
"Go ahead"

"After this battle, you will be the glory of mankind."

After explaining the battle plan, Xu Wen shouted.

He was also very excited.

Since he became the commander-in-chief of the Great Xia Army, recovering the lost territory has always been his long-cherished wish. For this reason, he would be ruthless and take the next risky move.

He fought against the Demon Cult and won the Cangxuan Sword before the three martial saints.

Facts have proved that he did not make the wrong choice.

The difficult growth period has passed.

Lu Yue did not live up to his expectations and successfully broke through the super martial saint.

Now is the harvest season.

Recovering Xiliang is the first fruit that Xu Wen has given to himself and to Great Xia.

In the night, the border gate opened quietly.

Countless figures ejected.

Five people in a team, countless teams took advantage of the cover of night to come out secretly and headed in the direction designated by Xu Wen.

In just one minute, only Xu Wen and Lu Yue were left in place

"I'm here, waiting for your good news."

Lu Yue climbed up the city wall with Xu Wen, looking over there was only the pitch-black night.

The night was the best cover.

It concealed the infinite murderous intent contained in it.

"Lu Yue, you should live up to the commander-in-chief's expectations."

Lu Yue responded to Xu Wen.

Then, his figure soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Only Xu Wen was left, looking at the darkness outside the border, his eyes burning.

"I am Ye Qiang, the leader of this team."

"Except for you, the other three are all third-rank warriors like me."

"But we've heard of you."

"The target area is full of level 7 beasts, whose strength is comparable to ours."

"We can compare later to see who kills more."

A third-grade warrior is in the Tribulation Realm.

The Tribulation Realm is divided into three tribulations.

Physical tribulation, spiritual tribulation, and mental tribulation.

Each tribulation is like rebirth in Nirvana, and can gain extraordinary abilities.

For example, mental tribulation.

Once it is passed, the mental energy will be greatly enhanced. It can even transmit consciousness.

At this time, Ye Qiang was using consciousness to transmit messages to Lu Ming.

Obviously, he has passed the mental tribulation.

Lu Ming's cultivation has not reached the third grade, so naturally he can't pass the mental tribulation and master consciousness transmission.

Facing Ye Qiang's transmission, he nodded from time to time in response.

The figures of five people ran under the night.

Xiliang was in a trance, the yellow sand was flying wildly, and the night was as dark as ink.

This also provided a good cover for their stealth.

The five people had high cultivation and soon arrived at the designated location.

They stood separately and approached different beasts.

Dozens of sleeping giant wolves were sleeping under the tree.

"Wait, I'll leave the three giant wolves over there to you, are you sure?"

Lu Ming looked under the tree where he was, and saw three evil wolves lying around there, and nodded.

Seeing that he agreed, Ye Qiang did not doubt him.

On the battlefield, the most important thing is trust.

Although they are third-grade warriors of the same level as the evil wolves, each of them is the elite among the elite.

Killing beasts of the same level cannot be said to be easy, but it does not take much trouble.

What's more, it is a resting beast.

I'm afraid even these beasts can't imagine that one day, humans will have such courage to take the initiative to kill into the forbidden land of beasts.

Lu Ming held the spear in his hand and held his breath.

He was waiting for the signal from the watch.

The mission was about to begin, and Ye Qiang stopped sending the message.

He and the other four also held their weapons in their hands, ready to attack at any time.

At the same time.

In the dark, countless people hid.

They were also waiting like Lu Ming's team.


A slight vibration sounded from everyone's combat watch.

The sound It was subtle, but such a movement had already awakened the surrounding beasts.

However, Lu Ming's movements were much faster than their reactions.

He descended quickly, and when he was close to the ground, he suddenly thrust out the spear in his hand.

The spear shot out like a dragon!

Three times in a row, several afterimages flashed in the air.

Three shots.

Each shot pierced the head of a wolf.

The pierced wolf's brain was immediately pierced, and blood and brain matter flowed out.

From a tiny hole pierced in their brains.

Lu Ming quickly and neatly dealt with the three level seven beasts under the tree.

In the team, the other four had also completed the kill.

They were well-trained, and after completing the task, they immediately gathered around Lu Ming to protect his safety.

After all, although his combat power was close to the third rank, his cultivation was not yet.

He could only accept this kind of care helplessly.

After all, he was indeed the weakest.

At this time, the surroundings were still silent.

There was no roar of beasts or sounds of fighting.

Obviously, all the tasks of everyone were being carried out smoothly.

"We quickly retreated as planned."

Ye Qiang did not hesitate at all. After confirming that Lu Ming was safe, he quickly issued an order.

Although they killed so many beasts silently without making any noise, beasts are sensitive to the smell of blood.

What's more, it was the blood of the same kind.

It won't be long before they discover these abnormalities.

By then, the real war has just begun.

Staying here will only be a waste of death.

After completing the mission, all teams moved towards the border.

Only corpses were left on the ground, emitting a faint smell of blood.

In the center of Xiliang, a black mountain stood in the middle.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not a black mountain at all.

It is a huge ape.

It's just that its body is too huge, tens of meters high.

Therefore, from a distance, it looks as big as a mountain.

This is the tenth-level beast, the real overlord of Xiliang, the Titan Giant Ape.

I don't know when.

The pair of ferocious eyes like copper bells opened instantly.

The fierce light shone, and even the air around was stained with a murderous meaning


As a level 10 beast, the Titan Ape's five senses are extremely sharp.

Just a moment ago, it felt something unusual.

The breath of its people disappeared inexplicably.

As soon as it thought about it, the smell of blood lingered around its nose.

There were also waves of humans retreating in an orderly manner.

A level 10 beast, whose intelligence is close to that of a demon, how could it not react to what happened.

It was just that it didn't expect that the beasts had always been the main attackers.

But today, they were the host.

It was precisely because of this loss that the human actions were so smooth this time.

But the Titan Ape had already fallen into a rage.


It roared to the sky, and the roar broke through the night, awakening all the beasts.

This was a war cry. A war cry declaring war on humans.

One after another, figures ran towards the border of Xiliang.

The army of beasts began to gather.


The Titan Ape also stood up from the ground, ready to go to the battle.

As soon as it stood up from the ground, the ground suddenly trembled, as if a small mountain rose from the ground.

But at this moment, a figure fell from the sky and floated in front of the Titan Ape.

He was wearing a military uniform, carrying a long sword, and looked heroic.

The Titan Ape's eyes narrowed, and he recognized the man, and his eyes were even more fiery.

The man who had injured it at the border of Xiliang.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

"After I became a martial saint"

"You will be the first soul to die under my sword."

Lu Yue took out the Cangxuan Sword from behind.

With an indifferent tone, he sentenced the level 10 beast to death.

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