Lu Ming's brain was swept by a dizziness.

When he regained consciousness, he had no idea where he was.

"Is this the way to heaven?"

Looking around, Lu Ming was surprised to find that everyone except him had disappeared.

He was standing on the top of a towering mountain.

In front of him was a long staircase that stretched toward the sky.

The staircase was snow-white, with a holy meaning.

Lu Ming counted and found that the staircase had only ten steps.

"It seems that other people should not be in the same space as me"

"I don’t know what the test of this road to heaven is."

At the same time, the others who were sucked into the gate were also alone on the top of the mountain like Lu Ming.

Facing the ten-story stairs that went straight into the sky.

While they were suspicious, a majestic voice suddenly exploded in their ears.

""The road to heaven begins!"

This voice was like a huge bell, resounding through the heavens and earth, with an inexplicable rhythm flowing.

In an instant, the stairs in front of everyone changed.

The mist covered the steps, making the scenery invisible, and all kinds of strange things emerged in the mist.

Animal calls, shouts, fighting sounds...

Sensing the extraordinary things in the mist, everyone straightened their faces.

"The road to heaven is set up for the selection of talents for the Great Yu Dynasty"

"Since the ancient times, our human race has grown from a humble race to the Great Yu Dynasty that dominated the world."

"The difficulties and obstacles are beyond words."

"There are ten steps on the road to heaven, and each step records the dangers of the human race."

"The examinee must go through each level of tribulation again."

"After each level of tribulation is passed, the assessment score will be displayed in real time and appear on the list, which can be seen by all assessors."

"In the end, the final result will be determined based on the scores of each level."

A majestic voice resounded, and the rules of the road to heaven were quickly introduced.

""Re-experience the human race's tribulation."

Lu Ming was stunned, his face was both serious and excited.

In the ancient times, the human race was in a state of collapse, and all kinds of powerful beasts emerged one after another.

The difficulty of these tribulations can be imagined.

But thinking of being able to fight these powerful beasts.

Lu Ming's [warlike person] fate was excited, and his blood seemed to be ignited.

""All examinees, please ascend the stairs."

At the same time, a majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Without any hesitation, everyone took a step and stepped onto the first step. Lu Ming appeared in a vast grassland.

The breeze blew, and the green grass swayed slightly. It was night, and it was dark all around. But Lu Ming was keenly aware that several eyes were fixed on him. And they came from all directions.

"At first, I led my people to settle on the grassland."

"At that time, the human race was weak and was regarded as blood food by all races, even the weakest beasts were no exception."

"That night, the wolves were targeting us.……"

That majestic voice rang in Lu Ming's ears.

Then, the pairs of eyes that glowed in the night finally revealed their shapes.

They were hungry wolves.

They stared at Lu Ming with bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

However, they were all first-level beasts. They were probably ninth-grade warriors. They were not even taken seriously by Lu Ming.

He moved his mind, and the majestic mountain-like true meaning of climbing was released in an instant.

The heavy true meaning of martial arts immediately enveloped the wolves' heads.

With their strength, they naturally could not withstand such pressure.

They could not even hold on for a second.

Under Lu Ming's true meaning of martial arts, they were squeezed into a blood mist.

"First level, pass"

"Rating: Class A, top grade!"

Looking at his rating, Lu Ming raised his eyebrows.

Then a piece of information appeared in his mind.

The rating of the road to heaven is divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D. Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower.

Therefore, Class A, top grade is the best performance.

After the rating appeared

, a list appeared on the sky, just at the angle that Lu Ming could see by slightly looking up.

【first round】

【Lu Ming, Class A, Upper】

【Chu Jue, Class A, Top Grade】

【Catalina, Grade A】

【Yuntian, Grade A】

【Stank, Class A, Upper Class】


The difficulty of the first level was not high, so after Lu Ming's name appeared, the names of others followed.

Lu Ming's mind moved, and his figure instantly disappeared from here.

He went to another space.

This time, Lu Ming came to a deserted road.

The surrounding weeds were overgrown, and there was no sign of life.

It was the same as the previous level. As soon as

Lu Ming arrived here, he felt that someone was staring at him.

Moreover, these eyes came from the sky.


Amid the howling of the eagle, the majestic voice sounded again.

"In the era of disaster, thousands of miles of ice and snow froze all crops and the grassland became barren."

"In order to seek a glimmer of hope, I led my people to the south to find a pure land."

"During the migration, we encountered hungry goshawks, which ate our people for blood, causing heavy casualties to our people."

As the voice fell, Lu Ming looked up into the sky.

The ones who just howled were the goshawks hovering above.

They were huge, about several meters in size, and their cultivation was all second-level fierce beasts.

"Taking humans as their blood food."

Listening to the majestic voice, Lu Ming's expression suddenly became much colder.

"In this case, then die!"

The boundless martial arts true meaning enveloped him again.

In Lu Ming's cold eyes, the several goshawks exploded into a ball of blood mist without exception.

Lu Ming's figure disappeared again.

The subsequent levels were all like this.

The cultivation of the beasts in each level would be one level higher than the previous level.

But for Lu Ming, there was no difference.

He only needed to release his martial arts true meaning.

Those fragile beasts would not be able to withstand the heavy true meaning of climbing high and exploded instantly.

The third level... the fourth level... the fifth level...

Soon, Lu Ming came to the sixth level.

This level corresponds to the sixth-level beast.

The sixth-level beast corresponds to the fourth-grade human warrior.

Lu Ming also had to pay attention to his existence.

He was in front of a rushing river, looking at the rolling river, his expression unmoved.

"The human race built a city, and all industries were waiting to be developed, starting with crop cultivation."

"However, there is a dragon snake lurking in the river, and it doesn't like humans."

"He is good at controlling water, causing canals to dry up and crops to stop growing."

"Therefore, today, kill the dragon snake!"

The majestic voice once again told the story that happened in history. The sound of splashing water also sounded here.

It was the sound of a big snake in the river suddenly sticking out its body, bringing out a large amount of river water. The river water fell into the river again. The dragon snake was extremely huge, and its whole body stretched out like a towering tree. A pair of snake eyes froze Lu Ming in it, full of ill will.

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