Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 248 Hit The Young Ones, But Come The Old Ones!

"Hahaha! Surrender! Scumbag!"

The paladin rushed up excitedly. Although the opponent was impatient, he could enjoy a fight at the same level for a while.

The sky continued to burst into flames, and the sound of explosions continued.

The two streamers continued to clash in the air.

Everyone just watched silently.

In the confrontation of top combat power, once one party loses, there is no need to fight, just admit defeat.

Otherwise, the casualties will increase in vain, and the outcome is already set!

In less than ten minutes, a beam of light was smashed into the ground.

"I surrender!"

This, is their king?

Countless soldiers and common people have kept the list unbelievably.

As the strongest in Wuqi Kingdom, he was defeated so easily.

No wonder the enemy dared to line up only 60,000 soldiers, that's why!

Seeing that the king had surrendered, who would resist? One by one put down their weapons in desperation.

One by one, they waited dejectedly.

"Which one is your prince?"

A rich voice sounded from the sky.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black python robe stood up tremblingly in the palace.

When did he provoke such a strong man, why didn't he know?

"I am! What's the matter!"

"Taihan is your subordinate? Why are you against us?"


"My name is Yuan Qi, and I am one of the two princes. The Taihan you mentioned is the subordinate of another prince with a different surname, Qi Jiashun!"

Yuan Qi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, it's not just about finding her own.

"There is another prince? Where is that person? Where did he go!"

The ministers and generals around you looked at me and I looked at you, with doubts in their eyes.

That's right, isn't this Lord Qi still here just now?

Why is it gone!

"It seems that he absconded in fear of crime, which is not important! The important thing is to talk about what to do next!"

The paladin smiled evilly.

This laughter made many ministers feel terrified!

[Ding! Survival mission released: Conquer a country (completed)!]

[Reward: 1 million random elite human units! 10,000 Griffin Knights!]

[Random arms: Get 500,000 elite infantry, 300,000 elite dwarf musketeers, 100,000 elite human priests, 100,000 elite human spellbreakers!]

"Yo! It's done so quickly? Nice, nice `]!"

This reward is awesome, Ye Chen is satisfied with it.

However, there are millions more soldiers out of thin air, and there is nowhere to put them!

It's time to renovate and expand my Chang'an City!

"Hey? No, didn't Yuan Yilong say that the Wuqi Kingdom has surrendered to me? Why hasn't the task of tens of millions of people been completed yet?"

"Damn! It doesn't mean that the population of Chang'an City will reach tens of millions, right?"

Ye Chen frowned and patted his forehead.

This is bad!

It will take a long time to expand the city, not to mention the migration of the population to Chang'an City.

This is a huge project!

Now the Wuqi Kingdom is just surrendering to itself, rather than being completely annexed by itself, you can do whatever you want!

And this also involves the people of Wuqi Kingdom.

Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!

However, when it is really a last resort, if they are disobedient, the only way to suppress them is iron and blood!

It's not that I don't have that strength.

When Ye Chen came outside the city and saw the magnificent appearance of his millions of soldiers, Ye Chen was stunned.

It's so dense that you can't see the end at a glance!

There are 500,000 seven-level elite infantry soldiers, including one mid-level gold-level general, three early-stage gold-level generals, and 100 silver-level generals.

The 300,000 elite dwarf musketeers, all at level seven, are still magic units and don't know any magic skills.

But proficient in operating magic weapons, magic flintlock guns!

The lethality is astonishing, one or two grades stronger than the archers!

There is one mid-term gold-level general, five early-stage gold-level generals, and one hundred silver-level generals.

As for the elite priests and elite spellbreakers, they gave Ye Chen a big surprise.

A healing unit has all seven ranks, the leader is the peak gold rank, seven gold ranks, no silver ranks!

And the lawbreaker is of such a scale!

Spellbreakers are powerful units, especially against enemy magic units and summons!

A large number of spellbreakers attack in combination, which can weaken the enemy's magic units and summons by 80%, and even make them harmless.

It is indeed a system reward, it is awesome, not only the grassroots soldiers are enough, even the scarce silver-level and gold-level gaps are filled.

Ye Chen can wake up with a smile in his dreams at night.

There are twenty-six more gold-level combat powers!


Although there are eight gold-level fighters who have no combat power, they are excellent at healing!

There are also eight gold ranks, although they only have miraculous effects on magic units and summoned objects, but they are also very good.

What really counts as combat power is the gold rank of infantry and musketeers.

However, Ye Chen is already very satisfied!

"々. Eh? No, where is my Griffon?"

Ye Chen slapped his thigh, and finally remembered that something was missing.

There are ten thousand griffin riders!

Soon, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and densely packed Griffin Knights swooped down from the sky, showing their most heroic appearance to Ye Chen.

"Good! So handsome!"

As expected of a top military branch, the scale of the 11,000 Griffon Knights is already very strong.

Even in the tyrannical kingdom, there are almost no top legions of this size!

Maybe in the empire, you can see it!

These 10,000 Griffin Knights are all silver-ranked, and there is one general who is at the peak of gold-rank, and ten generals who are in the middle and middle stages of gold-rank.

Look at Ye Chen's mouth is grinning to the back of his head!

I can only temporarily wrong them for a while.

The paladins and archmages who have obtained a large amount of supplies are leading the team back.

They (Zhao Li's) harvest this time can be described as extremely rich, and almost emptied the inventory of Wuqi Kingdom.

Every year they also enshrine a large amount of money in Chang'an City!

Seven days later, the expansion of Chang'an City went smoothly.

Due to the unprecedented scale, it will be expanded to an environment where more than ten million people live.

It takes a long time!

Manpower and material resources are also consumed enormously!

If it weren't for the generosity of Wuqi Kingdom, Ye Chen wouldn't have the financial resources to expand the city.

It would be great if there were more guys like Wuqi Kingdom here, and the wealth will be abundant!

No, just say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive!

"Master, this Cangming Kingdom has eaten the heart of a bear, dare to let us surrender to Budweiser?"

"Tell me, is it the work of the prince with a different surname? The young one was beaten, and the old one came? Not to mention, his two treasures are really good!"

Ye Chen took a sip of tea with a smile, not worried at all!.

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