Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 260 Poked The Spider's Nest!

The paladin is facing the God of War-level shadow spider!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for more than a dozen rounds, and neither side could do anything to the other.

Just like that, the shadow spider roared in a low voice and looked at the paladin.

The paladin didn't expect that this magical beast would be so powerful, and he was even faintly invincible.

"Old Ding! If you don't go up again, I'm going to - zoom in!"

The paladin shouted without looking back.

"Got it, got it, don't let that nasty thing out."

The King of the Hill said with a little disgust, and then a Storm Hammer took his turn.

After a loud noise, accompanied by the shadow spider's angry roar, the paladin collided with her again.

"Humans, this is not a place for you to run wild, leave, or die!"

"Huh? This ugly spider actually spoke!"

The paladin's rough voice made the shadow spider furious.

A strange voice shouted from the mouth of the shadow spider, and the king of the hill suddenly felt bad.

"Broken! She's calling for a companion!"

"Companion? Is there a male god-level monster?"

An ominous premonition suddenly gushed out from the bottom of my heart.

The ground shook violently, and a large number of trees collapsed.

A giant shadow spider that was two circles bigger than the one just now came out, and killed the King of the Hill without saying a word.

"What the hell! Why did you find me?"

The king of the hill hurriedly responded to the enemy, attacking continuously with the hammer in his hand.

But this only counteracts the shadow spider's attack, and doesn't cause much damage to it.

"Old Ding, if you don't spend any more money, you will have to play both of them!"

After the paladin shouted, he distanced himself from the god-level female spider.

With words in his mouth, the sacred power on his body burst into light.

The female spider immediately took a few steps back in disgust, and then set her sights on the King of the Hill again!

"Long Zai, you are immoral, suck me up, I can't hold it anymore!"

In the distance, I could see the King of the Hill resisting the joint attack of the two shadow spiders in embarrassment, and the wounds on his body were getting worse every minute.

If the mantra is not finished, it cannot be stopped.

In the end, the paladin still muttered, without even looking at the King of the Hill, he waved his hand casually.

A burst of divine power slammed into the body of the King of the Hill.

"Ah! Cool!"

Most of the injuries on his body recovered immediately, and even part of the fighting spirit in his body recovered.

The King of the Hill gritted his teeth at the two god-level monsters as if spewing fire from his eyes.


Countless thunderbolts shot out from the King of the Hill's body, forming a thunder array of several kilometers, enveloping the two shadow spiders together.

The sound of piercing and rattling continued to resound from their bodies.


The King of the Hill took advantage of the temporary inability of the two monsters to move, and suddenly launched a big move.

The Wangmeng of the hill turned into a tens of meters high titan, exuding the power of thunder all over.

"Scumbag, crawl for grandpa!"

The male spider who hit it with a hammer gave a straight grin, and then kicked the female shadow spider away, the king of the hill seemed to have regained his confidence.

Seeing the male spider whose wife was being kicked and being kicked flying, he was immediately furious, and the aura around him continued to riot.

The Thunder Domain immediately failed, and it slammed on the King of the Hill, biting him constantly.

"Fuck, shit, you uncle, I was wrong, I shouldn't have kicked your wife, you bastard, don't bite my second brother!"

Although the king of the hill has grown in size, although his combat power is much stronger, he is also easier to be beaten.

The pain made him straight.

Then a holy power penetrated into his body, and the king of the hill felt like he was resurrected with full blood.

Aww, he knocked the male spider to the ground and beat him up on the ground.

Just when the king of the hill that the female spider and the male spider fought together was retreating steadily, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky.

A terrifying aura continued to rise.

"Who woke me up!"

A female angel several meters tall appeared in front of everyone, exuding divine radiance all over her body.

"grown ups!"

The paladin saluted respectfully, then pointed at the enemy.

"Evil! Purify!"

The dark power on the shadow spider made the angel feel very disgusted, and the radiant sword in his hand pointed directly at them.

"Angels? How is this possible? Didn't they perish long ago!"

The shadow spider stared at the angel in front of him dumbfounded, and looked at each other in disbelief.

Then a vicious look appeared in his eyes, and he unleashed his strongest blow, killing the angel.

...asking for flowers...


The angel snorted coldly, raised his hand and swung a sword, and one of the shadow spiders had several legs broken.

It's not at the same level at all, if you want to fight against this angel, you need at least the state of the late God of War level!

If it is crushed, then everything is unknown.

"If you hate it, don't hate it, it's pretty amazing!"

The King of the Hill returned to his original figure and muttered something in a low voice.

It was a lot of fun watching the show!

The two shadow spiders no longer had the arrogance they had before, and they retreated steadily after being beaten.

Finally, in the angel's trial, it was wiped out.

Oh! No, there are two essences left, their magic cores!

Feeling that there is no danger around, the angel glanced at the paladin and disappeared with a sigh.


The paladin suddenly collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

At first glance, it is too much consumption.

"Can you hold on?"

The king of the hill hurried forward and said with concern.

"Don't worry, a man can't say no!"

With the loss of two god-level beasts covering it, the entire Silent Land lost its protective umbrella.

And their populations are still active.

However, the shadow spider with the highest crystal level is just suitable for priestesses and demon hunters to level up.

A whole week of killing.

All elf soldiers have reached the full level, all of them are silver level and gold level.

Ye Chen was very satisfied.

The priestess and the demon hunter lived up to expectations and successfully advanced to the thirteenth level.

That is, the magic god level and the legendary war god level!

Now Ye Chen has eight god-level powerhouses in command, and he no longer has to fear the threat of the empire.

Let's talk together!

The days passed slowly, and Ye Chen's power was steadily developing.

It is estimated that before long, a new empire will also be born.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Chen also built a tens of millions of city near the place of silence.

This great resource should be put to good use.

At the same time, there is a second-class kingdom not far away that is not happy!

Directly send troops to threaten, the god-level monsters in the silent land are dead, and they also want to get a share of the sweet treat!

Can Ye Chen's people be happy?

Don't say anything directly, send god-level powerhouses to suppress it forcefully.

At that time, I lost my temper five. .

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