"There are too many people, aren't there?"

Around Black Turtle Island, some students stood on a sailboat and looked around.

Dense white sails came into view, as if they were endless.

The sailboats were also full of people.

Thousands of sailboats, tens of thousands of people.

All just to witness today's feast.

"Of course"

"As soon as he entered school, he showed his strong"

"And there's more than one person, there are three people"

"No matter who they are, in which era, they are all outstanding."

"It is not easy to appear at the same time in this era."

"This may be a chance to witness a legend with your own eyes."

A teacher sighed and explained to his students. It is both lucky and unfortunate to be born in this era with these top geniuses.

Thousands of sails are hoisted high, waiting for the protagonist to enter.

A luxury cruise ship engraved with a blue dragon slowly approached.

"That's the logo of the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School."

"Chu Jue is here!"

When they saw the cruise ship, countless sailboats immediately became excited.

They all raised their heads, trying to see the figures more clearly.

Chu Jue, who stood at the front, was very imposing.

Looking at the dense white sails around Xuangui Island, a hint of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

"In front of so many people"

"I will definitely defeat Cheng Sheng and Yun Tian and make my name famous."

""You all have confidence?"

Chu Jue looked behind him.

His dozen followers had gone through unimaginable devilish training for today's competition.

They all responded to Chu Jue's words.

Soon, the cruise ship approached the Black Turtle Island.

Chu Jue's followers jumped off immediately.

He himself was a step slower than them.

But his figure was more eye-catching.

Chu Jue walked in the air. Although he was clearly stepping on the air, it seemed as if there were invisible stairs, and he walked more steadily with each step.

"Make light of heavy things"

"This is only a hair's breadth away from breaking through the fourth rank."

There is no shortage of warriors with high cultivation on the sailboat.

Seeing Chu Jue like this, they couldn't help but exclaim.

The fourth rank, the state of unity, the true meaning of martial arts is integrated into one's body.

The peak of the fifth rank is close to the fourth rank, and can stay in the air for a short time.

But to walk in the air as easily as Chu Jue, the mastery of the true meaning of martial arts needs to reach a very deep level.

It can be seen that he is not far from the fourth rank.

The fourth rank at the age of eighteen!

At such an age, with such cultivation. The value of this can be imagined.

Chu Jue has become accustomed to the admiring eyes of the people around him.

He landed gracefully, and his figure stood firmly in the center of Xuangui Island, bathing in the sights.

There were also figures on the cruise ship that jumped up.

Most people's figures directly flew into the air, just like the fourth rank realm.

They were scattered over the Cangjiang River, always paying attention to the bottom.

One of the figures stood on the edge of Xuangui Island.

He had a rough face, a tall figure, and the whole person was as steady as an elephant.

""Elephant Guardian!"

Someone recognized this person and exclaimed.

There were twelve guardians under the seat of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint.

Each guardian was a first-class warrior.

The elephant guardian in front of him was one of them.

It was conceivable that they valued Chu Jue.

In order to prevent him from getting into trouble, they actually sent out a guardian.

"Another cruise ship is coming."

With a few exclamations, two luxury cruise ships came from afar at the same time.

One was engraved with flowing clouds, and the other was engraved with a dazzling sun.

They were the symbols of Yunliu Martial Arts School and the Cheng family.

After approaching Xuangui Island, the two groups of people also jumped onto Xuangui Island at the same time.

There were also guardians scattered and floating in the sky.

At the same time, the guardians of the two martial saints also appeared on Xuangui Island.

One of them was Lei Ling, who presided over the Cheng family's martial saint apprentice assessment.

The other one was from Yunliu Martial Arts School. He was slightly thin, but he also had a first-grade cultivation.

"People are getting angry!"

"Is this duel about to begin?"

Around Black Turtle Island, on thousands of sailboats, tens of thousands of people stretched their necks.

They looked up at the situation on Black Turtle Island.

Yuntian and Cheng Sheng brought their own people to Chu Jue's side.

In an instant, the atmosphere was tense.

"You guys really kept me waiting!"

"It's just a pity"

"No matter how long you delay, you will not be defeated."

Chu Jue crossed his five fingers, and crackling sounds came from his bones.

He was telling his body to adapt to the upcoming battle.

"Just some verbal advantage"

"Who will lose, or the real battle will be decided."

As the descendants of the Martial Saint, the three of them naturally look down on each other.

They are all equally arrogant.

When the geniuses meet, the flames of war are already rising to the sky with just a collision of momentum.

It seems that the war is about to break out.


At this moment, a whistle came from a distance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Those were two sailboats sailing at high speed.

Although they were small sailboats, their speed was not slow at all.

The sailboats sped on the river, leaving afterimages, and soon arrived at the edge of Xuangui Island.

The three first-class warriors guarding the surroundings were the first to change their faces.

"Bold Demon Cultist"

"How dare you be so bold and arrogant."

The three approached the two sailboats.

The aura emitted by the sailboats when guided by the demonic energy was extremely heavy.

They could never mistake this aura.

As expected, two red-haired demons walked down from the sailboats first.

They looked similar, and there were blood-colored ancient seal characters engraved on their right cheeks.

Twenty-two, twenty-three

""Devil 22, Devil 23."

Lei Ling looked at the two with a slightly solemn expression.

As far as they knew, the Devil Cult was led by 32 elders.

They had no names, only marks on their faces.

Moreover, their cultivation was also the first rank.

Now that they appeared here, they must have bad intentions.

"Seniors, don't worry"

"We have only heard that today's competition is to determine the best of the younger generation."

"It seems that they didn't say that our demon sect couldn't participate, right?"

Yang Yu slowly landed from the cruise ship.

Behind him, followed by a dozen demon colleagues.

He spoke word by word, facing three first-class warriors without fear, neither humble nor arrogant.

Two red-haired demons were guarding behind him.

"Seniors, don't worry so much."

"I just want to see what the difference is between me and the so-called son of the Martial Saint."

"You guys don't mind being defeated by me, do you?"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Yang Yu's provocation was no longer childish.

The guardian elephant also looked at Chu Jue.

After all, he was the person in charge of this competition.

How to deal with these demon cult believers should also be decided by him.

"Young Master, please give me your instructions."

The guardian elephant waited for Chu Jue's reply.

Then, he smiled contemptuously at the latter and said

"Hitting two is hitting, hitting three is the same"

"If you want to go up, hurry up."

Chu Jue's tone was calm, as if he didn't care about Yang Yu who suddenly joined the game.

Cheng Sheng and Yun Tian's eyes also brightened up a lot, and flashed fiercely.

The demon sect should be killed by everyone, and everyone can kill it.

How dare you appear in front of them ?

"Hey, I said, how long do we have to wait?"

"My time is precious."

After he came on stage, Yang Yusi looked impatient.

At this moment, the sound of the river water rang in the ears of the people around him.

Another luxury cruise ship was coming towards Black Turtle Island.

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