Taihan bleeds profusely!

It turned out that there was a horse that took the lead!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The paladin couldn't stand it anymore, it was too hot on the eyes.

Immediately, the remaining five horses exerted their strength at the same time, and Tai Lun immediately rolled his eyes.

As expected of a fighter at the peak of the gold rank, this physical fitness is really good!

It had been several minutes, and Taehan was still holding his breath.

It's not divided into several sections!

"Still holding on?"

The paladin grew impatient and fell asleep again.

Taehan was suddenly powerless to resist.

After a while, with a few tearing sounds, it came to an end!

[Ding! Survival mission: Resist the invasion of other forces! (Completed!)]

[Reward: The level of fire magic is increased by 31, and the human griffin knight is 1,000!]

"Yo! It's over!"

In Ye Chen's body, the fire element increased sharply, breaking through into the initial stage of a great magister!

And outside Chang'an City, there are a thousand more gigantic Griffin Knights!

"Cow wow, cow wow!"

Looking at the majestic griffin and the knight in light armor, Ye Chen couldn't help but step forward and touch this and that!

Not surprisingly, the following knight also went to work.

Fighting the world with the hammer of the storm with one hand, in addition, they will also gather a magic spear, which is also a long-range attack method.

It's just that one is closer and the other is farther.

A large-scale attack, a single-target attack!

Moreover, the defense of the griffin is very strong, which can effectively protect the safety of the knight.

After all, this kind of knight's defense is not strong, and the advantage is magic attack.

Griffin can also attack in melee, and his sharp claws can easily tear apart fighters of the same level.

It can be said that all of these thousand Griffin Knights are at the Silver level, and there are even a dozen peak Silvers among them!

The combat power is very strong, one can fight ten of the same level and search for one thief!

Ten Griffin Knights attack together, even a gold-level powerhouse can kill them!

Not long after, the paladins returned to Chang'an City with more than 400,000 captives.

In an instant, the people who heard the news immediately became overwhelmed.

Defeat an army of one million, take 400,000 prisoners, and win a complete victory!

The stronger the country, the more secure and happy the people will be!

In the minds of the common people, the city of Chang'an can be called the Kingdom of Wang Li.

It's just that there are not many cities. The conditions for establishing a country, apart from the need to have 300,000 soldiers, another condition is to have a city.

There is a lot of land around, and it is nothing more than a matter of time to build two more small cities.

The news of defeating the million-strong army of Wu Qi Kingdom spread throughout the neighboring kingdoms.

Everyone has reached the highest level of attention to Chang'an City!

"Wuqi Kingdom! Just a crystal warrior? That's okay!"

"If they don't surrender, we will kill them directly! Anyway, they started the war first!"

"What should we do with the 400,000 captives? Dig a hole and bury them?"

At the same time, the captives who were being held had air-conditioning blowing from their heads.

"Vargos, Yuan Yilong!"


"From now on, lead 50,000 elite infantry, 10,000 knights, and 1,000 griffin knights to the main city of Wuqi Kingdom to force the palace!"


The two saint-level powerhouses, leading a small number of soldiers, marched mightily towards the main city of Wuqi Kingdom.

All of a sudden, disturbances arose.

Everyone in Wuqi Kingdom is in danger.

Knowing that the enemy army has only more than 60,000 soldiers, the city owners all want to share a piece of good luck.

But an army that doesn't even have a hundred thousand can beat their army of a million?

Just kidding!

But every wave of scouts who went to investigate saw the mighty Griffin Knight in the sky, and immediately ran away in fright.

Although his aura is not much different from his own, his strength is quite different at first glance.

As for scouts like me, they will beat me one by one!

Absolutely top corps!

It is still a top-level army that is not weak!

In legions of all levels, of course there are tiers of strength. Griffin knights like this are undoubtedly in the upper middle class!

Close the city gate!

The seven cities of Wuqi Kingdom shrank instantly after being frightened.

Only the main city is left, calling every day unresponsive, and calling the land unresponsive!

They don't even hesitate to ask neighboring countries for help!

"Hmph! A group of trash, the enemy is coming to the door, why don't the troops from all the cities come here!"

Yuan Jiutian, the king of Wuqi Kingdom, shattered the chair with one palm.

The surrounding ministers dare not show their atmosphere!

"Your Majesty, the enemy army is approaching, so we have to guard against it!"

"What do you need to say? Master Fan, the enemy is coming, you won't be the first to be fooled!"


"Enough! Isn't it messy enough?"

"Assemble the existing forces immediately and defend the city!"

King Yuan Jiutian flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

Leave a group of ministers to look at me and I look at you, not knowing what to do. 677 "A Bunch of Waste!"

The few generals looked at the group of ministers with disgust, and left without looking back!

Boom boom boom!

In the main city of Wuqi Kingdom, countless explosions suddenly sounded.

The defenders stationed on the city wall suffered heavy casualties, and most of the heavy defense weapons were destroyed immediately.

The whole city was in chaos.

"The one who descends will not be killed!"

The shocking sound resounded through the sky.

Everyone felt the terrifying strength of this person, Crystal Warrior!

Soaring into the sky with momentum, the flames shot up to the sky a hundred meters away with a wave of the hand!

"Hmph! Where did you get the courage to dare to come to my Wuqi Kingdom to be presumptuous!"

Yuan Jiutian, king of Wuqi Kingdom, let out a cold snort, rose into the sky, and looked at the paladin!

"It's just a crystal warrior who still wants to trouble my master, so die!"

Not much to say, the paladins will talk about the sledgehammer.

And Yuan Jiutian thumped in his heart, this mysterious strong man had something to say, could it be that they have more than one crystal warrior?

After only one round of confrontation, Yuan Jiutian couldn't help shaking the hand holding the knife.

This power is too terrifying, he can't resist it at all.

In the early stage of the Crystal Warrior, it is a sky and a ground, the difference between clouds and mud!

Not to mention there are likely other crystal warriors out there.

His Wuqi Kingdom is in danger!.

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