Because they were attending the party, everyone was dressed appropriately.

The boys wore neat suits and the girls wore gorgeous dresses.

Among them, Lu Ming was the most eye-catching.

Practicing martial arts can improve the temperament of a martial artist.

But appearance is innate.

Lu Ming's height is outstanding, coupled with his handsome appearance, every move has a sense of aloofness, which makes him particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

As soon as he came in, countless foreign girls cast their eyes on him.

Originally, there were not many girls who came to participate in the World Martial Arts Prodigy Competition.

Seeing that they were all interested in Lu Ming, many boys present cast jealous glances.

There were also eyes looking at the slender purple shadow beside him.

"Teacher Lu is really a charmer."

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruyan beside him chuckled.

She was wearing a purple cheongsam, which perfectly outlined the attractive curves of her body, sexy yet elegant.

The slits on both sides of the cheongsam were extremely bold, revealing a large area of white, showing a mature flavor.

She was the leader of the four major universities in the north.

Standing next to Lu Ming, she was also surrounded by many wolf-like eyes.

"Teacher Liu is overrated."

"Women only slow me down in drawing my gun"

"Besides, Teacher Liu is much more charming than me."

Lu Ming looked calm and didn't take these looks to heart.

But Liu Ruyan covered her mouth and chuckled, saying with some amusement

"Draw your gun?"

"Which gun are you pulling out?"

As she spoke, Liu Ruyan's eyes seemed to intentionally or unintentionally glance at Lu Ming's body.

This made Lu Ming speechless.

When it comes to driving, you have to be an experienced driver...

He took two glasses of champagne from the waiter and handed one to Liu Ruyan.

After the latter took it, she looked at Lu Ming with a charming look.

"Teacher Xiao Lu offered me a drink"

"Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of the other person's inability to hold his liquor?……"

Lu Ming rolled his eyes helplessly.

His fighting power was only close to the second rank.

But Liu Ruyan was a genuine second rank warrior.

How could this little bit of wine make her drunk?

Lu Ming was really a little scared of her.

No wonder they say that men are like wolves at thirty and tigers at forty.

But Liu Ruyan was just joking. This was the first time Lu Ming led a team here, but it was not her first time.

After a few words, she took Lu Ming to the dance.

As for the other students, they had long left them and went somewhere unidentified.

"That's someone from the Temple of Light in the Americas."

"In the whole world, their practice method is the most peculiar"

"They did not use spiritual energy to cultivate, but used the divine power of light that was brought to them."

"We have studied an entire era of martial arts, and we still know nothing about this power."

"Although their number one prodigy, Stan, did not come to this competition, you can also watch how others attack and be mentally prepared."

Liu Ruyan said to Lu Ming, facing a group of Nordic men in priest robes.

Lu Ming also cast a curious look.

It is interesting to have a completely different path from martial arts.

After watching for a while, Liu Ruyan also took Lu Ming to another place.

"That's a black warrior from Gaul"

"The one who is most likely to win this competition is their number one prodigy, Negan."

"At such a young age, he has already reached the peak of the fourth rank, and has a record of fighting against enemies of higher ranks."

"These black people, although they practice martial arts like us,"

"But in the era of martial arts, their genes unexpectedly reverted to their ancestors, which enabled them to practice martial arts and possess extraordinary physiques."

Lu Ming nodded and followed Liu Ruyan's gaze.

He saw a group of black people gathered together, chatting and laughing.

However, they all looked weird and extremely ugly. Their faces were just like those of uncivilized gorillas, which made people feel disgusted. What made

Lu Ming frown even more was that around these black people, there were actually quite a few women with Daxia faces.

They were dressed in revealing clothes, and on average, they were holding the arms of a black man, with their bodies close to each other.

And the hands of some black people were also extremely presumptuous.

It looked like Beauty and the Beast.

"No matter what era, there are always sheepdogs"

"It's simply disgusting."

Seeing Lu Ming noticed this scene, Liu Ruyan also spat.

Lu Ming could not deny it and continued to stroll around the ball with Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan's strength was there, and her vision was naturally extraordinary.

While she was taking Lu Ming, she introduced him to the forces that appeared at the ball.

This also gave Lu Ming a deeper understanding of the world situation.

In today's world, Daxia is a unique martial arts country.

There are four super-grade martial arts saints.

Secondly, there are two martial arts saints in the American continent.

The remaining first-class countries, such as Japan, Gaul, and the Eagle Country, all have a super-grade martial arts saint.

As for those countries without super-grade martial arts saints, they are naturally not considered to be in the mainstream.

In the present time when martial arts are respected, martial arts saints are like nuclear weapons before the martial arts era.

You can not use them, but you can't have them.

Without them, you can only be bullied.

As for the top geniuses of various forces, they are actually Not many.

Only the Gaul brothers Nick and Negan arrived.

According to Liu Ruyan, the others did not come because they were preparing for the road to heaven.

Lu Ming sneered at this.

What's the point of preparing for a battle?

I can knock you away with one punch.

Liu Ruyan also found it difficult to comment on Lu Ming's idea of breaking all laws with one force.

After all, he can really do it.

After taking Lu Ming for a simple tour and recognizing the various forces, Liu Ruyan took him to find a place to sit down.

What made Lu Ming a little flustered was that after sitting down, Liu Ruyan took him to drink.

In a short time, countless cups had gone into his stomach.

According to the physique of a warrior, as long as the blood and qi in the body are slightly circulated, the effects of alcohol will be instantly eliminated.


As he drank cup after cup of wine, he was not affected at all.

But Liu Ruyan's delicate skin, which was as soft as a baby's, was flushed little by little.

Even the eyes looking at Lu Ming began to be threaded.

"Teacher Xiao Lu……"

Liu Ruyan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lu Ming

"Teacher Liu, you are not a female spy sent by another country."

"If you want me to fall in love with you, then find someone else."

"You will be disappointed then."

Liu Ruyan's teasing intention was broken in an instant.

She chuckled and laughed out loud.

The blush and wispy eyes she had just performed were all calmed down. She giggled and looked at Lu Ming.

"Teacher Lu, you are a genius."

"You are so good at role-playing, are you going to die?"

While the two were chatting and laughing, they heard a familiar anxious voice coming from a distance.

Su Yu rushed over anxiously and saw Lu Ming, finally finding his backbone.

"Mr. Lu, please come with me."

"Starfruit was entangled by a black man."

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