Compared to Lu Ming, the third-rank warriors present all felt that their identities should be swapped.

Lu Ming naturally didn't know what others were thinking.

At this moment, he was already immersed in killing.

Even the third-rank beasts that rushed over were no match for him.

Holding a spear, he was invincible among the beasts.

As the number of beast corpses under his spear increased, Lu Ming's cultivation was gradually improving.

Fighting was his best experience.


Lu Ming swept his spear across, blocking the beasts from charging at him.

In the killing, his mind became clearer.

The only thought in his mind was how to kill the enemy.

As he killed, the martial arts true meaning that permeated his body continued to gather.

These martial arts true meanings penetrated into his body, constantly strengthening his body.

Lu Ming's aura also rose steadily.

In just a moment, he had reached the late fourth grade, reaching a level infinitely close to the peak of the fourth grade.

"not enough"

"Far from enough"

"These level 7 beasts can no longer satisfy me."

Lu Ming raised his spear and flicked it lightly with his clever strength.

The Dragon Spear immediately rotated 360 degrees in his hand.

The burst of spear energy swept all around, killing all the beasts in the surrounding circle.

But Lu Ming continued to kill.

Moreover, he was still muttering"not enough, not enough".

Facing these beasts, he squeezed out his skills to fight them.

His true meaning of martial arts was also under such influence, and it was more integrated into his body.

But the pressure from the level 7 beasts was not enough.

After reaching the late stage of the fourth grade, Lu Ming's breath stopped rising directly.

He needed a stronger helper. He needed a stronger enemy.

Lu Ming looked up and looked at the battlefield above.

That was a battlefield with higher cultivation. The first - grade warriors fought with the ninth-grade beasts, and the second-grade beasts fought with the eighth-grade beasts.

The aftermath of the battle alone was terrifying.

Lu Ming also gave up the idea of joining in.

His current cultivation is still at the fourth grade.

Although he can fight across levels, it is not easy to fight against the eighth-grade beast.

Not to mention joining a group battle.

There are various fluctuations inside, and even Lu Ming cannot guarantee that he can escape unscathed.

But he was unwilling to do so. He was only a little away from the peak of the fourth grade, and he could not achieve it.

It would be a lie to say that Lu Ming was not disappointed.

And just when Lu Ming was entangled in disappointment, there was a sudden movement in the distance.

That was the battlefield between Lu Yue and the Titan Giant Ape.


At this time, the Titan Ape had fought to the point of madness.

It opened its mouth, let out a crazy roar, and punched like raindrops.

Its body was extremely huge, up to dozens of meters high.

Its pair of iron fists were like two boulders, and every punch was earth-shattering.

But it was killed in an extremely miserable way.

When its fists rained down at Lu Yue, the blood on its body became heavier.

In the fight with Lu Yue.

The fast and sharp Cang Xuan sword technique killed the Titan Ape without leaving a single piece of armor.

It didn't know how many wounds it had.

The blood flowed down his hair, dripped onto the ground, and gathered into a long river of blood.

As it punched wildly, more and more blood quickly flowed out of its pores.

The blood river on the ground also suddenly surged a lot.

The Titan Ape was already at the end of its strength.

Therefore, it was fighting desperately, hoping to snatch a glimmer of life from Lu Yue.

"Today, you must die!"

However, Lu Yue did not show any sign of weakness.

Holding the Cang Xuan Sword, he looked at the Titan Ape covered in blood and made a ruthless judgment.

As a super martial saint, he also mastered the super martial arts Cang Xuan Sword Art.

Moreover, he also had the Cang Xuan Sword in his hand.

Lu Yue could hardly think of how he could lose.

""Swords are coming!"

Lu Yue's hair danced in the wind, as elegant as a banished immortal.

The Titan ape was going crazy, and he also used all his strength to forcefully put an end to it.

The golden Dharma image behind him became more and more solid.

Moreover, gradually, phantoms of long swords appeared around him.

These phantoms of long swords emitted sharp sword energy, wrapping the Titan ape in it. The sharp sword intent was harvesting the life of the ape all the time.

The fists of the Titan ape were constantly blocked by the long sword of the Dharma image behind Lu Yue.


The Titan Ape was originally holding on to its breath, fighting to the death.

It was blocked by Lu Yue, and it could not hold on to its breath, and it fell into weakness in an instant.

A large mouthful of blood spit out from its mouth, leaving a blood puddle on the surrounding land.

Its arms drooped weakly, and it could no longer raise its fists. Its whole body also lost its fighting spirit in an instant.

It had been completely subdued by Lu Yue.

Blood was still flowing from its body, but it was no longer aware of it.

Its vitality was fading too quickly.

A generation of overlords, on the road to death

""Sword of the End!"

Under the witness of countless humans and thousands of fierce beasts,

Lu Yue's Dharma image suddenly raised his hands.

He also raised the Cangxuan Sword.

The sword light soared into the sky, directly connected with the sky.

It contained a pure and powerful sword intent.

The Titan Giant Ape could feel the power of this sword.

But it just watched quietly.

It was no longer able to resist, let alone dodge.


Lu Yue slashed down with his sword.

Bang! A loud noise was heard.

A deep gully was left on the land.

What was left was a huge black body that was split in the middle.

It was the body of the Titan Ape.

However, it had been split in half and became a corpse.

Various huge bloody organs fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from the two halves of the corpse, directly dyeing a large area of the sky red.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone stared at this scene in amazement.

Even the fierce beasts that resisted stubbornly were slightly stunned, and let out a heavy cry of pain.

The overlord of Xiliang, the level 10 fierce beast Titan Giant Ape. He died just like that!

In mid-air, Lu Yue stood with a sword.

Looking at the huge corpse in front of him that was split in two, he calmly took back the Cangxuan Sword.

Moreover, the Dharma image behind him also dissipated directly.

With the death of the Titan Giant Ape, the outcome of this battle can be said to have been completely determined.

"Your Excellency! Your Excellency!"

"I will perish with you!"

After the death of the Titan Ape, the scene changed again.

Humans became more and more excited.

Some beasts became more and more crazy because of the death of the Lord.

They wanted to fight to the death with the humans they were fighting.

Some beasts also had other ideas.

For example, an eighth-level beast, the Canglang, was running in the air and fighting fiercely with a second-grade warrior.

After seeing the shocked corpse of the Titan Ape, the Canglang immediately turned around and went far away, trying to escape from here.

The second-grade warrior who had fought with it was about to chase.

But on the other side, the mad lion had already entangled him and another second-grade warrior, and they would fight to the death.

This also left the Canglang unstopped.

And this scene fell into Lu Ming's eyes.

It's the end of the month, and counting today, it has been 53 days in a row.

Dear masters, I'm hungry, please give me some gifts.

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