"Line up in the planned battle formation."

In front of the border of Xiliang.

After completing the assassination mission, all the warriors returned to the border.

Warriors above the fourth rank were all floating in the air.

Warriors below the fourth rank were on the ground, ready to meet the enemy.

The night was about to fade away.

The sky was about to brighten, and a hazy light enveloped the world.

Dada... Dada...

A dull sound came from afar.

The sound was chaotic, but when mixed together, it still shook the sky.

Those were the thousands of beasts gathered together by the Titan Giant Ape's war cry.

They stepped out, with cruelty flashing in their eyes.

The gusts of wind and sand under their feet gathered together to cover their figures.

Figures like hills continued.

Their compatriots were killed and fell, and the anger of these beasts was also ignited.

They had a fierce light in their eyes, and vowed to make these hateful humans pay the price.

The strong fighting spirit almost solidified the air.

The murderous intention was pervasive, and the world was desolate.


A violent roar sounded behind the beasts.

Everyone was shocked and confused.

Where did the sound come from?

On the other hand, the beasts all changed their expressions at this time.

"This is the voice of the Lord"

"Who dares to offend His Majesty?"

They recognized the voice of the Titan Ape.

They were so surprised after recognizing it.

Who could make His Majesty lose his composure?

They all looked back.

Even the military formations cast their eyes into the distance.

The wind and sand were everywhere, and it was not easy to see the scene when it was about to dawn.

But a figure like a hill could still be vaguely seen.

It was pitch black and huge.

Every time it moved, the momentum would be deafening, causing the earth to tremble.

Even if they were thousands of meters away, everyone could still feel the vibration of the ground under their feet.

What made the beast unbelievable was that the Titan Ape was actually fighting with a human.

The human was floating in front of the Titan Ape.

He held a long sword and kept waving at the Titan Ape.

The sword energy fluctuated, and a huge Dharma body condensed behind the figure.

The Dharma body held a huge long sword, and every time it made a move, it would definitely be earth-shattering.

The sword energy spanned 30,000 miles, and the sword light was cold. Nineteen states.

This is the power of the Martial Saint.

Lu Yue held the Cang Xuan Sword, and with the blessing of the holy weapon, the sword energy was extremely fierce.

When he was still a first-grade martial saint, he was able to injure the Titan Giant Ape.

Now that he has achieved a super-grade martial saint, it is even easier to suppress it.

In front of the increasingly sharp sword energy, even the Titan Giant Ape, who had thick skin and flesh, could not help but show a decline.

Its huge body was torn open by wounds, and blood condensed like mercury scattered on the ground.

Lu Yue's power has not diminished at all.

The Titan Giant Ape is destined to become the first dead soul under his sword since he became a saint.

The combat power of the contemporary Martial Saint is not much, but not little.

They are all Martial Saints, and they can only check and balance each other.

But when it comes to truly killing Martial Saints, there is almost no one.

After all, they are all contemporary peerless combat powers.

But Lu Yue just wants to refresh this matter.

How can the Martial Saint not be killed?

The tenth-level beast should be killed!

The roar of the beast shook the sky, and it became more and more heartbreaking.

The more so, the more it shows that it is at a disadvantage.

"Lord Demon, do you need help?"

"We also need the beast tribe to provide raw materials for the blood sacrifice."

In a corner watching the battle,

Lin Ziyuan stood with the girl and asked her respectfully.

He didn't want to help the Titan Ape.

But if the matter changed, it might involve the plan of the demon envoy, so he asked one more question.

"No need"

"Besides, even if you"

"You two are no match for that man either."

Although the demon envoy's consciousness descended on this body, his eyesight was still there.

He saw at a glance that Lu Yue was extraordinary.

After hearing the demon envoy's words, Lin Ziyuan was not suitable for him.

But he still looked a little surprised.

He and the Titan Giant Ape were both martial saints.

Two against one, and they couldn't beat Lu Yue?

This was too far-fetched.

"You underestimated the Holy Relic."

"Four holy weapons can seal the connection between Blue Star and the Demon World"

"Even if you join forces with that monkey, the best outcome is that he dies and you live."

The demon said the best outcome.

In other words, in the worst case,

Lin Ziyuan and the Titan Ape will both die at Lu Yue's hands.

"The blood of the Martial Saint is enough to support this blood sacrifice."

"Just in time to get in touch with the Demon Lord."

After answering Lin Ziyuan's question, the Demon Envoy began to mutter to himself.

Although the Cangxuan Sword had been pulled out and the seal had loosened a bit, there was still no stable connection between Blue Star and the Demon Realm.

If you want to get in touch, you must pay a huge price.

That's why Lin Ziyuan designed this beast tide. The

Titan Ape naturally didn't expect that the deal with Lin Ziyuan would actually cost him.

With the Demon Envoy's reply,

Lin Ziyuan also hid in the corner with him to observe the development of the battle.



The top fighters on both sides have started fighting.

Moreover, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lu Yue has already gained the upper hand.

It is only a matter of time before he wants to deal with the Titan Ape.

Therefore, the humans, whose morale was greatly boosted, also roared in anger.

Faced with such a provocation, the beasts were naturally fearless.

They also roared, using all four limbs to kill the humans.


In the sky, various flying beasts cut through the sky.

Only the fourth-grade warriors, who have integrated the true meaning of martial arts into their bodies, can fly in the air.

These flying beasts are simply restraints for low-grade warriors.

They swooped down and killed many low-grade warriors, and the scene was once chaotic. Chaos.

But the warriors of Daxia will not let them have their way. All warriors above the fourth rank floated in the air and killed these flying beasts.

In an instant, blood flowers bloomed in the sky, bright red.

Among them, a figure as bright as lightning was the most eye-catching.

His figure was like lightning, shuttling in the sky.

Wherever he went, a flying beast would fall to the ground in the next second.

Their lifeless bodies fell vertically to the ground.

Moreover, their death was extremely uniform. They were killed by a bullet through the brain.

This figure was naturally Lu Ming.

He fought in the air with a gun, like an undefeated god of war.

The advantages of the Liuhe gun were fully utilized in group battles.

【[Militant Man] Fate is roaring.

The battlefield is like where Lu Ming belongs.

His blood is boiling, and his fighting spirit is surging.

When facing the beasts in the sky, his mind is blank. He just instinctively shoots and kills the enemy!

This is the most suitable place for [Militant Man] to perform.

Lu Ming's brain has no concept of how many he has killed.

The only thing he thinks about is to kill the enemy in front of him.

And to kill with the least consumption!

Around him, many third-grade warriors turned pale.

As soldiers, killing the enemy is their first priority.

Some of them have heard of Lu Ming's reputation for a long time, and they have even made up their minds to compete with Lu Ming.

But Lu Ming's killing speed shocked them all.

One shot per head, several shots per second.

The number of beasts shot down by him is already countless, and the speed is not comparable to them.

This is only the fourth grade?!

For a while, many third-grade warriors looked at Lu Ming's performance and broke their defenses.

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