Lu Ming and Catharina were both silent.

Although the War Emperor was only a wisp of obsession at this time.

But the pressure on him was not reduced at all, and was still terrifying.

As he approached, his half-dragon state began to lift. When he walked in front of Lu Ming, the War Emperor stopped.

Both of them were very confused, but they didn't dare to speak, and they were frightened by the War Emperor.

"Thank you for your help, senior."

After a long while, Lu Ming finally thanked him. But

Emperor Zhan ignored him, and he couldn't pay attention to him. He just kept talking to himself.

"You are very, very good."

After saying that, his body started to burn.

A strange flame ignited in his body, burning his flesh.

But Lu Ming and Catharina did not feel the burning.

Gurgle... Gurgle...

As the flesh burned, a blood essence lingered between heaven and earth.

As if boiling, bubbles kept rolling.

"This is……"

Lu Ming could feel that this was the breath of the blue dragon's blood essence. It was exactly the same as the one given to him by the Human Emperor

's clone. In fact, because of the purification of the War Emperor, the blood essence was even more pure.

The strange flame burned very quickly, and in an instant, most of the War Emperor's body dissipated between heaven and earth.

Moreover, it continued to burn, with no sign of stopping.

"It would be a waste if these blue dragon blood were left on a dead person like me."

"You practiced the Thousand Hammers and Hundreds of Refining Techniques, and mastered my little magical power."

"Absorbing these will benefit you a lot"

"The human race is now in your hands."

After the Emperor of War finished speaking, his entire body was burned to ashes.

Only a huge blood essence remained, filling the heaven and earth.

The next moment, this blood essence flowed into Lu Ming's body.

He automatically activated his internal skills, and the blood essence immediately flowed into his limbs and bones, replenishing the blood and qi he had just lost.

Instantly, Lu Ming's body returned to its peak state, and became even stronger. He only used a small amount of blood essence to recover from his injuries.

The remaining blood essence was like a sea, still in Lu Ming's body.

"Thank you, Senior Emperor Zhan"

"Lu Ming, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Feeling the majestic blue dragon blood in his body, Lu Ming took a deep breath.

He bowed deeply in the direction where the War Emperor dissipated.

There was a deep look in his eyes.

From the words of the Demon Lord, his target was not only Blue Star, but also himself.

Unfortunately, Lu Ming did not know what the Son of the Plane meant.

He could only judge that this Demon Lord, whose cultivation was likely to exceed that of the Super Martial Saint, was Blue Star's greatest enemy.

"The strength is far from enough."

Thinking of this, Lu Ming couldn't help but clench his fist.

If his cultivation was stronger, reaching the second level, the first level, or even the super-level martial saint. With the blessing of the human race's luck, he wouldn't be so embarrassed in front of the Demon Lord.

He began to eagerly desire power again.

As for the Human Emperor Pen, when Lu Ming was watching the battle, it had already escaped into the void.

Because of the fate of [Human Emperor Reborn], Lu Ming has the luck of the human race.

He can feel that he has established a connection with the Human Emperor Pen.

As long as he has a thought, he can summon the Human Emperor Pen.

At this moment, the tremor of space has disappeared.

While Lu Ming was thinking, the familiar space fluctuations surged again.

That was the space node to leave the secret realm here.

After sensing this breath, many people cried out.

They have experienced too many things these days. They almost lost their lives here.

Now seeing the space node of leaving, everyone naturally went to it without hesitation. just now, when Lu Ming was weak, Catharina helped him up.

After being nourished by the blue dragon's blood essence, Lu Ming has been fully revived.

Catharina did not withdraw her hand, but took Lu Ming's arm. Lu Ming walked towards the direction of the space node and wanted to retract his arm, but was hugged by Catharina.

He turned his head to look at the blonde and blue-eyed foreign girl, a little puzzled.

But Catharina was just a subconscious action. After reacting, she also let go of her hand and hurried towards the space node.

Only Lu Ming was left with a puzzled look on his face.

After walking out of the secret realm, everyone saw that the proud son of heaven who came out did not look excited, and they couldn't help but show concern.

So, everyone slowly told everything that happened in the secret realm. The sudden outburst of Yang Yu and Chen Xue, the arrival of the Demon Lord, Lu Ming's great power, and the appearance of the War Emperor.

As everyone told the story, even the Martial Saint was a little stunned by what happened in the secret realm.

"Damn Lin Ziyuan."

When the several martial saints who cooperated with Lin Ziyuan heard that the demon sect had actually attacked their disciples, they gnashed their teeth.

However, Lin Ziyuan had already left, and there was no trace of him here.

Therefore, they could only pound their fists in anger.

"The Emperor's Pen fell into Lu Ming's hands?"

After hearing the final whereabouts of the Emperor's Pen, the three martial saints of Daxia couldn't help but feel depressed. There were only four legendary holy instruments in total.

Now two of them were in the hands of Lu Yue and his son. This was undoubtedly bad news.

Despite thinking so, their expressions did not change, and they even congratulated Lu Yue and Lu Ming.

"Brother Lu, a good father will have a good son."

"The Emperor's Pen fell into Lu Ming's hands, and we were convinced"

"We will go ahead and not bother you any more."

Don't hit a smiling person. Lu Yue also greeted the martial saints who came to congratulate him one by one, and then sent them away.

But in a moment, only the people of Daxia were left on the island.

"Tell me everything that happened in the secret realm again."

Whether it was Ye Lan and Ajia Luo, or the appearance of the Demon Lord, these were all unprecedented events.

Considering Lin Ziyuan's disappearance without reason

, as well as the secret realm of the road to heaven, and his instigation,

Lu Yue couldn't believe that all this had nothing to do with the Demon Cult.

So after everyone left, he asked Lu Ming to tell him everything that happened in the secret realm again.

Lu Ming didn't understand, but he still followed his instructions.

"You mean, after the Emperor's Pen appeared, the entire secret realm was shaking and countless cracks appeared."

"It was after this that the Demon Lord descended into the secret realm?"

Lu Yue caught the key point.

After getting Lu Ming's recognition, he fell into deep thought.

The space trembled, accompanied by space cracks.

This also happened when he pulled out the Cangxuan Sword, but it was not as loud as this time.

Lu Yue vaguely associated it.

Then, Lu Ming continued to tell the story.

He even told Lu Yue about the fact that the War Emperor burned his body and extracted the essence of the blue dragon and gave it to him.

"I already know the matter"

"You go back first, I still have things to deal with."

After understanding the situation, Lu Yue also began to see the guests off.

Lu Ming also knew his father's identity, so he didn't say much and boarded the cruise ship with everyone else.

Seeing that someone from the military had sealed the gate to the secret realm again in the distance, Lu Yue thought about everything Lu Ming had just said and sighed.

"It seems that there is no hope for a relaxing retirement."

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