However, this expression did not last long.

The next second, the dragon snake's eyes shrank.

Its eyes were filled with a look of horror.

The sky above was inexplicably stained with darkness.

Then a strong golden light lit up.

The golden light was dazzling, dazzling and bright, making people dare not look directly at it, and it was also blessed with some inexplicable pressure.

It was like the power of heaven!

A huge figure appeared above the sky.

""The Immortal Body of Ming Wang!"

With Lu Ming's light shout, the brilliance of the Immortal Body of Ming Wang illuminated the earth.

With the third-grade cultivation, the Immortal Body of Ming Wang was used.

Not only did the Immortal Body of Ming Wang become much more solid.

Even its power was taken to a higher level.

Controlling the Immortal Body of Ming Wang, Lu Ming felt a strong impulse in his heart.

Turn your hand for clouds, turn your hand for rain!

Under the horrified gaze of the dragon snake.

The Immortal Body of Ming Wang raised his big hand and slapped it heavily on the top of its head.


The golden big hand pressed the body of the dragon snake, making a loud noise on the river.

In an instant, the river water in the middle was scattered and rushed to the surroundings. Suddenly, only a dry hole was left.

The surrounding water level rose a lot because of this, and it receded after a few seconds.

Soon, the restored water level also covered the dragon snake just now.

Its figure had disappeared.

As for the rushing river water, it inexplicably showed a strong blood color.

"Level 6, passed"

"Rating: Class A, top grade!"

The rating of this level soon appeared again.

Counting this, this is the sixth Class A, top grade that Lu Ming has obtained.

From the beginning to now, there has not been any level that is worth his extra move.

Even in the first five levels, he directly crushed them with the true meaning of martial arts. He didn't even fight.

However, now, the strength of the opponent has also increased rapidly.

Now it is a level 6 beast, and the next level is a level 7 beast.

The next level, the next level, and even the eighth and ninth level beasts will be encountered.

Those are equivalent to the existence of second-grade warriors and first-grade warriors.

That is Lu Ming's real goal.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming's figure disappeared again.

He went to the next level.

But he didn't know how much shock his speed of breaking through the levels brought to the later ones.

"Thunder is coming!"

Also on the long river,

Chu Jue shouted loudly and used his own little magical power, Thunder Method.

Countless thunders spread on his body surface.

And with water as the carrier, it instantly rushed towards the dragon snake.

The powerful thunder immediately paralyzed the dragon snake's body.

It was a good time to attack.

However, at this moment, a wave on the sky attracted Chu Jue's attention.

This wave was the breath of the ranking list.

Chu Jue knew that among the examinees, every time someone passed a level, the ranking list would appear.

But how could it be so fast?!

Chu Jue was a little unbelievable. Even he was just about to take the lead.

How could someone have passed this level?

He looked up and saw a familiar name on the ranking list.

【Lu Ming, top grade A!】

"It's him!"

Seeing Lu Ming's name, Chu Jue's doubts were solved.

But then he was unwilling to give up.

He had tried so hard to catch up, but he still couldn't keep up with the other party.


At this moment, the paralysis of the dragon snake by the thunder had also disappeared.

The moment Chu Jue lost consciousness, the dragon snake instantly counterattacked, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed directly towards him with its huge body.

He came back to his senses and remembered the important matter. He gritted his teeth and fought against the dragon snake.

"What kind of pervert is this?"

In other spaces on the road to heaven,

Cheng Sheng and Yun Tian also noticed the changes in the rankings.

They were also shocked.

After all, being able to leave a name on the rankings was enough to show that Lu Ming had passed this level.

But this speed was too fast.

You know, with their cultivation, they could also kill the first five levels in an instant.

But the dragon snake in the sixth level was a level six beast after all. It couldn't be that Lu Ming could kill this beast in an instant, right?

The two of them also hurriedly suppressed the mixed thoughts in their hearts, stopped being distracted, and continued to fight the dragon snake.

If Lu Ming knew their feelings, he could only say one thing.

They really guessed it right.

"Is this the strength of that Daxia man?"

Looking at the list on the leaderboard on the sky, Stanke's eyes narrowed.

The Envoy of Light had shown him the battle between Lu Ming and the four descendants of the Martial Saint.

However, the battle on the video was not as shocking as seeing it with one's own eyes.


When he was distracted, the dragon snake also roared.

However, Stanker had already summoned the holy light to restrain the dragon snake.

Under the training of the angel of light, his light power has now reached the fourth level. It is easy to trap a sixth-level dragon snake.

"I can't fall behind!"

Stark thought so, and immediately shot away, killing the dragon snake.


In another space, accompanied by a wild and extremely angry roar, the body of the dragon snake was grabbed by a pair of big hands.

Then it was torn into two halves.

The two halves of the body were thrown into the river.

Soon, the blood dyed the river water red.

The internal organs of the dragon snake were also washed out by the river.

【Sato Takeru, Class A, Intermediate! 】

A new name also appeared below Lu Ming on the ranking list on the sky.

"That Daxia guy is actually above me."

Seeing his name below Lu Ming, Sato Takeru's bloodshot eyes flashed with madness.

For this journey to heaven, he had gone through inhuman torture.

Only then could he withstand the transformation of the blood essence of the deep-sea overlord, the black-red devil whale.

He became a person who was neither human nor ghost.

And this was actually not as good as that Daxia guy.

A trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and then his figure disappeared from the spot and went to the next level.

Being in the island country of Dongying, which was once a vassal of Daxia.

They really wanted to be above Daxia to prove themselves.

"Lu Ming……"

After defeating the dragon snake, Catharina looked at Lu Ming's name and was stunned.

As the master of the Martial Saint Hall and the daughter of Augustus, Catharina's strength is naturally not much exaggerated.

What's more, she is a daughter of heaven who has attracted worldwide attention. However

, she has fallen behind in the ranking list.

In addition to Lu Ming.

The other three Martial Saint descendants from Daxia, as well as Stanke and Sato Takeru, are all above her.

Catharina is also a martial arts genius. On the road of martial arts, she is naturally unwilling to admit defeat.

A glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes, and her figure disappeared and went to the next level.

After all, her goal is to ascend to the road to heaven this time.

Then she appeared in front of Lu Ming and questioned him in his surprised eyes.

Why don't you add her contact information!

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