Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 261 Free Quota! Stepped On Ye Chen's Head!

Suddenly one day, Ye Chen, who was out of customs, suddenly received a message from Wu Zetian.

It is said that ten of them were given the qualifications to enter the Heaven Dou Secret Realm.

It is said that the secret realm of Tiandu was built by a powerhouse beyond the god level, and it was built with ingenious means.

There are a lot of different spaces inside, and every time you enter, the place is different.

Sometimes I will enter a space that contains a lot of elemental power, practice inside for one day, and stand outside for three months!

Sometimes you will enter the space full of spiritual objects and magical weapons, and you can earn a lot of money by picking a spiritual object and finding a weapon.

Even the spiritual objects and divine weapons needed by the god-level powerhouses have a chance to be found.

The most attractive thing here is not the power of a large number of elements, nor the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, or the sharp weapons of magic weapons.

It is the inheritance place of the mysterious powerhouse.

For thousands of years, anyone who inherited the "five or six zero" inheritance of the mysterious powerhouse has become the god of war and the god of law.

This has also caused the yearning of many practitioners.

However, this secret realm has a special limitation.

Non-gold-level and grand magister-level are not allowed to enter.

In other words, only those of this level can enter here.

"Ten, this is too few, it's looking down on our Yanhuang Kingdom! This group of grandchildren!"

The irritable king of the hill waved the hammer of thunder in his hand, cursing.

"Okay, it's enough to give you ten places because they are not relatives, but they also have a total of forty places!"

Ye Chen explained the whole story and persuaded him.

The King of the Hill thought for a moment, and it seemed to be the case, so let it go.

"Since that's the case, Yilong and Lao Ding will lead the team and select nine qualified ones. Let's set off now!"



After a while, everyone packed up everything, and a group of people came to the outside of Tiandou in a mighty way.

At this time, the place is already buzzing with people, all of whom are watching the excitement.

This place is guarded by people from the Ziyun Empire, and no one dares to act presumptuously.

People from the three empires who wanted to enter the secret realm also arrived one after another.

"Hey! Stop! This is the entrance to the secret realm, what are you doing here?"

At this time, ten gold-level peak fighters stopped Ye Chen and ten others at the entrance.

"What are you doing here? Of course you went in! Did you come here to shit!"

The nine gold-ranked dragon knights were Ye Chen's dragon knights. Although they didn't wear mounts, their combat power was still very strong.

These nine are all powerhouses with half a foot on the crystal level, and it is safer for Ye Chen to bring them here.

After all, after entering the secret realm, how much benefit you get depends on their strength!

"Heh! What a joke, the secret realm of Tiandu has been owned by people from the Three Great Empires since ancient times. Are you people from the Three Great Empires?"

"I think this group of people are spies from other empires, come here, take them down!"

The leader's heart swelled, he was offended anyway, so it's better to be ruthless!

Besides, he doesn't think that these ignorant old hats are super powerful people.

"court death!"

The dragon knights behind Ye Chen were furious when they saw the group of guards attacking Ye Chen.

The nine people shot together, and with just one move, they sent this group of unknown fellows flying.

Life and death are unknown.

"Who dares to cause trouble in the secret realm of Tiandu!"

A wave of terrifying aura instantly locked onto Ye Chen and the others.

"Crystal level peak? There are so many masters!"

It's only been a short while, and there are already no less than thirty crystal-level auras targeting Ye Chen and the others.

The one with the highest strength is the peak crystal level.

But Ye Chen didn't believe that the people guarding such a precious place were just as strong, and there must be someone with stronger strength hiding in the dark.

And the strength must be God of War level!

After a while, more than a dozen figures appeared.

Pointing at Ye Chen and others one by one.

"check it out!"

Ye Chen took out ten vouchers, which are what are needed to enter the secret realm.

"Even if you are someone who has entered the secret realm, if you dare to behave wildly here, you will have to pay the price!"

Seeing this person's unreasonable appearance, Ye Chen laughed.

"So what do you want? A fight? Just you?"

Ye Chen mocked!

"Heh! I just wanted you to pay some amethyst coins. Since you don't know what to do, don't even think about entering the secret realm!"

He, Su Yuanqing, is the nephew of the marshal of the empire, and his strength has reached the late stage of the crystal level.

His genius-like cultivation talent, coupled with his prominent background, created his arrogant and domineering character...

"But a group of guys who entered the secret realm by luck, stepped on it as soon as they stepped on it, what can I do?"

Su Yuanqing thought to himself.

Then with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen crystal-level fighters walked towards Ye Chen and others with evil smiles.

"Hey! Really, there are idiots wherever you go! You have to let me slap you in the face to make you happy?"

Ye Chen smiled helplessly, and he also waved his hand.

The paladin and the king of the hill came to Ye Chen in the blink of an eye.

"This group of turtle grandchildren, my old man can't bear it long ago!"

The King of the Hill slapped the Thunder Hammer in his hand, and looked at Su Yuansong carefully.

"Little dwarf, you haven't had milk since you were a child, don't be ashamed when you grow up so young, go home and drink milk!"

Su Yuanqing didn't feel the terrifying threat of the king of the hill at all, and provocative words came out as if his IQ was offline.

"My boy, you managed to piss me off! I haven't heard anyone call me a dwarf for a long time!"

The king of the hill was furious when he heard the word dwarf, like a volcanic eruption.

The terrifying aura in his body could no longer be hidden, and suddenly exploded.

Su Yuanqing was the first to bear the brunt, and felt the terrifying momentum immediately.

"This, this, how is this possible, how can this dwarf be the god of war?"

Su Yuanqing was stunned. Why did he lose his mind just now? He scolded a God of War?

It's over!

1.7 "Die!"

The King of the Hill swung his hammer and smashed it.

"No! No, you can't kill me, I Uncle is the Marshal of the Empire! Yes...

"Keep people under the knife!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yuanqing was snatched to death by the king of the hill with a hammer before he finished begging for mercy!

The strength of God of War in the mid-term is no joke.

"Why don't you stop! Do you know who he is? You've got yourself in trouble!"

The old man said angrily.

He is only the early stage of God of War, how could he stop the King of the Hill in the middle stage of God of War.

He is the only god guarding here on the bright side, and there is another god level in the dark.

But under normal circumstances, he would not make a move, just make a fuss, and deal with it by himself here.

Once it rises to the point where he can't handle it, he will come forward. .

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