"Are you saying I'm late?" Lu Ming looked at

Su Yu strangely.

"no no"

"I was just a little anxious to welcome Master Lu.

Su Yu's mind had never worked so fast before.

"Come on, Master Lu, please get off the car, be careful not to get bumped into."

Yang Tao and Lin Xingqiang, who watched the whole process from the side, couldn't help but laugh.

Su Yu stretched out his hand, protected Lu Ming's head, and escorted him out of the car.

It looked like a funny bodyguard.

Although Lu Ming felt it was strange, he didn't say anything and cast his eyes on the two people.

"What are you laughing at?"

"No, we just suddenly thought of something funny."

Lin Xingqiang and Yang Tao were really a little embarrassed.

But they still endured it and answered Lu Ming's questions.

Su Yu, who was standing aside, felt that his life was bleak.

I haven't become Master Lu's number one licker yet.

Will I be blacklisted by Master Lu?

After Lu Ming arrived, the plane also landed.

The fourteen southern sons also boarded the plane with him and began to move forward.

"Master Lu, are you also going to participate in the World Martial Arts Prodigy Competition?"

After the plane took off smoothly, Lin Xingqiang asked Lu Ming curiously.

With Lu Ming's strength, he should not look down on this kind of competition.

Not only him, but also everyone else was surprised.

As for the turmoil just now, it was forgotten by everyone.

Even Lu Ming, the person involved, did not care.

Only Su Yu was drawing circles alone in the corner.

"I'm not here to compete."

"Principal Ye meant to ask me to be your team leader."

Team leader?!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. It was not until Lu Ming mentioned it that they suddenly realized that their team seemed to lack such a person.

But no one thought it was Lu Ming.

To lead a team to such an important competition, one must have at least a second-grade cultivation.

And it was the principal's order.

As the principal, he would never do anything without a purpose.

An amazing idea emerged in everyone's mind.

Master Lu, could it be that he already has the strength to rival a second-grade warrior?

This idea came to mind and was immediately difficult to erase.

Everyone took a breath of cold air..

No one asked.

Because since Lu Ming entered the school.

Whether it was the fight at the school gate or the shocking battle in the Huai River.

Lu Ming gave them great surprises.

They didn't ask Lu Ming, not because they didn't want to know the answer.

But after confirmation, the blow to them would be too great.

After that, the passenger plane fell into silence.

Everyone practiced as they should, and rested as they should.

Lu Ming didn't say anything more, closed his eyes and rested.

Just like what Ye Fan said.

This time, he really regarded himself as a vacation.

The passenger plane cut through the sky and flew for several hours before finally landing on an archipelago in a certain sea.

"Is this the Maldives?"

Sitting next to Lu Ming, Yang Tao looked out the window with some joy.

The venue for the World Martial Arts Prodigy Tournament this time was the Maldives, a tourist destination before the Martial Arts Era.

The clear blue water was refreshing to look at.

There was also a soft beach on the side.

It might not be very attractive to boys, but for Yang Tao, it made her eyes light up.

"I knew I had the right swimsuit."

"Taking photos here will definitely be very good."

Yang Tao muttered excitedly, and Lu Ming heard it.

He couldn't help but look at her.

Yang Tao's seat was not very close to the window, so in order to see the scenery outside the window, she had to lean out from her seat.

She bent over, and her back was just in full view.

Even Lu Ming couldn't help but admire it.

It really lives up to its name.

The passenger plane quickly descended and landed on the tarmac.

As soon as everyone got off the plane, someone sent a car to pick them up.

Their residence was a series of wooden houses on the sea.

It was built on the sea, one for each person.

The space inside the house was very large, and there was even a floor-to-ceiling mirror, which could see everything. The remains of the place offer a beautiful sea view.

As everyone headed for the room, people of all kinds passed by them.

There were blond European and American men and women, as well as muscular Nordic men.

There was Brother Ni with skin as black as charcoal, and there were short and wretched Japanese people.

After all, this is the World Martial Arts Prodigy Competition.

Even the top prodigies from various countries mostly did not come because of their desire to ascend to the heavens and to reserve their strength.

But this event still attracted many prodigies from various countries.

After all, this competition also has rewards.

This little bit of martial arts resources is nothing to those top prodigies.

But in their eyes, it is still a great temptation.

"Dear guests, if you need anything, please feel free to call me at any time. I will serve you wholeheartedly."

"In addition, the competition will officially start tomorrow."

"Tonight, we will have an exchange party to warm up for the competition, and everyone is welcome to come."The person who received everyone was a white butler.

He had white hair and beard, but he was neatly groomed and graceful.

Naturally, everyone couldn't understand his language.

It was just that when they got off the plane, they had already put translators on their ears.

Hearing the word"party", everyone looked slightly excited.

After all, this is the characteristic culture of the American continent, and they rarely experience it in Daxia.

Yang Tao was the most excited one among them.

Because she knew that she was going to Maldives this time, she made preparations early.

Three full suitcases were full of clothes.

Various swimsuits, dresses, all ready.

Now they all have a place to use.

""Okay, stop arguing here."

Students from the four northern colleges have now arrived.

There are about 40 people from the whole of Daxia, all gathered here.

After hearing what the white housekeeper said about the party, everyone was talking about it.

The girls were talking about how���

The boys were discussing whether they could meet a foreign beauty at the party and cook a foreign dish with their own men.

Suddenly, the crowd was in chaos. It was not until Lu Ming shouted that they regained their sanity. But it was hard to hide the eagerness on their faces.

"Go back and tidy up your own house first."

"After we clean up, you can have fun as much as you want."

Under Lu Ming's command, everyone gradually returned to their own houses.

Time passed unbearably.

That night.

In the center of Maldives, in a luxurious ballroom.

Soothing music played in the ballroom.

In the center, wine glasses were stacked in a pyramid shape, as high as a floor. The topmost glass was constantly filled with champagne, flowing to the glasses below, and the scene was spectacular.

The aroma of champagne was also rippling in the ballroom.

The ballroom was soon filled with people in gorgeous clothes.

Most of them were elegant. After entering the ballroom, they elegantly took the wine handed over by the waiter and drank happily.

Everyone from Daxia also arrived late and entered the ballroom.

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