Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 266: The Beast Tide Is Coming! Sudden Attack!

At this time, Ye Chen is constantly using the resources in his hands to cultivate the earth element with all his strength.

Strive to use the fastest speed to break through to the magic god level!

Ye Chen, who has a god-level talent, is very confident that more training resources can shorten the breakthrough time to a greater extent.

The current him is simply unable to kill a god-level powerhouse.

The strength gap between these two levels is too great.

Although half a foot into the god level has the power to kill the god level, but the god level powerhouse is not a vegetarian.

He also has a variety of life-saving means and means of escape.

Unless it's the kind of drug that hits it!

That kind of scum, Ye Chen can beat three!

However, don't underestimate this kind of god level, the difference in level is not Gaide.

They can still easily crush crystal-level fighters. Don't think that the weakest god is not a good match! "Four Eight Seven" Fengyun Empire sent three God of War-level warriors in a battle, and they wanted a quick victory.

The god-level powerhouse who completely defeated the Yanhuang Kingdom fell into Ye Chen's trap unexpectedly.

The three gods of war and one god of law completely kept the three of them in the territory of the Yanhuang Kingdom!

The entire central region was shocked!

For thousands of years, almost no god-level powerhouse has fallen.

In recent years, there have been frequent reports of the fall of god-level powerhouses. Could it be that troubled times are coming?

Since the Fengyun Empire lost three god-level powerhouses, and their plan to destroy the Yanhuang Empire within a month failed, they changed their fighting style.

From a quick battle to a full-scale battle.

As if wanting to drag Ye Chen down.

And the Tianfeng Empire is even more miserable!

It was two against one, but now they are facing it alone, what kind of a thing is this!

But fortunately, their Tianfeng Empire is strong, and they have also fought a protracted war with the Ziyun Empire.

The fight is unstoppable!

A year has passed quickly, major wars have seldom happened, and more of them are small-scale frictions!

Ye Chen didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, because there were too few Tian soldiers.

Fortunately, a large number of elf soldiers came to support from the northern region, which greatly relieved Ye Chen's pressure.

Otherwise, Ye Chen will definitely suffer a lot of losses.

Don't rush into war!

However, the task of establishing an empire has not yet been completed. Although the city has been built, the population still has not increased.

With all the calculations, there is still a shortage of 50 million people.

There is really no other way.

Unless the Fengyun Empire is defeated!

Just when the Three Great Empires and the Yanhuang Kingdom were in a state of laziness, the entire Warcraft region in the Central Region rioted together!

A large number of god-level monsters are constantly waking up from their deep sleep.

A crisis is approaching quietly.

"Huh? Have you noticed anything weird recently?"

"No way, don't be suspicious, the flames of war can't spread to us, and there is the Yanhuang Kingdom nearby!"

"No, I mean this monster forest!"

"What's so strange, you have been shopping too much! Be careful that your mother-in-law is not satisfied!"

"You can't satisfy your mother-in-law!"

The two hunters fought and entered the forest of monsters. The level of monsters here is generally not high.

So there is no need to team up with too many people.

The two complement each other just fine, as long as they don't go too deep.

However, the two of them didn't realize that there was a pair of green eyes staring at them in the dark!

"Brother Dou, do you feel that something is staring at us!"

"Maozi, do you feel the same way?"

The two panicked all of a sudden.

After coming in and searching for so long, not a single prey was found, which is already very strange.

Coupled with a weird feeling, a creepy thought appeared in the minds of the two of them.


The two of them didn't care whether they were ashamed or not, so they just ran outside.

Fame doesn't matter!

Just when the two of them were afraid, a sound of breaking through the air came from behind them.

The two hunters frowned. Years of hunting experience allowed them to respond quickly.

One person stopped abruptly, the other pulled back, dodged his waist, and drew out a long knife in his hand to protect his body.

And the other rushed forward for a short distance, and quickly took out the longbow to aim.

There was a stabbing sound, and the unprepared creature was directly disembowelled.

The two didn't dare to relax at all, and watched their surroundings vigilantly.

Suddenly, Maozi saw several figures, and shot three times in a row, pinning his chest to the ground.

Another hunter hurried forward and chopped off their heads with three knives each...

The pairing is flawless.

After the crisis was resolved, the two of them felt relieved and took a closer look at the desert coyote, an eighth-level monster.

How did this monster appear here?

The two were puzzled!

But the two didn't have time to think about it, they put away the corpses of the five desert hyenas, and left quickly.

The two hurried back to the city and reported the matter.

"What? You found desert hyenas in the Warcraft Forest? How is this possible!"

"The distance between these two enemies is not small!"

Just when the city owner was puzzled, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and a matter that was dusty in his head surfaced!

"It's a beast tide warning!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"City lord? What are you talking about, beast tide? It's impossible!"

"That's right, the most recent beast tide happened a thousand years ago. Besides, these few wolves can't prove that the beast tide is coming!"

"That's right, Lord City Master, are you thinking wrong!"

"Shut up, why are you arguing, and listen to what the city lord thinks!"

There was a quarrel around, and after a scolding sound, it quieted down.

The city lord recalled it for a while, and said slowly: "This matter still happened when I was young."

"I was reading a book of historical records. It was recorded that there was a beast tide. It was 800 years ago. At that time, there was no 0.7 pool in our city!"

"Just not far from us, there were also monster species from other lands, and more and more monsters continued to gather.

"Just like that, we greeted an unprepared beast horde! Everyone in the city died, and the city was destroyed!"

"Warcraft species from other lands have appeared now. If there is a gathering of monsters, it may be too late!"

Everyone was silent, the matter was too huge, and everyone didn't know what to do.

"Let's report to the top, and then send scouts to strictly investigate. We must be ready at any time to meet the attack of the beast horde!"

As soon as the city lord said this, everyone echoed as if they had found their backbone.

"What is this? Warcraft! Why are there so many monsters!".

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