"Why is there more?"

Seeing another cruise ship, there were more than just the surrounding sailboats.

Even the three martial saints on Xuangui Island were a little surprised.

As for the Holy Son of the Demon Cult, Yang Yu, he had a playful look on his face.

The more chaotic the scene, the more he would like to see

"Could it be him?"

Looking at the luxury cruise ship, Cheng Sheng unconsciously saw a figure in his mind.

He couldn't help but clench his fists.

"That is the logo of Southern Martial Arts University."

Some people recognized the logo on the cruise ship.

The cruise ship docked at Xuangui Island, and Ye Fan stood in front of the cruise ship.

They were both first-class warriors, and he was also the president of Southern Martial Arts University.

The guardians sent by the three martial saints, such as Lei Ling, naturally recognized his identity.

""Make way for Master Lu!"

Su Yu shouted on the cruise ship.

He had been planning this on the way here. He said that he had to give Lu Ming enough face when he went north.

He even rehearsed it several times on the cruise ship.

The fourteen southern disciples landed on the ground and stood on both sides, leaving the middle road empty.

"That was Lin Xingqiang from Southern Martial Arts University, once the best in the university."

"Even he was standing on one side, so who were they welcoming?"

Lin Xingqiang's reputation was naturally known to everyone.

However, even he was inserted into the team.

This made everyone curious and wanted to witness the leader's demeanor.

The three descendants of the Martial Saint and the Holy Son of the Demon Cult also cast their eyes.

Then a tall young man was seen carrying a spear and walking in the air.

He walked slowly down and came to the Black Turtle Island. His footsteps in the air were as leisurely as Chu Jue just now.

Another top genius who was infinitely close to the fourth rank

"It's him indeed."

Cheng Sheng looked at Lu Ming walking down slowly, with a complicated expression in his eyes.

But in an instant, his expression turned into a resolute one.

"I've lost once."

"This time, I will never lose again."

Chu Jue and Yun Tian also recognized Lu Ming's identity.

At that time, although they were not at the scene of the battle between Lu Ming and Cheng Sheng, they also observed the battle through various means afterwards.

The unyielding figure who dared to face the pressure of the Martial Saint had left a deep impression in their hearts.

"Could it be Lu Ming?"

"Once defeated Cheng Sheng, and recently defeated Lin Xingqiang"

"He is the top genius in the south."

With so many ships surging, there is no shortage of knowledgeable people.

Soon someone recognized Lu Ming's identity and spread his deeds.

This also made the people around him gradually understand

"I heard that today we will decide the first person of the young generation."

"If I hadn't been there"

"Who dares to claim the first place?"

Accompanied by the fourteen sons of the south, Lu Ming also came to the center of the Black Turtle Island.

In addition to Yang Yu, he had learned about the two sons of the Martial Saint through various channels.

Cheng Sheng was even more so.

Even if the five of them were just gathered together, there was a terrifying fluctuation emanating

"It's really hard to imagine"

"All five of them were only eighteen years old."

Even if they were watching from a distance, everyone could feel the indescribable fluctuations.

It was enough to make ordinary people feel strong palpitations.

Daxia, it can be said that the top five geniuses in the world, all gathered here

"It's more lively than I thought"

"But it's better. It's easier to catch them all at once than to find them one by one."

To be honest, the arrival of Yang Yu and Lu Ming was indeed a little unexpected to Chu Jue.

But that's all.

"Who doesn't know how to talk big?"

"Is it possible that the son of the Martial Saint is only good at talking?"

"I can't wait to make a move."

Yang Yu's expression was grim, but a little depressed.

Standing around him were all the top geniuses of Daxia.

If he could absorb their blood and use them as blood food, it would definitely be a great tonic for him.

Unfortunately, their guardians were also on this island.

Moreover, as the descendants of the Martial Saint, they definitely had more tricks up their sleeves.

This feeling of being so close yet out of control really made it difficult for him to give up, and he needed to vent his anger.

"How to fight five people?"

Yun Tian said briefly and pointed out the pain point.

There were five of them in total.

"Why can't five people fight together?"

"I will fight one against four, and you will decide the last four."

"What do you think?"

As soon as Chu Jue finished speaking, Yang Yuxie smiled.

"I mean that, too."

"It's just that I beat you four."

"Then it is happily decided."

Chu Jue snapped his fingers, not knowing what he had finally decided.

"Be prepared"

"Be prepared to watch me ascend to godhood under the watchful eyes of the crowd."

Chu Jue said, and turned back to look at his followers.

"The rest of you will be in charge."

After saying this, he turned back to look at the four people and suggested with a smile:

"Here, they are given the battlefield"

"Our battlefield is above."

Chu Jue pointed to the sky above.

After that, he slowly rose into the air. Only a fourth-grade warrior could use the true meaning of martial arts to fly for a long time.

However, at this time, the five people were already very close to the fourth grade.

Fighting in the air was not a difficult task for them.

After Chu Jue, the figures of the four people quickly turned into streams of light.

They floated in the air at the same time, looking around at each other.

"Is this going to start a fight?"

Around Black Turtle Island, countless people on the sailboats raised their heads and looked up at the five figures in the sky.

Even the several guardians on the edge of Black Turtle Island were rubbing their chins.

"I always feel"

"This will be the most exciting battle between the geniuses we have ever seen."

The guardian elephant said what he thought.

Even Yang Yu, the son of the demon sect, was a leader in cultivation.

Not to mention the other four.

His opinion was also recognized by other guardians.

"bring it on!"

"Four of you, be prepared to take on this challenge."

"Don't let it last even for a second."

Chu Jue deliberately controlled his position.

He happened to be facing four people at the same time.���A rich and powerful martial arts truth permeated around him.

"Remember this!"

"The move that will defeat you is called!"

""Transform into a dragon!"

Chu Jue shouted.

Then, his martial arts true meaning began to extend across the sky.

Dragon horns, dragon head, dragon body, dragon scales, dragon tail... an illusory blue dragon appeared in front of the four people.

As the martial arts true meaning became stronger, the blue dragon gradually became more solid.

It hovered in the sky, and its pair of golden dragon eyes revealed majesty.


Chu Jue turned into a blue dragon and roared to the sky.

The dragon's roar shook the sky, almost bursting the eardrums of the people around him.

The current of the Cangjiang River reversed slightly at this moment.

The blue dragon blocked the sun and looked down from above.

The sunlight of many white sails was blocked by it and they entered the darkness.

"This is a dragon!"

Some people looked up and exclaimed in disbelief.

The dragon, the most profound and mysterious element of Daxia, appeared in front of them at this moment.

The extremely powerful pressure forced people to submit.

Canglong looked down at the tiny four people.

He was not talking nonsense.

He really wanted to fight four people with his own strength!

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