Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 259: The Ultimate Mission! Is This Going To Copy The Old Den Of Warcraft?

Ye Chen opened it and saw piles of blue crystal coins and amethyst coins.

There is even a small pile of colorful crystal coins.

This is a good thing that is useful to god-level powerhouses.

"Oh, by the way, when we meet for the first time, a small gift is not a respect! I still have something to do, so don't give it away!"

Wu Zetian glanced at Ye Chen with a smile, and handed Ye Chen a far bead.

He has seen this thing before. This is the magic core contained in the body of the monster, which possesses the original power of the monster.

Very precious, the higher the level, the rarer it is.

And this one obviously belongs to the highest level, the god-level magic core!

Big deal!

Proper rich lady!

God-level magic core, give it away as soon as you say it!

Wu Zetian didn't look back, but she knew Ye Chen's expression on this matter, so she couldn't help but smiled slightly.

[Ding! Detected a god-level magic core, released the ultimate survival mission: Unify Qingyun Continent!]

[Reward: The level of five random heroes has been increased by one level! System recovery clues!]

Ye Chen looked at the magic core in his hand, thoughtfully.

He was sure that the ultimate survival mission was triggered only when he encountered a god-level core.

Sadly, it is no longer possible to earn rewards for completing the ultimate mission. Fortunately, the rewards for the ultimate mission are so delicious.

Once it is completed, upgrade all the heroes in your hands to the god level, and 377 100% of the five heroes will be promoted to a higher level!

And can his own system finally recover?

He is missed so much!

If it wasn't for the system's last gift, it would be difficult for him to survive in Qingyun Continent!

And the recovery conditions of the system must be related to the magic core.

So there must be a battle with the Warcraft family in the future!

The kind that never dies!

It has been two months since I met the Empress.

The priestess of the moon of the elves also came to Chang'an City with her men.

There is no war, and there are no worries about development.

As for the upgrade of the elves, there is no way to start.

Can only take Warcraft surgery.

Fortunately, the place not too far from Chang'an City is an undeveloped land.

This place is called the land of silence!

The night here is very quiet, this is because of the rules made by the god-level monsters living here!

Once the noise is made at night, both monsters and humans will die.

This place happened to be the territory of a god-level monster, and it was his territory for nearly a thousand miles.

And there are countless monsters living here, enough for the soldiers of the elves to upgrade.

The god-level magic core will eventually become Ye Chen's possession.

To be on the safe side, Ye Chen sent paladins and the king of the hill to protect the safety of the priestess and others.

There are as many as 20,000 elf soldiers heading to the quiet place, and the lowest level is eighth!

After all, they were born with a high level, but due to the number of enemies, they upgraded very slowly.

This also allows archers and huntresses to reach the full level.

To dryads, claw druids, etc., it is necessary to rely on high-level enemies to contribute experience.

A quiet place, just right!

Enough for soldiers to rise to gold rank.

The elf soldiers formed teams one by one, constantly hunting monsters outside the silent place.

Just the monsters on the periphery make it difficult for most elf soldiers.

After all, there is still a little difference in level.

Fortunately, the elf soldiers have outstanding abilities, coupled with ingenious coordination, their levels are constantly improving.

The priestess and the demon hunter cooperated to hunt and kill monsters of the same level, killing seven in and seven out of the monsters.

A melee and a long-range attack are perfectly coordinated!

It's a pity that they are already level 12 heroes, that is, crystal level and holy magister level.

Same as midterm!

Only by killing enemies of the same level can one gain a lot of experience, and killing one of the lower level will give much less experience.

However, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the crystal level is not enough to make up for the gold level.

Anyway, there are a lot of gold grades here!

Soon, the night was approaching, and the priestess and the evil (dbfe) demon hunter looked around suspiciously.

The prey around were all hiding, not daring to make any movement.

Just when the two were wondering, a big riot broke out in the periphery.

A large number of elf soldiers are still searching for traces of their prey, but unfortunately they hide too well.

Just when they finally found a few prey, the elves launched an attack under the unbelievable eyes of the monsters.

The quiet surroundings suddenly became restless, and the paladin and the king of the hill opened their eyes at the same moment.

They glanced at each other, ready to attack at any time.

The strongest elf soldier has just reached the gold level, and has not yet reached the peak.

But they already sensed the danger was coming.

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

Suddenly a tree demon was pierced by a sudden sharp object and died on the spot.

The surrounding elf soldiers reacted and immediately launched a counterattack, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.

"It's the pinnacle of the gold rank! Retreat! Retreat!"

After a silver-level claw druid yelled, he roared, and he turned into a giant bear several meters in size.

He jumped on the black shadow suddenly, and found that it was a black spider!

Although the sharp claw druid is unparalleled in combat power, the suppression of the realm soon put him into a crisis king.

However, within a few minutes, he was hit to the vital point while he was covered with scars, and died immediately.

Fortunately, the rest of the elf soldiers quickly retreated and fled here.

After the shadow spider lost its target, it disappeared into the shadows.

And in the rest.

The team with gold-level soldiers was attacked by crystal-level shadow spiders.

The level difference, barely reacted, was suppressed and killed on the spot after resisting three or two times!

Losing the gold-level protection, the remaining team members were massacred like chickens and ducks.

The paladin and the king of the hill shot directly, quickly suppressed several crystal-level shadow spiders, and protected the large army from retreating.

And they, on the other hand, looked solemnly at the dark place in the distance.

With a sound, the mountain shakes.

A roar resounded through the sky.

A huge creature tens of meters high emerged from the ground.

It turned out to be a shadow spider, but its strength was at the God of War level!

The strength is not low, and it is also the middle stage of God of War.

"Mother spider? Don't you stay underground to give birth to baby spiders, and come up to die from the ground?"

The paladin snorted coldly, and first cast a forbidden spell towards the ground.

Seeing that the hundreds of elf soldiers who had died tragically on the ground returned to their original shape, they immediately checked their bodies in amazement.

After finding that nothing happened, he looked at the paladin gratefully, and then quickly evacuated here. .

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