What bothered Lu Ming was his cultivation.

His cultivation had reached the peak of the fourth level.

One step further was the third level of overcoming tribulations.

He didn't really know much about this realm. He only knew that it was divided into three tribulations: physical, spiritual, and mental.

After going through each tribulation, one would gain extraordinary improvements and various strange things.

It was just like the consciousness transmission used by Ye Qiang who had gone through the mental tribulation.

And the order didn't matter.

As long as all three tribulations were overcome, it would be considered the third level of perfection.

""Initiate the calamity."

These days, Lu Ming has been practicing hard and has also looked up some information.

The Tribulation Realm is also known as the Nirvana Realm of Life and Death.

Each calamity needs to be initiated by the practitioner himself.

And to be reborn towards death, and to be reborn in Nirvana.

It is like the physical body calamity.

After the physical body calamity is initiated, the practitioner's body will gradually begin to age.

And it will age rapidly.

If you cannot be reborn towards death and successfully break through.

Then, you may really die because of it.

This is also the reason why the Tribulation Realm is called the Nirvana Realm of Life and Death.

If you are not careful, you may really die.

��Anyone who can successfully survive the catastrophe is a person of great luck and determination.

There are also many people who are afraid of death and covet enjoyment.

Therefore, they choose not to start the catastrophe and enjoy their lives.

After all, compared with ordinary people, the third-grade warriors are already extremely long-lived.

They have a lifespan of 250 years.

As for the super-grade martial saints, their lifespan is even longer.

In history, martial saints who died of old age basically had a lifespan of thousands of years.

Of course, this is all a story for Lu Ming later.

He can't stop here like those who are afraid of death.

He is a man who wants to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

However, it's not long since he broke through the peak of the fourth grade.

He chose to consolidate a little, and then launch an impact towards the third-grade tribulation realm.


"Please come in."

Only the school's top brass knew where Lu Ming lived.

Otherwise, this inconspicuous dormitory building was usually ignored.

Lu Ming greeted him and opened his eyes.

He saw an unexpected person.

""Principal, why are you here?"

It was Ye Fan who came to Lu Ming's residence.

"I came to see you, and by the way, I'd like you to go out and travel to relax."

Ye Fan waved his hand and smiled.

"Travel to relax?"

Ye Fan mentioned this word, which made Lu Ming a little confused.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also explained to Lu Ming

"Next week, the once-in-five-year World Warrior Prodigy Competition will be held."

"Martial arts colleges around the world will send their best students to compete and exchange ideas."

"Our seven universities will send people there every year."

After hearing what he said, Lu Ming also understood what Ye Fan meant.

With his strength, participating in this World Warrior Pride Competition is indeed more than enough.

It's like traveling to relax.

"Ye Xiao, but with their strength"

"Is it really necessary for me to participate in this kind of competition?"

Lu Ming frowned slightly.

With his age and status, it is indeed feasible for him to participate in this competition.

But considering his strength, would it be too much of a bully?

"You misunderstood me."

Ye Fan couldn't help laughing when he heard Lu Ming's words.

How could he let Lu Ming participate in this competition?

If he participated, there would be no need to hold this competition.

The champion must be him.

And with Lu Ming's current strength, it would be too cheap to bully them.

A young genius who can kill a second-grade beast by himself.

Looking at the whole world, there is no one like him.

Letting him participate would be a devastating blow to his country.

Therefore, this time, they mainly want to let other college geniuses get experience.

"It just so happens that this time the three major universities in the south are still lacking a team leader"

"We have considered carefully and finally decided to send you"


Hearing Ye Fan's true intention, Lu Ming couldn't help but be confused.

Let him lead the Tianjiao?

It sounds like it makes sense.

"Just think of it as a trip to relax"

"The secret place of the road to heaven, foreigners will also intervene"

"It's a good opportunity to learn about the methods of these foreigners."

Foreign martial arts are indeed different from Daxia's martial arts.

Lu Ming has also seen this in textbooks.

But the specific differences are not mentioned in the textbooks.

After all, the focus is still on teaching Daxia's martial arts.

Ye Fan's words are also reasonable.

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

"Take this opportunity to hone your character."

"Your cultivation level has improved too fast."

"The more this happens, the more unstable the foundation becomes."

"This is a taboo in the Tribulation Realm."

Seeing Lu Ming agreed, Ye Fan also said a few more words.

This is also the main reason why they let Lu Ming go overseas. At the age of 18, he is at the peak of the fourth rank.

At such an age and with such a cultivation level, he has already broken the record of Daxia.

Therefore, character is particularly important to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming also has a vague understanding of the details of the Tribulation Realm.

Now that Ye Fan is willing to explain, he naturally listens attentively.

He is also an experienced person.

His experience is also of reference value to Lu Ming.

"In fact, both the physical calamity and the spiritual calamity are"

"As long as you can survive, you will be reborn like a phoenix."

Lu Ming was eager to learn, and Ye Fan also said a few more words.

"The spiritual calamity is the most terrifying of the three calamities."

"When you are experiencing a mental catastrophe, your mental strength will continue to weaken."

"In the end, you will be sucked into the spiritual illusion"

"Once you indulge in the fantasy, you will be unable to extricate yourself, and eventually die of mental exhaustion."

"Only by successfully overcoming the spiritual catastrophe can the spiritual power be reborn."

"But the danger is beyond words."

Even a first-class warrior like Ye Fan was deeply afraid when talking about the spiritual tribulation.

This also gave Lu Ming a new understanding of the tribulation realm.

If you are not careful,���But it will really kill you.

"So, during this time, you can take this opportunity to relax."

"There is just over a month left before the journey to heaven."

"My suggestion is that after returning from overseas, you can start to try the physical and spiritual tribulations."

"As for the final spiritual tribulation, it is better to try it after the road to heaven is over."

Ye Fan persuaded Lu Ming earnestly.

Lu Ming also knew his good intentions and agreed.

Having said what he wanted to say, Ye Fan did not stay any longer and left the room.

After he left,

Lu Ming also looked out the window and fell into deep thought.

After listening to the dangers that Ye Fan talked about, he became much more cautious.

But this did not mean that his martial arts heart was afraid.

"Know the danger and move forward bravely"

"This is my martial arts."

Lu Ming's true meaning of climbing high enveloped his body, and he climbed higher and higher.

【The fate of the martial arts master is also high.

Lu Ming suddenly remembered something and woke up his system.

It will take nearly two weeks to draw a new fate.

"Calculate the time"

"After the game is over, it should be about the same."

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