"And you."

Lu Ming withdrew his thoughts from the system.

Then, he sensed another fate.

【Son of the Great Dao】

Since he broke through under the Enlightenment Tree, he always felt a sense of intimacy through this fate.

Although it was vague, Lu Ming could still clearly sense it.

It was an inexplicable call.

It was calling him to become stronger as soon as possible.

Moreover, this call was particularly urgent.

This was what Lu Ming could clearly sense.

"I also want to reach the pinnacle of martial arts."

"But, there is no rush."

After witnessing his father's battle with the Titan Giant Ape in Xiliang,

Lu Ming yearned for the supreme power of the Martial Saint.

However, martial arts is not something that can be achieved overnight.

He could only suppress his thoughts and continue to consolidate his cultivation.

A few days later, at the First Airport of Nandu, many geniuses arrived one after another, picked up by school buses from various universities.

For such a grand event, the Fourteen Sons of the South would naturally not be absent.

They were in different universities and rarely met on weekdays.

This time, they got together and talked.

""Brother Lin, why don't you see Master Lu?"

Lin Xingqiang had just gotten off the car when he saw Su Yu approaching.

He kept looking around the vehicles of Southern Martial Arts University, but he couldn't see Lu Ming, which made him confused.

Now, he has become a loyal fan of Lu Ming.

"Master Lu probably won't come."

"With his strength, if he participates in this competition, it will be like playing house with a child."

Before Lin Xingqiang could answer, a charming voice rang out.

The voice came from Yang Tao, one of the few girls in the Southern Fourteen Boys.

She was the one who guided Lu Ming to the dormitory at the beginning of the school year.

"Ah, Master Lu is not coming."

Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard Yang Tao's words.

But he also knew that what Yang Tao said was very true.

In the battle of Huaihe River, Lu Ming fought against four top geniuses alone.

Three of them were descendants of the Martial Saint, and they were top-notch even in the world.

Therefore, participating in this level of competition was indeed a loss of status for him.

"The three descendants of the Martial Saint will not participate in this competition."

"After being defeated by Master Lu, the three of them immediately declared to practice hardship and have not come out since then."

"It seems that he wants to get back at the top of the road."

Lin Xingqiang's information is much richer than the others.

He paused and then smiled bitterly.


"Do you know how difficult it is to meet Master Lu nowadays?"

"Since the Battle of Huaihe River, someone has been waiting outside his dormitory day and night."

"But now I haven't even seen the shadow of Master Lu."Even though I know that Lu Ming is very popular now.

But after hearing what Lin Xingqiang said, Su Yu couldn't help but take a breath.

There are actually people who are more licking than him.

"It seems that my respect for Master Lu is still not enough."

Hearing Su Yu's sigh, both of them rolled their eyes.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"I collected some information"

"Several top talents from Japan and the Americas will not participate in this competition."

"It is probably to hide his strength in order to ascend to heaven."

"The only ones worthy of our attention are the two brothers Nick and Negan from Gaul."

"Their master is Nicholas, the Gaulish warrior saint, whose strength should not be underestimated."

Lin Xingqiang acted cautiously and did not fight unprepared battles.

As a fellow countryman of Daxia, he naturally shared his intelligence with everyone.

But when Su Yu heard his words, he curled his lips.

"Just two Ni brothers, nothing to be afraid of"

"If you ask me, Gaolu was badly harmed by Brother Ni."

"The only martial saint is Brother Ni, and the most outstanding genius is also Brother Ni"

"Now almost all newborns are Ni Ge, so it is better to change the name to Ni Ge Country."

As we all know, Ni Ge is not only good at buying for free, but also good at giving birth.

Before the era of martial arts, Gaul took in too many Ni Ge, which led to a sharp increase in the country's Ni Ge population. In addition, although Ni Ge is simple-minded, he has well-developed limbs and his martial arts talent is far beyond ordinary people.

Over time, Gaul has become the current Ni Ge Country.

Lin Xingqiang and Yang Tao also agreed with Su Yu's words.

Fortunately, the former Daxia opened its eyes and did not take in those Ni Ge refugees.

Otherwise, sooner or later it would be like Gaul now.

Even so, the impression of these Ni Ge in the hearts of the people of Daxia is also deeply rooted.

However, Lin Xingqiang still advised the two of them.

"If you encounter two people on the field, you should not be careless."

"Although Nick is obsessed with women, his cultivation is also at the peak of the fifth rank."

"And his brother Nigan is an even more terrifying character. Not only is his cultivation at the peak of the fifth rank, but he also has experience defeating fourth rank warriors."

Listening to Lin Xingqiang's admonition, the two nodded.

Although they looked down on Brother Ni, they were all experienced masters, and naturally would not underestimate any opponent.

"But why hasn't the plane landed yet?"

"Are you still waiting for someone?"

After chatting for a long time, Su Yu looked at the plane next to him and couldn't help wondering.

The fourteen southerners had clearly arrived, and more than ten minutes had passed.

But this plane had not lowered the ladder to invite them on board.

"There's a car coming."

Just as Su Yu finished speaking, a low-key black car drove in and headed towards them.

Obviously, it was also someone who was going to the competition.

"It seems that the person who made us wait so long is the one in this car."

"I want to see who has such a big face."

"Dare you make us wait here for so long?"

Seeing the car stopped not far away, Su Yu couldn't help but snorted in dissatisfaction.

He took big steps and walked towards the car door.

They are the Fourteen Sons of the South.

Under Master Lu, the fourteen strongest people in the entire south.

Who dares to leave them here for so long?

He must be severely intimidated.

When Su Yu was arrogant, Yang Tao and Lin Xingqiang were also thinking.

Among the three colleges in the south, only the Fourteen Sons of the South participated in this competition.

Who is sitting in this car?

Su Yu didn't have so many concerns as them.

He stretched out his hand and knocked heavily on the car window.

Because of the anti-peep film, he couldn't see who was sitting in the car.

So, when the car door opened, Su Yu first shouted

"Who are you? Why did you keep us waiting for so long?"What

Su Yu didn't notice was that the moment the car door opened, Yang Tao and Lin Xingqiang's faces suddenly became very interesting.

And it reached its peak when he said that.

After the voice fell, Su Yu cast his eyes into the car and was immediately petrified.

What he saw was...

Lu Ming with a confused face!

Suddenly, Su Yu's face changed 180 degrees.

It is difficult to describe this change in words.

From arrogance, to an awkward but polite smile, and finally to a smile that was uglier than crying.

It simply showed the actor's self-cultivation to the fullest.

"It turned out to be Master Lu!"

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