Lin Ziyuan came to a wasteland.

Here, the ground was engraved with various strange patterns.

They formed a formation, flashing blood light.

After Lin Ziyuan arrived, the formation emitted an extreme light.

Then a figure appeared in front of him.

He sat comfortably on the skull throne, wearing a black robe, with a pale face, and a hint of contempt between his eyebrows.

It was the Demon Lord.

"Are you Lin Ziyuan?"

The Demon Lord looked at Lin Ziyuan.

He had heard about the forces that Ye Lan and Ajia Luo supported when they came to Blue Star.

It was a pity that they were both killed by the War Emperor in the secret realm.

Otherwise, he would not have to resort to blood sacrifice to project this clone to Blue Star.

"Lin Ziyuan has seen the Demon Lord."

Lin Ziyuan nodded, half-knelt in front of the Demon Lord, with a respectful look on his face.

Although the Demon Lord who descended with a blood sacrifice ceremony was far less powerful than the one who took advantage of the chaos in space that day.

But Lin Ziyuan recognized that the aura was exactly the same as that day.

He immediately guessed the identity of the Demon Lord.

"I order you to remove the seals of the other two holy artifacts at a faster speed."

"I will come to Blue Star with my true body."

The Demon Lord came straight to the point and stated the purpose of this trip.


Lin Ziyuan replied, but he looked a little embarrassed.

"Demon Lord, Lord Yelan and Lord Ajia Luo are not here"

"Now that Daxia has two holy artifacts, with my current strength, it would be difficult to add fuel to the flames."

This was just Lin Ziyuan's excuse.

Under the current circumstances, he only needed to release a little news about the other two holy artifacts.

The whole of Daxia, and even the whole of Blue Star, would rush to fight for the holy artifacts.

It would not be difficult to lift the seal.

But he couldn't help the Demon Lord for nothing.

He hadn't gotten any of the cakes that Ye Lan and Ajia Luo had painted for him, but he had paid a huge price for them, and even fell in cultivation.

Now he had to take some benefits.

The Demon Lord also understood what he meant, and immediately waved his hand, and a stream of pure magic energy shot out, shooting towards Lin Ziyuan's body.

Suddenly, Lin Ziyuan's depleted blood and energy were replenished in an instant.

His cultivation was restored to its original level, and because of the replenishment of magic energy, it even went to a higher level.

"Now I am just a projection, I can't exert any power"

"When my real body comes, I will absorb the entire blue star, which will benefit you."

The power of the blood sacrifice ceremony cannot keep the Demon Lord's projection for too long.

After speaking to Lin Ziyuan, the Demon Lord did not stay for long, and his figure disappeared directly.

"Remember my words, and lift the seal of Blue Star as soon as possible."

Lin Ziyuan felt the abundant power in his body, and was full of energy for a moment.

He laughed evilly, and his figure flashed, and he immediately came to the side of several men.

"Didn't someone come to ask us about the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor Sword and the Prajna Bell?"

"Let's whet their appetite first, and then release them all together when the time comes."

After giving these instructions, Lin Ziyuan no longer paid attention.

Anyway, he would just let them kill each other and reap the fruits of their labor.

Daxia, Southern Martial Arts University.

In the training room.

Lu Ming sat cross-legged, as if he was practicing, but the scene was extremely terrifying.

He seemed to be self-igniting, and a part of his body would suddenly be missing from time to time.

And soon a huge amount of blood and energy appeared, filling the missing part and growing again.

He kept repeating this process in the training room.

Such pain cannot be experienced by onlookers, only Lu Ming can feel it personally. The beads of sweat on his forehead kept sliding down his face, and his lips were bitten tightly, but he never wavered. After returning from the road to heaven, Lu Ming realized his lack of strength.

Even though he had the Human Emperor Pen, with his current strength, he could not exert his true power.

It happened that the War Emperor melted all his flesh and blood essence and gave it to He.

So Lu Ming has been practicing the Thousand Hammer Refining Method since he came back.

Using the Thousand Hammer Refining Method, he reshaped his bones, flesh and blood, and even his meridians were transformed.

Each time, he destroyed everything that had been there before, and then used the essence of his flesh and blood to reshape it.

The pain and difficulty were unimaginable.

At this time, Lu Ming's Thousand Hammer Refining process had reached halfway.

Half of his body already had the strength of a holy weapon.

And it was not just a change in his body.

The blood and qi in his body were also integrated with the essence of the blue dragon during the Thousand Hammer Refining.

The blood and qi have truly reached the majestic level of a dragon.

If the body of a holy weapon is an excellent container.

Then Lu Ming's blood and qi are the magma that is about to erupt at any time, and its power can be imagined.

In the painful torment, Lu Ming's aura continued to improve and became stronger.

Time also slowly passed in this process.

The American continent, the Temple of Light

"God, please send down an oracle"

"Give your most devout believer guidance on the way forward."

The angel of light, dressed in a priest's robe, performed a ritual and prayed solemnly to the statue in front of him.

This was a holy statue.

The figure's specific features were blurred and its appearance could not be seen.

But the clothes were simple, exuding a sense of holiness, sacred and inviolable.

The angel of light prayed for a long time, then stopped and sighed.

"Lord, if you really exist"

"Why don't you tell me something about the whereabouts of the holy weapon?"

Faced with the temptation of the holy weapon, no super martial saint can refuse it.

Even the Envoy of Light who cultivates the power of light.

The power of light has special properties. Compared with martial arts, the power of killing is not strong.

In terms of combat power, anyone among the martial saints of the same level can suppress the Envoy of Light.

Therefore, he urgently hopes to change this situation.

But the statue of the God of Light did not fluctuate at all, as if it did not hear his voice at all.

The Envoy of Light sighed and was about to leave in disappointment.

But at this time, he found that the entire Temple of Light was shaking.

"What is going on?"

The Envoy of Light was horrified, and soon found that it was not the Temple of Light that was shaking.

Instead, it was the entire space that was shaking, and thus it affected the Temple of Light.

In front of the statue of the God of Light, a nearly five-meter-long space crack opened up.

The crack was indescribably dark, and seemed to contain horror, making people dare not look at it any more.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of space tearing reached the ears of the Envoy of Light.

He opened his eyes wide and watched two pairs of huge white wings sticking out from the crack, cutting the surrounding space. What made the Envoy of Light dumbfounded was the owner of the wings.

It was a person!

He was dressed in plain clothes, his face was extremely holy, and there was a golden halo on his head.

Behind him, two pairs of huge white wings moved slightly, and his figure floated in the sky.

Just like an angel in mythology!

"Is this the place in this world where the power of light is the strongest?"

"What a weak world."

Gorfa sensed the atmosphere of this world and looked down on it.

"However, no matter how weak it is, it is worth conquering."

"Is this the most powerful believer in this world?"

After thinking a lot, Gorfa finally had time to look down.

He looked at the messenger of light who had been looking up at him and regarded him as a god.

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