In a city full of tall buildings, an inconspicuous bird took off from somewhere in the city.

Then, it headed westwards, heading straight to the Mysterious Beast Forest.

Deep in the Mysterious Beast Forest.

This is the core area of the Mysterious Beast Forest.

The surrounding trees are dense, mostly tall and towering trees.

In front of a lake as plain as a mirror, with a tremor, a huge ape walked out of the forest.

Its eyes were golden, faintly revealing a noble color.

Moreover, there was a pair of dragon horns growing on its head.

This is a dragon ape.

There is a faint trace of ancient true dragon blood in its body.

Therefore, it will show some true dragon characteristics.

The dragon ape stopped in front of the lake and waited for a while.

Soon, two more terrifying beasts came here.

One of them was a mammoth elephant with a body length of hundreds of meters. Just one of its legs was as big as the trunk of an ancient tree.

The other was a Tianxuan Lingfeng that flapped its wings in the air, with unparalleled pressure.

Both beasts also had precious ancient blood.

Moreover, these three beasts are all level 10 beasts.

They are comparable to martial saints.

The three level 10 beasts also have ancient blood.

In terms of true strength, they are far more powerful than the three ordinary martial saints.

This is the background of the so-called forbidden land of beasts.

"The boss called us here, why?"

""Is it because of the last riot?"

Seeing the other two beasts, the dragon ape asked.

But the mammoth and the sky-black spirit phoenix shook their heads.

They were temporarily awakened from their retreat and rushed here by the signal from the boss.

The two beasts had no idea why the boss was looking for them.

While they were talking, the calm lake surface suddenly became abnormal.

In the center of the lake, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared.

Sensing this fluctuation, the three level ten beasts also looked out.

In the clear lake.

At the bottom of the whirlpool, a black shadow gradually appeared.


The water was stimulated and splashed out.

The huge body under the water finally appeared.

It was an extremely huge

Although half of its body is still hidden under the water, the exposed body is as tall as the mammoth.

Moreover, like the dragon ape, it has noble and respectful golden eyes.

That is the symbol of having true dragon blood. On the top of the dragon snake's head, there are also two graceful dragon horns.

The lines are smooth and silky, much stronger than those of the dragon ape.

Obviously, the purity of its blood is far higher than that of the dragon ape.

On the smooth and huge body of the dragon snake.

The hard and reflective dragon scales are so obvious.

It is a dragon with half of the true dragon blood in its body. Its strength has reached level ten, and with half of the true dragon blood in its body, its pressure alone is extremely terrifying.

"Congratulations, Boss, for making further progress in your cultivation."

Feeling the terrifying aura coming from the dragon, the three level 10 beasts couldn't help but exclaimed.

The four beasts all have ancient blood in their bodies.

After the era of martial arts, with the changes in the Mystical Beast Forest, there are also endless opportunities here.

The four beasts have also gained countless benefits here and have grown to this point.

At the same time, they also stick to their own little piece of land and protect it from being invaded.

There was a foreign martial saint who wanted to take a glimpse of the wonders of the Mystical Beast Forest.

In the end, he died in their hands.

The martial saint of the world is the pinnacle of martial arts.

Even if facing multiple martial saints, it is enough to save his life.

Therefore, many martial saints die of old age.

It can be said that there are very few martial saints who died at the hands of others.

From this, it can also be seen that these beasts are fierce.

"Level 10 is the limit of this world"

"I can't go any further."

Faced with the compliments of the three fierce beasts, Long Jiao was not happy, and his expression was deep.

It contained half of the blood of the true dragon in its body, and it also inherited a lot of knowledge of the true dragon clan.

As the most powerful existence in the world, once a pure true dragon clan is born, it is almost the strongest in the world.

Therefore, they are more aware of the shackles of this world.

Long Jiao didn't believe it at first, but after countless years of hard training.

It also experienced this personally.

People can't teach people.

Things teach people once.

Long Jiao's thoughts of not believing in evil stopped there.

The three fierce beasts couldn't participate in such a heavy topic.

It was Tianxuan Lingfeng who spoke up and broke the silence.


"You didn't come to us this time just to talk about this, did you?"

"That's not the case."

After being reminded by Tianxuan Lingfeng, Long Jiao also brought up the serious matter.

"The spy we just deployed in Daxia has returned"

"Today, the monkey in Xiliang was killed by humans."

"The compatriots in the entire Xiliang area were purged"

"Although humans cannot go to the Mysterious Beast Forest for the time being, they must be prepared."

Long Jiao told the three beasts the information he got.

Ever since the Mysterious Beast Forest was invaded by a Martial Saint, Long Jiao has become more cautious.

He sent out spies to continuously collect information about humans.

In case the situation like last time is discovered again.

Hearing Long Jiao's words, Long Yuan snorted disdainfully.

"Boss, what's that little monkey?"

"If I go, I can also beat it so hard that it will cry out for mercy."

The little monkey they are talking about is naturally the Titan Ape.

The levels of fierce beasts are very clear. It depends on both cultivation and bloodline.

For example, the dragon ape and the dragon dragon are ancient species with ancient bloodline in their bodies.

Ordinary fierce beasts like the Titan Ape are naturally not in their eyes.

"despite this"

""To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal situation."

The dragon dragon did not disagree with the dragon ape's words.

It looked towards the western side of the Mystical Beast Forest.

"Last time, there was a riot in the west of the forest"

"Our compatriots have all turned into bloodthirsty monsters"

"Last time I sent Lei Bao to lead the army to investigate the situation"

"Until today, the Thunder Leopard has not returned yet, I am afraid it is in danger."

Hearing this, the three beasts all looked serious.

The Thunder Leopard is also a beast with ancient blood, and its cultivation has reached the ninth level.

But in terms of strength, it is also enough to rival ordinary martial saints, and is a general of the Mysterious Beast Forest.

Even it has not returned.

It seems that the cause of the riot in the west is far more complicated than they imagined.

"Dragon Ape"

"You go to find out the whereabouts of Lei Bao and the source of the riot."

"As for you two"

"During this period, others have also been alert."

"Although humans are not as strong as us, they are not our opponents."

"But there is no guarantee that some legendary figures like those in ancient times will appear, and they will capsize in the ditch."

Long Jiao made arrangements in an orderly manner.

The three beasts listened to its orders and responded one after another.

Then they turned around and executed Long Jiao's orders.

Looking at the three beasts going away, Long Jiao paused for a while.

As an ancient relic, it communicated with the world.

Although this world is limited and restricts its improvement.

But it always has a feeling.

Soon, this restriction will be lifted.

But along with this feeling, there is a stronger sense of ominousness.

Even Long Jiao can hardly explain why


""When the enemy comes, we will fight him; when the water comes, we will block it with earth."

The dragon jiao groaned.

Then, it returned to the bottom of the lake again.

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