Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 267: The Tianfeng Empire Was Attacked First!

Tonight's moon is extraordinarily round, but no one notices that faint red.

The sound of biting monsters and the cries of people suddenly rang out.

No one thought that the territory of the empire would be attacked?

Maybe it was too easy.

Countless monsters quietly boarded the city wall in the dark, and bit off the necks of the patrolling soldiers nearby.

A killing unfolded.

When the defenders found out, it was already too late, and a large number of monsters had already invaded the city.

"Guards, follow me to drive them out!"

All the gold-ranked personal guards wore thick armor, arranged formations, and charged with the general.

The so-called Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha and the gods blocked and killed the gods. The monsters encountered were beheaded one after another, and a bloody path was killed in a short while.

The city wall on this side was quickly taken back.

But when he saw the monsters that were densely packed outside the city wall and still running towards the city, he panicked.

Silver, Gold.

There is also a crystal level that is as big as a hill, and it is turbulent to attack the city.

A sense of despair filled my heart.

"All the soldiers listen to the order, cover the retreat of the people, fight to the death! Don't retreat!"

Soon, the general came back to his senses, 31 it is not time to fall, there are still more than three million people in the city!

They can die, but the people can't!

Following the arrangement of the high-level officials in the city, the entire city started to move in an orderly manner.

Some soldiers covered the people, and some soldiers rushed out to attract the attention of monsters.

The rest try their best to resist the impact of the beast tide.

Everyone knows that there is no possibility of survival.

The beast horde came too hastily, and the reinforcements of the empire might not have time to rescue them.

It may be too late when the reinforcements arrive!

All the soldiers twisted into one rope, exerting their energy in one direction, they actually opened up a way to escape from the sky.

They used their lives to send the people out as best they could.

Although, until the end, of the more than three million people, only one million escaped!

"Have you heard that Wind Crack City was slaughtered by monsters!"

"What? Where did you get the news! How could the city be massacred by monsters there!"

"That's right, don't spread rumors. It's located in the center of the empire. Although it's not a big city, it's not something that can be wiped out by a wave of beasts!"

"I don't know that. Now everyone in the Central Territory is in danger. They are afraid that they will be the next one to be attacked by the beast tide!"

Word travels very fast!

In a city of Wuqi Kingdom, the high-level officials were silent in the conference hall.

They knew the news of the beast tide massacring the city.

"City Master, we need to deal with it sooner. It seems that the inference that the beast horde is about to attack is true!"

A general spoke up.

"But how many reinforcements can we get? We are just the city of a small kingdom, how could they care about it!"

The city lord sighed and said.

"But we can't sit still and wait for death, let's die!"

"Yes, yes, there must be something to do!"

Everyone started talking again.

"Okay, let's go to work! We don't have much time left!"

In this way, shadows enveloped everyone's hearts for three whole days.

The bad thing happened!

"What did you say? Lincheng has already been attacked by a wave of beasts? Has the reinforcements rushed there?"

Cheng Chi, who got the news, staggered and sat heavily on the chair.

Although they are both in the same country, the safety of Lincheng is equally important.

But if they don't have reinforcements here, once the beast tide strikes, they won't be able to resist for a long time.

At that time, there is no need to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and the million or so people in the city will become the rations of the monsters!

After thinking for a long time, the city lord made the most successful decision, which is to ask the Yanhuang Kingdom for help!

Ho Ho Ho!

"It's not good, it's not good, monster! The monster is attacking the city!"

The sudden roar made everyone in the city a little uneasy.

But the cry for help that followed made everyone feel like they were facing an enemy!

"It's broken, it shouldn't have come, but it's still here."

The city lord's eyes were firm, and he vowed to surround the city to the death!

After ordering his subordinates, he raised his sword and prepared to lead the team to resist in person.

In the city, those who can fight and those who cannot fight, all went up.

They all want to do their part for this family, although it may be the last time.

But they don't regret it!

"Give me a knife!"

"Give me one too, hey, give me that shield too!"

"You can't, these good shields should be collected and handed over to high-level ones! There are ordinary ones there! If you want to get them, hurry up, the number is limited!"

"Are you ready, come with me, we will hold this line of defense!"

Just when the logistics department was bustling with excitement, a trembling old man walked over.

"Give me a hand!"

The old voice suddenly made the surrounding quiet down.

"Master, go back quickly, we are here! Don't worry!"

A young man patted his chest and promised.

"Yeah, with our young ones here, the old man will be on the battlefield that round!"

Everyone echoed one after another, and their morale rose instantly.

An old and old person wants to contribute to their homeland, so what can young people like them do to shirk?

"653 Don't look down on the old man. Although the old man is not easy to move, he can still draw the bow!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly picked up the long bow that no one cares about, and pulled it for a few full moons.

Immediately, there was a burst of applause and exclamation in amazement!

This bow is not an ordinary bow, only the fighting spirit of a ninth-level fighter can be fully drawn!

Could it be?

Is this old man a level nine fighter?

What level was he when he was young?

Gold? Or Crystal?

Although the higher the level, the longer the lifespan, but they will eventually grow old one day.

It will also lose its strength due to old age!

But at that time, it means that there is not much life left!

Everyone couldn't help but feel admiration.

A young man hurriedly supported the old man, carrying more than a dozen arrows on his back, and went to the line of defense.



Before the boy could react, a ninth-level monster was killed on the spot with a howl.

Cow! Cow!

It's too strong to kill a level 9 monster with one arrow.

The old man didn't have any fluctuations at all, and he was constantly looking for the ninth-level monsters!

Every time one is killed, it will reduce a little pressure on the defense line.

In this way, the young man and the people around resisted the monsters that occasionally jumped on the city wall, while protecting the old man from being harassed by the monsters.

In this way, it continued for two hours. .

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