Under the dark clouds, the golden light behind Lu Ming was set off to be dazzling.

Two huge hands were condensed.

The wolf's body of more than ten meters is already considered huge.

But in front of these two hands, it seems a little small.

Using the fourth-grade cultivation, he performed the Ming Wang Immortal Body.

This small magical power was also different from what Lu Ming had performed before.

In the middle of the two golden hands, a somewhat illusory huge body also connected the two hands.

But this body was not solid.

If Lu Ming's cultivation is further improved, the power of the Ming Wang Immortal Body is estimated to continue to increase.

I just don't know.

The incomplete Ming Wang Immortal Body has reached such a terrifying level.

What kind of power should the complete version of the Ming Wang Immortal Body have?

Of course, these are all later stories.

After performing the Ming Wang Immortal Body, even if it is incomplete, Lu Ming's combat power has soared to a terrifying level.

"Aren't you fierce?"

"Come on! Be fierce again!"

Looking at the Canglang in front of him with a solemn expression and taking a few steps back, Lu Ming laughed unhappily.

Just now, this beast was still arrogant. But now it looks timid.

Such a change is really too ridiculous.

Facing Lu Ming's ridicule, although Canglang was indignant, it did not lose its mind.

But in this situation, it can only fight to the death.

Either it can waste time here and wait for other warriors behind it to deal with those beasts, and then free up its hands to deal with him together with Lu Ming.

In comparison, now is the last chance.


Then the wolf let out a loud roar.

The sound was passionate and reached the sky, as if to give itself courage.

And its magical power was also fully activated.

The pair of golden hands made it feel extremely afraid.

It was as if it was facing the will of heaven and earth.

The blood in its body was suddenly empty, and all of it was used to strengthen its magical power.

The blood color on its body became more and more intense. The strength and pressure of the flesh were also improved.

But this state lasted for a limited time.

It was like some kind of blue pill.

After the effect of the medicine wore off, it began to become limp.

Therefore, the wolf had to fight quickly.

It flew away and came to the front of the illusory golden body, straight to the center.

Because Lu Ming's figure was floating in it.

In response to its attack, the golden hands also responded quickly.

Two huge palms as big as mountains suddenly pressed together.

""Hua, hua, hua!"

Canglang sensed something was wrong and dodged quickly.

However, the huge palms that came together at a very fast speed squeezed the surrounding air.

Therefore, the compressed air waves were ejected like bullets.

An astonishing strong wind blew up.

The wind and sand filled the sky, instantly covering the figures of countless humans and beasts.

Even though this opening was earth-shattering.

After escaping the disaster, Canglang's eyes flickered, and he was frightened.

But there was no turning back.

It tried to attack again when Lu Ming closed his palms.

But it didn't expect that Lu Ming's reaction was faster than him.

Its figure just flew out again, just approaching.

It was met with Lu Ming's huge fist.

As soon as the fist came out, it instantly flattened Canglang's cheek and sent it flying far away.

Lu Ming's control over the Ming Wang Immortal Body was as easy as flexing his arm.

This was also what Lu Ming had just discovered.

Controlling the Ming Wang Immortal Body with the fourth-grade cultivation was obviously more handy than when he was at the fifth-grade cultivation.

In fact, he began to use the Ming Wang Immortal Body to display his extreme boxing.


The Ming Wang Immortal Body's fist blasted out again with an astonishing trajectory.

The golden hand was really too huge.

Therefore, every time he swung his fist, it was earth-shattering.

The sound of breaking through the air was like thunder, one after another.


The wolf ran as fast as it could, showing its ferocious fangs, and charged forward.

What greeted it was the powerful fist of Ming Wang Bu Mie.

"Whirring whirring……"

After being beaten back by another punch, Canglang could not help but stay where he was, breathing slightly.

This was not the first time.

He used the Mingwang Immortal Body to perform the Extreme Boxing Dao, as if assisted by a god.

This was already a stunning martial art that was close to super-grade martial arts.

With the help of such a terrifying magical power as the Mingwang Immortal Body, its power was even more fully demonstrated.

Even though Canglang had used all his strength, he was still seriously injured.

At this time, it was bleeding from all seven orifices.

But it was just that its whole body was blood red at this time, and it was impossible to see it.

All that could be seen was the heat that continued to emanate from the pores because of the extreme load on the blood vessels.

"Come again, come again!"

"Almost there!"

Lu Ming had never encountered a punching bag as resistant as Canglang.

Using the Ming Wang Immortal Body to fight against this level 8 beast allowed him to reach a higher level of cultivation.

The invincible crushing posture allowed the true meaning of martial arts to penetrate into his body inch by inch. It was only a millimeter away from completely penetrating his body.

"This punch!"

"Fight to the peak of the fourth rank!"

Lu Ming shouted.

His eyes were burning, and his fighting spirit was burning.

The golden hand of the Ming Wang Immortal Body suddenly clenched and fell like a hammer.

It directly hit the Canglang who was lying on the ground gasping for breath.

Feeling the darkness around him and the almost suffocating oppression,

Canglang finally raised his head.

Facing it was the golden giant fist that had been clenched and covered his body.


A loud bang suddenly exploded.

Accompanied by an extremely fierce sandstorm.

Everyone who was paying attention to the ending barely used their spiritual energy to resist the wind and sand.

But until the wind and sand dissipated, they saw the scene.

Lu Ming's Ming Wang Immortal Body had dissipated. What remained was a bottomless pit. There was no trace of Canglang's body left.

If you have to say, it may have been broken up by Lu Ming and rubbed into the sand.

As for Lu Ming's body, it was still floating. Yukong.

He was closing his eyes and comprehending something.

As Canglang was killed, Lu Ming's last bit of realization was also completely perfected. The final martial arts truth was integrated into his body.

The true meaning of climbing high was completely integrated, which raised Lu Ming's physical fitness again.

It also gave Lu Ming a strange feeling.

The martial arts truth was integrated into his body, and his spirit and energy were completely united.

It was already the peak level of the fourth grade.

One step further, it was the tribulation realm.

At this moment, he floated in the void, closing his eyes to cultivate.

In the eyes of everyone, his figure was like a god descending to the earth.

The act of blasting the eighth-level beast with the fourth-grade cultivation just now was even more of a miracle.

Lu Yue, who was watching the entire battle from a distance, also twitched slightly.

He has been busy all the time, and for Lu Ming, except for secretly sending people to check and protect him, he did not intervene in any other way.

But who would have thought.

Lu Ming's growth rate was so fast that even he was a little caught off guard.

"A fourth-grade cultivator can beat a level eight beast."

This conversion made Lu Yue take a breath of cold air.

He can fight two levels higher.

When Lu Ming becomes a second-grade warrior, won't he be able to compete with himself who has become a super-grade warrior?

Moreover, judging from Lu Ming's current state, it won't take him long to break through to the third grade.

Of course, the second grade is even easier.

Thinking of this, Lu Yue couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He didn't expect that the first time he felt tired after becoming a saint was because of his own son.

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