But this exhaustion was only temporary.

He was too happy to be happy about his son's achievement, not to mention the exhaustion.

Still on the battlefield, he gathered his emotions and shouted in a low voice like the sound of heaven.

"Titan Ape is Dead"

"You foreign races, all of you shall be killed"

"Xiliang, return to the human race!"

Lu Yue stood with a sword in his hand, extremely solemn, his voice was as loud as thunder.

The moment he killed the Titan ape, countless beasts died.

But they still had a glimmer of hope to die together. But after Lu Ming crossed the level and killed the Canglang, their intention to die together seemed so ridiculous.

Therefore, many beasts gave up resistance in the end.

They closed their eyes and let the butcher knife open on them.

Xu Wen stood on the city wall.

As the beasts died one by one.

The soldiers outside the city now began to clean up the battlefield.

He was extremely excited, but his thoughts were hidden in his heart.

This was the first time that Daxia had won a great victory against the beasts. It was also the first time that it successfully recovered lost territory.

Looking at the busy soldiers outside the city wall, Xu Wen was just absent-minded.

I don't know how long it has been.


After the battlefield was cleaned up, Lu Yue returned to Xu Wen again.

It was late at night when the battle started.

Now it was already dusk.

Not only the battle, but also the post-battle cleanup took a lot of time.

A whole day.

In exchange, the Titan Giant Ape was killed.

All the fierce beasts in Xiliang were eliminated and returned to the embrace of Daxia.

It can only be said that it was extremely worthwhile.

"Let's go"

"We still have to keep busy."

Xu Wen said nothing more and took Lu Yue away.

Most of the soldiers had been transferred away.

After the war, only those soldiers responsible for guarding the border remained here.

Soon, the news about the battle in Xiliang swept across Daxia.

On the Internet, the discussion about this matter was in full swing.

"I heard that the ferocious beasts in Xiliang have been completely eliminated!"

"Even the overlord of Xiliang, the Titan Giant Ape, has fallen!"

"To recover the lost territory and show off our national prestige, it has to be our Great Xia!"

"I have no regrets about coming to Daxia in this life, and I hope to be a flower-growing family in the next life!"

"Is this true? That’s a level ten ferocious beast."

"If it can be eradicated, how can it be allowed to run rampant for so long?"

After hearing about this, countless netizens couldn't wait to express their opinions online.

Some people were skeptical.

After all, such big news should have official endorsement.

But now there is no official certification.

At the height of the event.

Daxia Central Television also urgently inserted a press conference.

Not only that.

At this moment, all TV stations began to reprint this press conference.

Even many short video platforms put this press conference on their own headlines.

Under the spotlight, countless long guns and short cannons were pointed at Xu Wen.

When everything was ready, the director made an OK gesture to Xu Wen.

Xu Wen also pointed at the microphone and spoke solemnly.

"Good evening, fellow Daxia people!"

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Daxia Army, Xu Wen"

"Sorry to take up your time."

"Now, I will announce a piece of good news to you all."

Originally, seeing the TV station suddenly interrupt the press conference, many people were confused.

When Xu Wen mentioned the word good news, they all thought of the same thing, and the same idea emerged in their minds.

Could it be that what was spread online is true?

While they were thinking, Xu Wen did not keep them in suspense at the press conference.

"Five days ago, a beast tide broke out again at the border of Xiliang"

"The military immediately mobilized troops from all over the country to gather in Xiliang"

"And yesterday morning, they launched a general attack on Xiliang."

Xu Wen's words were brief, but the amount of information he burst out was not small at all.

All along, facing the beast tide attack, all humans could do was to defend the city.

After all, compared with martial arts, the wild beasts are more terrifying.

But this time, Daxia fought back.

Such a boldness, wanting to swallow up thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

It also made many people curious about the outcome of this battle.

"The battle lasted half a day"

"In the end, we won and recovered Xiliang"

"Killed one level 10 beast, thirteen level 9 beasts, eighty-one level 8 beasts, and a number of other beasts.……"

Xu Wen was still reporting the results of the battle.

But those who had heard what he reported were all excited.

The offense and defense changed, and the battle started in Xiliang.

They returned with a great victory and recovered the lost territory!

It was no exaggeration.

Even if we look at the world, this was the first and most beautiful battle fought by humans against ferocious beasts.

Xu Wen was still reporting.

But the information of the press conference had been uploaded to the Internet by countless netizens. It was just a guess based on hearsay before.

Now with Xu Wen's confirmation, it began to spread wildly.

The whole of Daxia couldn't help but boil over this.

Tianjing, Wusheng Mountain.

The Crazy Dragon Wusheng sat under a tree, playing chess alone on the chessboard in the bright moonlight.

"Martial Saint"

"I have something important to report."

A figure climbed up the Martial Saint Mountain and bowed before the Mad Dragon Martial Saint.

It was the Elephant Guardian.

"Today, the military took the initiative to launch an attack on the border of Xiliang and successfully recovered the land of Xiliang."

Hearing this, the hand of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint holding the chess piece paused slightly.

He put away his carelessness and no longer paid attention to the chess game.

"What about Titan Ape?"

"According to our inquiries, the Titan Ape died at the hands of Lu Yue."

The Elephant Guardian had already anticipated the problem of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint.

Therefore, he made preparations in advance and sent people to inquire about the matter.

Now, it was the Mad Dragon Martial Saint's turn to take a deep breath.

"No wonder the military went to such great lengths to conceal the truth about the Cang Xuan Sword."

"Falling into their hands, with Lu Yue"

"The military is truly in its heyday today."

"Xu Wen, what a good plan."

At this time, the Mad Dragon Martial Saint finally realized Xu Wen's plan.

He was just gambling.

But, he really made the right bet.

The current military is unstoppable.

"Call Chu Jue over."

The Mad Dragon Martial Saint pondered for a long time and gave another order.

They didn't get the Cangxuan Sword.

But they were determined to get the Human Emperor Pen.

One holy weapon allowed the military to reach its current height.

If they get another one, it would be an extremely unfavorable situation for them.

At the same time, the Mysterious Beast Forest.

This place is located in the northwest of Daxia and is not in the territory of Daxia.

Originally, this place was a barren land, a place where no one lived.

But after the opening of the martial arts era, this place was completely renewed and full of vitality.

It has become the dense forest it is today.

But behind the calm, there is a strong murderous intent.

The reason why this place is called the Mysterious Beast Forest is because there are endless fierce beasts in it.

Moreover, these fierce beasts are all extraordinary.

Some even have the blood of ancient extraordinary fierce beasts in their bodies, and their strength is strong.

The high-end strength is even more unfathomable.

There was a martial saint who explored it alone, and finally his body was gone.

This also made the Mysterious Beast Forest even more fierce.

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