This also indirectly reflects the extent of the disturbance caused by Lu Yue's sword-slaying of a level 10 beast.

Even Nicholas, who is also a martial saint, is worried about whether he has offended him.

Seeing that Lu Yue didn't care, the Gaul martial saint finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, people from the Eagle Country and Japan also came one after another.

They were all led by the martial saints of the two countries.

However, when they were stared at by the Japanese, everyone was a little depressed.

It seemed that what was staring at them was not the eyes of humans.

But the image of the ferocious and bloodthirsty beast.

However, the arrival of one person attracted the attention of all parties.

That was Augustus.

Now the master of the Martial Saint Hall, the best among the contemporary super-grade martial saints.

As a native of the American continent, he did not practice the power of light, but martial arts.

His strength is also unique among the martial saints in the world.

That's why he can become the master of the Martial Saint Hall.

As for Catharina, she followed behind him.

She looked around from time to time.

But at this time, no one from the Daxia side had appeared.

Not to mention the figure that haunted his dreams.

When thinking of this, Catharina couldn't help biting her lip.

That wooden head...

When leaving Maldives, Catharina gave Lu Ming her contact information.

But after waiting for a month, she didn't receive any friend request.

This made Catharina a little annoyed.

"You are Lu Yue, the Martial Saint, right?"

As a father, Augustus didn't know what his daughter was thinking.

He approached Lu Yue and exchanged a few words with him.

Seeing the master of the Martial Saint Hall, Lu Yue's tense face softened a little.

He had heard of Augustus's name before.

As a Martial Saint, he has always been committed to maintaining world peace.

Even after becoming the master of the Martial Saint Hall, he has been calling on the Martial Saints of the Martial Saint Hall to restrict them from taking action unless necessary.

After all, when a Martial Saint takes action, it will shake the world and cause immense damage.

Moreover, he himself practiced it himself. He once attacked when the sea beasts were out and attacked humans.

He also united with the Martial Saints of the Martial Saint Hall to kill many sea beasts.

If he hadn't stopped it at that time, those sea beasts would have rushed all the way to the Daxia Sea, and the consequences would be disastrous.

That's why Lu Yue respected him so much.

He himself was also elected as the master of the Martial Saint Hall.

"Augustus, Your Excellency.

The two of them were very happy to meet each other. After a few pleasantries, Augustus got straight to the point.

"Lu Yue, we, the Martial Saint Hall, have sent you an invitation letter, inviting you to join us and work together for world peace."

"But why haven't I received your reply?"

If Augustus had been sorry for losing Lu Yue's fighting power before, he was more puzzled after talking with Lu Yue.

Obviously, Lu Yue and he had the same idea, both wanted to work for world peace.

But why didn't he join the Martial Saint Hall and contribute his strength ?

"Mr. Augustus, my strength comes from Daxia and my comrades."

Lu Yue shook his head, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, but more of it was determination.

"Before I completely recover the lost territory for Daxia, I have no intention of joining other forces."

"However, if you really need my help"

"I will not stand idly by either."

Augustus also saw that Lu Yue had made up his mind, so he did not force him.

At the same time, everyone also noticed some figures coming from afar.

""The people from Da Xia are coming."

Immediately, everyone cast their eyes towards them.

This included Catharina.

Her blue eyes were filled with resentment as she searched for Lu Ming.

Unfortunately, the people who came were the pride of Da Xia from the north.

Of course, Lu Ming was not among them.

"Those are the three famous descendants of the Martial Saint."

""You are truly the chosen ones of heaven! You have an extraordinary aura!"

Among all the proud ones, Chu Jue, Yun Tian, and Cheng Sheng were so eye-catching that people soon recognized them and whispered about them.

Even Augustus noticed the three of them and couldn't help but sighed, then smiled bitterly.

"Catalina, it seems that your training record has been broken."


Catharina was still in a state of dismay because she hadn't seen Lu Ming. Her father's words stunned her.

With Augustus's eyesight, he could see that the three Martial Saints, like his daughter, had already passed through the physical and spiritual tribulations.

They were well-deserved third-grade warriors.

Moreover, their ages were all younger than Catharina.

You know, Catharina was already 20 years old when she broke through to the third grade.

And how old were the three people in front of him? 18 years old!

They had already achieved such an achievement.

"No wonder, it is said that Daxia is a country that never makes a splash, but once it does, it will be a surprise."

Augustus looked at Lu Yue, then at the three Martial Saints, and could not help but sigh.

He was not the only Martial Saint present.

Others also quickly discovered the cultivation of the three Martial Saints.

Immediately, another small explosion

"Eighteen-year-old third rank!"

"As I recall, the fastest person to break through to the third rank was Miss Catharina."

"But she didn't make the breakthrough until she was 20 years old."

"I didn't expect it to be updated so quickly and it was two years older."

"I heard that there is an even more terrifying genius in Daxia."

"These three geniuses were no match for them, even if they were three against one."

When talking about the three descendants of the Martial Saint, the battle at Huaihe River was inevitable.

Lu Ming's name was also inevitably mentioned.

Speaking of Lu Ming, Lu Ming is here.

With the arrival of the southern geniuses, all the one hundred geniuses who entered the Road to Heaven this time were also present.

In the distance, Catharina looked at Lu Ming with resentment.

The three descendants of the Martial Saint also clenched their eyes, wanting to avenge their previous shame.

Even the strongest geniuses from other countries cast their eyes on Lu Ming.

They came to the Road to Heaven and were bound to stand out.

And the best way was to defeat the strongest.

The strongest person here now was Lu Ming!

Lu Ming had just arrived here when he felt a series of fiery gazes piercing him.

But his expression did not change.

How could a towering tree be shaken by the gaze of an ant?

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started."

Lu Yue said directly after counting the number of people.

Everyone immediately raised their spirits.

"The secret realm of the road to heaven was used by the ancient emperor to test the geniuses"

"Enter it, pass the trial, and you will be rewarded or punished according to your rating."

"The outstanding ones can also be awarded with the Emperor's Pen. You will know the wonderfulness when the time comes."

"As for how to assess it, it is not very clear. The above is all we know."

"Regardless of whether you pass the trial or not, the final road to heaven will send you back"

"Now, start!"

After saying that, Lu Yue soared into the sky.

He had been suppressing the spatial fluctuations around the gate.

As he released the suppression, the gate opened instantly, sucking in all the young geniuses from various countries who met the age requirements.

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