Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 265 The Scuffle Begins!

As for the paladins and kings of the hill who joined the battlefield, of course they must be killed!

The petty fights between the gods of war suddenly turned into a life-and-death duel.

The god-level powerhouses of the Tianfeng Empire are almost vomiting blood. They are all old monsters who have lived for so long, and they still know a lot about the world.

After such a serious incident, why don't they stay out of the limelight, play tricks, and go back without being punished?

But the god-level powerhouses of the Yanhuang Kingdom are fine, they will kill when they come up, is there such a thing for fun?

Seeing that the people of the Yanhuang Kingdom are really serious, and the god-level powerhouses of the Ziyun Empire are also excited, this is not a chance to keep these two old guys.

Weaken the cutting-edge strength of the Tianfeng Empire?

Four against two made the battle between Gods of War a lot easier. Fortunately, the two Gods of War in the Tianfeng Empire were of mediocre strength, otherwise they would have been able to escape!

The King of the Hill danced the Thunder Hammer in his hand twice handsomely, and a new soul was added to his staff.

The news quickly reached the ears of the two emperors, Tianfeng Empire and Fengyun Empire.

All of them were furious.

More is anger.

Everything that was originally planned has been completely disrupted, and I lost my wife and lost my army!

"Gather your forces, I will destroy the Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"A mere kingdom is delusional about the majesty of the Mantis Empire!"

Zhu Jiuchong, the emperor of the Fengyun Empire, immediately summoned his subordinates, aiming at Chang'an City!

Everything that stands in the way of the army will be completely crushed.

But Li Shichong, the emperor of Tianfeng Empire, calmed down a lot, and called several confidant ministers to start a secret conversation.

In the end, everyone agreed that they should not act rashly, and the Yanhuang Kingdom was not simple.

But what happened next caught them off guard.

The Ziyun Empire has declared war on the two empires of Tianfeng and Fengyun at the same time!

The people who got the news were so surprised.

so brave

how dare she

Indeed, if there was only the Ziyun Empire, Wu Zetian would not have fought the two empires at the same time so easily.

After all, the combined power of the two empires was too much for her.

And now, with the addition of Ye Chen, this game of chess has become more interesting.

Not only cutting-edge combat power, but even high-end legions have many, which is already qualified to wrestle with the empire.

Coupled with her mastery of the Ziyun Empire, it is not impossible to defeat the two great empires!

The Fengyun Empire is the closest to Ye Chen, they took the lead in launching the war, and launched an attack on Ye Chen's newly built city!

"Don't mess up, keep the formation, hold on, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

A crystal-level general sitting here shouted loudly.

Although it has just been built here, its population is only one million.

The troops stationed there are only Ye Chen's people, and the aborigines didn't have time to recruit people!

Five hundred thousand elite infantry, two hundred thousand dwarf musketeers, one hundred thousand light cavalry, and one hundred thousand heavy armored infantry are all the troops here.

And what about the other side?

In the vanguard of Fengyun Empire, there are millions of elite legions and half a million high-level legions!

There are more than twenty crystal-level powerhouses.

For some reason, these crystal-level players didn't play, it should be an unwritten rule!

But this densely packed gold rank is more powerful than anyone else!

Often Ye Chen's soldiers need several, or even a dozen silver-level soldiers to stop one of them.

How to fight this?

It's simply a one-sided situation!

Still killing!

Even if they were killed in battle, Ye Chen's soldiers would have to bite off a piece of flesh on the other side.

This style of play made many soldiers terrified.

What a bunch of guys this is, it's horrible.

"Rush, rush! The first person to fill the city will be awarded three levels in a row! Kill an enemy guard and reward 50,000 blue crystal coins! Kill the enemy's crystal level and reward 100,000 amethyst coins!"

As soon as the words fell, the morale of the generals suddenly rose to a higher level.

And the crystal-level powerhouses are all eager to try, eyeing the only three crystal-level powerhouses in the city.

One hundred thousand amethyst coins!

Worth the old money!

But it's not yet time for them to make a move, and the enemy's reinforcements haven't arrived yet, so what if they run away in fright?

Their existence is to annihilate the enemy's high-end combat power more!

Think about these silver and gold grades, as long as you have money, you can find a lot of them that are not afraid of consumption at all!

The crystal level is different, the number is limited, and the money may not necessarily be recruited.

...asking for flowers......

At this level, they not only need money, but also resources and other beneficial materials to enhance their strength.

The battle lasted for two full hours.

Ye Chen's vanguard reinforcements arrived in time.

The leader is the peak crystal dragon knight, followed by 10,000 griffin knights, 200,000 elite knights, and 300,000 light cavalry.

In the dark, the three god-level warriors headed by the paladins hid in the dark early, waiting for the enemy god-level warriors to appear.

"Little bastards, crush them!"

Among the dragon knights, thirteen crystal-ranked ones rushed straight to the enemy camp, catching them by surprise.

Twenty or so crystal-level opponents are not opponents at all, and only a few strong ones are struggling to support them.

The rest were beaten and scurrying around, but they were not beaten for a second.

The combat experience is quite rich, no wonder it is so resistant.

If this was changed to an ordinary crystal level, I am afraid it would have been seconds long ago!

The rest of the dragon knights at the peak of the gold rank rushed towards the camp with the most enemies with a look of anger.

Each blow took away hordes of lives, and the battlefield was turned upside down.

"If you have the ability to fight one-on-one, what kind of ability is it to fight in groups!"

A chasing Crystal Level couldn't bear it any longer and shouted loudly.

When he shouted, hey, don't even mention it, he's really in charge, and the three crystal-level dragon knights who were chasing him left at once.

There was only one left staring at him covetously.

"Forget you are a man, I'm here!"

He regained his courage, spit two mouthfuls on the palm of his hand, rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward.

In the end, a face-to-face meeting was blown away!

Come on!

Continue to escape, at least you can still deal with one, two, one!

In less than an hour, Ye Chen's follow-up troops were killed one after another, and finally wiped out the vanguard of Fengyun Empire!

None left.

Blood flowed into rivers for a while, and resentment was soaring!

"Clean the battlefield, the enemy's follow-up army will come soon, it's sloppy!

The generals of each legion kept ordering their subordinates to speed up cleaning the battlefield and setting up positions.

Ready for the next battle anytime. .

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