Military secret place.

Lu Yue dropped from the sky without attracting any attention.

He straightened his military uniform, pushed open the door, and walked into an inconspicuous wooden house.

As soon as he entered the house, the rich aroma of tea hit his nose.

Xu Wen was sitting at the tea table, sipping tea.

Seeing Lu Yue coming, he put down his teacup and greeted him.

""Sit down."

Lu Yue sat down beside him. Xu Wen drank the tea in the cup and poured another cup for Lu Yue.

The hot steam rose up, bringing the fragrance of tea into Lu Yue's nose, but he had no intention of drinking tea.

"I heard that the Human Emperor Pen finally fell into Lu Ming's hands."

Seeing Lu Yue remained silent and did not move, Xu Wen spoke first.

Since it was related to the holy weapon, he was naturally very concerned.

The news had reached his ears as soon as the Tianjiao came out of the secret realm.

Lu Yue nodded, looked at the tea in front of him, and frowned.

"But Master, I always feel something is strange"


"Is it about this secret realm? Or about something else?"

Xu Wen knew the character of his disciple.

He would not speak without a purpose. He must have discovered something when he said this.

So Lu Yue told him all of Lu Ming's experiences in the secret realm.

"The crack in the sky was really weird."

"It not only happened in the secret realm, but also affected the outside world."

"The directions that my thoughts could detect were basically all cracked."

Lu Yue recalled everything he had observed at that time, and his tone became even deeper.

However, Xu Wen's next words shocked him.

"Not just Daxia"

"That kind of phenomenon has appeared all over the world."

Xu Wen naturally received information about such a large-scale phenomenon.

Although the sky crack phenomenon lasted for a while, it ended quickly and there was nothing unusual during it.

He just ordered his men to pay more attention.

But he never thought that it was related to the holy weapon and the other world.

"I suspect that all this is a conspiracy of the demon cult"

"Now that the Cangxuan Sword and the Human Emperor Pen have fallen into our hands, the being called the Demon Lord can descend on Blue Star with some of his power."

"If all four holy artifacts are obtained, that will be the day when his true body descends to Blue Star."

Lu Yue repeated Lu Ming's words with a solemn expression.

According to Lu Ming, the Demon Lord is an existence that surpasses the Super Martial Saint.

They don't know how strong he is.

But according to the appearance of the War Emperor and the words of the Demon Lord, when the Human Emperor and others broke through the void, they probably went to the Demon Lord's world, so the Demon Lord knew the existence of Blue Star.

At that time, the human race had just ended the ancient era of becoming blood food, and it was at its peak.

Not to mention the existence of the four holy artifacts.

Even so, it still ended up being destroyed.

It is not difficult for Lu Yue to imagine that if the Demon Lord's true body descended, it would be a disaster for the entire Blue Star.

"We'd better not touch the next two holy artifacts."

"The Demon Cult is probably trying to use us to get the holy weapon so that the Demon Lord can be fully born."

Xu Wen thought along the lines of Lu Yue and felt that it made sense.

But it was too late to realize it.

"There are only four holy vessels in total."

"Now we have both."

"Whether it is the three martial saints or other foreign forces, I am afraid they have been eyeing the remaining two holy weapons."

"It would be extremely difficult to get them not to touch the holy weapon."

Xu Wen's words are true.

The Martial Saint has always been the top fighting force on Blue Star.

The appearance of the holy weapon made them feel threatened.

In addition, the current situation.

The appearance of the next holy weapon will inevitably cause a fierce fight among many forces.

There is no need for the Demon Cult to add fuel to the flames.

Thinking of this, Lu Yue could only sigh.

Now, they can only take one step at a time.

Tianjing, Martial Saint Mountain.

It is cold at the top, and the desolate mountain top is particularly lively today.

""Martial Saint."

Under the tree, the figure of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint was old, like an old man.

He was thinking about the endgame while holding the chess piece, and his expression did not change.

Twelve figures with powerful auras climbed all the way from the bottom of the mountain to the top.

They half-knelt respectfully in front of the Martial Saint, with reverent expressions.

These twelve people were all first-class warriors.

Among them was Chu Jue's former protector, the Elephant Guardian.

However, with Chu Jue's current strength, he was no longer needed, so the Elephant Guardian was able to return.

This is one of the foundations of the Mad Dragon Martial Arts School.

Twelve first-class warriors, no matter where they are, are existences that cannot be underestimated.

"Legend has it that there are four holy vessels."

"Emperor Pen, Cangxuan Sword, Demon Emperor Knife, Prajna Bell"

"Today, the Cangxuan Sword and the Renhuang Pen have fallen into the hands of the military."

"Lu Yue even used his super martial saint cultivation to kill a level 10 beast with the Cangxuan Sword."

It was just as Xu Wen thought.

The two holy weapons being obtained by the military did make the Crazy Dragon Martial Saint feel threatened.

But he was more yearning for it.

The yearning for the supreme power.

"In the next period of time, at all costs"

"Search for the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor Sword and the Prajna Bell"

"This time, we will never give the military any chance."

Speaking of this, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint.

The twelve guardians bowed their heads in response.

Then, their figures turned into streams of light and scattered everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, they went down to the top of the mountain.

The same scene also happened in front of the other two Martial Saints.

Even far overseas, the same scene appeared.

Overseas, the secret base of the Demon Cult.

This is the most hidden base of the Demon Cult.

Lin Ziyuan is not a fool.

What happened on the way to heaven will be exposed after the Tianjiao comes out.

Therefore, after sensing the breath of the Demon Lord, he left there.

As for the Demon Cult, they also migrated away from Daxia together under his instruction in advance.

"Did the Human Emperor Pen fall into Lu Ming's hands?"

Hearing the news from the eyes of those who stayed in Da Xia, Lin Ziyuan smiled triumphantly.

All this was within his control.

Even if the Da Xia military has realized that something is wrong, what can they do?

They can't persuade others not to fight for the holy weapon.

Especially after Lu Yue has fully demonstrated the power brought by the holy weapon.

This is also the reason why Lin Ziyuan moved his base overseas.

Now, there is no need for the Demon Cult to add fuel to the flames in the dark.

Feeling the threat from the military, the other martial saints must be unable to sit still, and now they should be going crazy. Searching for the holy artifacts everywhere.

And he only needs to sit back and reap the benefits.

When all four holy artifacts are obtained, the seal of Blue Star will be lifted and connected with the myriad worlds.

Then the Demon Lord will truly descend upon the world and occupy Blue Star.

He can also be rewarded, reincarnated into the demon clan, gain extraordinary power, and a lifespan that defies heaven.

The lifespan of ordinary demons alone is ten or a hundred times that of ordinary humans.

Demon generals such as Ye Lan and Ajia Luo can have a lifespan of ten thousand years with their super-level cultivation.

The lifespan of the super-level martial saints on Blue Star is no more than a thousand years.

You can imagine this terrifying temptation.

"Leader, the blood sacrifice ritual has responded."

When Lin Ziyuan was immersed in his fantasy, a subordinate walked in and brought a report.

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