Demon Realm.

The supreme skull throne.

The Demon Lord who was resting with his eyes closed suddenly sensed something, and suddenly opened his eyes, shining with brilliance.

In his eyes, there was an excitement that could not be concealed.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the martial arts of Blue Star were prosperous.

The Human Emperor gathered the power of the planes, broke through the void with martial arts, and opened up a space channel connecting the Demon Realm and Blue Star.

And the Demon Lord is the lord of the Demon Realm plane.

The failure that year gave the Human Emperor the opportunity to re-seal the Blue Star plane.

In order to successfully annex Blue Star, the Demon Lord paid a huge price and fell into a ten-thousand-year sleep with his subordinates.

Just to wait for the seal to be lifted and the day to annex Blue Star.

Now, he can clearly feel the spatial fluctuations belonging to Blue Star.

This shows that the plane seal of Blue Star has been further lifted.

I'm afraid it won't take much time before it is completely lifted.

"It's just a chance God gave me."

"First, the plane that came to me"

"Now, there is another rare son of the plane."

The eyes of the Demon Lord were burning with excitement.

If he could replace Lu Ming and become the son of the plane of Blue Star, and then become the master of the plane.

At that time, the benefits that the Demon Realm can get will be far greater than directly annexing Blue Star.

As for whether the humans on the Blue Star plane will become stronger as the seal of the plane is lifted and the cosmic energy flows into the Blue Star plane, he is not worried about this.

There are only ten levels in the Blue Star martial arts.

But the Demon Lord is an eleventh-level strongman.

There has never been an eleventh-level Blue Star, and it is impossible for an eleventh-level cultivation method to appear.

The benefits of simply absorbing cosmic energy are nothing compared to absorbing it through cultivation methods.

Relying on this method, wanting to reach the eleventh level is simply wishful thinking.

The Demon Lord is not worried about this at all.

The Demon Lord also knows Lu Ming's ability to fight across levels. But once upon a time, the ancient human emperor was like Lu Ming, and under the blessing of the human race's luck, he had an unmatched ability to cross levels.

But he is still He was defeated by the Demon Lord.

In fact, if it weren't for the joint efforts of other strong men, the Demon Lord would have been able to deal with the Ancient Human Emperor even faster.

Therefore, for the Demon Lord, conquering Blue Star was only a matter of time from beginning to end.

He didn't take it to heart at all.

The people in the Mystical Beast Forest didn't know how big a commotion this unusual movement had caused.

After bidding farewell to the four beast kings, the three martial saints also left the central area of the Mystical Beast Forest together and appeared on the outskirts of the Mystical Beast Forest.

Among them, Chu Kuanglong and Yun Liu looked at Lu Yue with complicated expressions.

They still remembered Lu Yue's move at the critical moment.

At that time, if Lu Yue hadn't helped, the dragon and the jiao would have succeeded in their sneak attack.

The two of them faced three ancient relics with terrifying strength alone, and the outcome was predictable.

Even if Lu Yue didn't have the information he had, they would definitely have a fight to the death with the three ancient relics, and this trip to the Mystical Beast Forest would not have been so smooth.

"Thank you this time, Lu Yue"

"I owe you a favor."

After a long silence, Chu Kuanglong was the first to break the silence and thanked Lu Yue.

"The words of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint are too harsh. I just did my duty."

"I don't deserve to be called a favor."

Hearing Lu Yue's refusal, Yun Liu chuckled.

"Chu Kuanglong is right"

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know what would have happened to us during this trip to the Mystical Beast Forest."

"Not only him, Lu Yue, I also owe you a favor"

"If you need any help in the future, I will be at your service anytime."

After both of them said this, Lu Yue could no longer refuse.

Besides, they were both martial saints of Daxia, so it was naturally a good thing to be able to unite as one.

So, after exchanging pleasantries with the two of them for a while, Chu Kuanglong and Yun Liu led their teams to leave.

"It's time for us to go too."

Watching the two of them lead their teams away, Lu Yue also led the team to a place not far away.

There were fighter planes waiting here, specially parked here to pick them up.

But along the way, Lu Ming was dull.

Even in the short moment on the fighter plane, he closed his eyes to rest.

This was naturally not because he didn't like to talk.

On the contrary, it was because he was looking inside his body.

After the Prajna Bell was put away and the sky crack phenomenon appeared again.

Lu Ming clearly felt that there were several powerful special energies between heaven and earth that were transmitted to his body.

It was as if someone did it on purpose.

On the way, during the conversation between the three martial saints, Lu Ming also heard them mention this special energy.

However, they all absorbed the energy floating between heaven and earth.

No one was like him, where the energy came actively.

"Perhaps, this is what Senior Yuwen said, the benefit of being the son of the plane."

Lu Ming thought truthfully.

He could feel that the will that passed on this special energy to him did not have any malice.

Perhaps this was the will of Blue Star.

The group did not stop and quickly returned to Daxia.

In the depths of the distant ocean.

This is an ocean with few people.

Not only because it is far away from human habitation, but also because it contains countless dangers.

Before the revival of spiritual energy, there were countless ferocious beasts in the ocean.

After the era of martial arts, the creatures in the ocean also underwent terrifying changes.

Although it looks extremely calm on the surface, if humans appear here.

Even a martial saint must be careful, otherwise he may not survive at all.

And in such a terrifying situation, there was a figure that kept passing by high above the sea.

This figure was the leader of the Demon Cult, Lin Ziyuan


"According to the coordinates I left before, the Demon Emperor Sword should be here"

"But why is he missing now?"

Lin Ziyuan found nothing and frowned.

At this moment, a strong smell of blood came into his nose.

As a martial saint, his senses were extremely sensitive, and he also practiced a breath-retaining technique.

This was why he had the courage to come here.

The smell of blood in the ocean was unusual, not to mention it was so strong.

Lin Ziyuan became suspicious and kept moving closer to the smell of blood.

"This is……"

As Lin Ziyuan approached, he saw that the seawater below him was dyed blood red.

And it was not just below him.

As long as he could see, the seawater there was basically dyed red by blood.

The bloody smell that Lin Ziyuan smelled came from this.

And that's not all.

Following the direction where the blood-red seawater spread, Lin Ziyuan looked upstream.

Looking from a distance, he could only see dense black shadows intertwined.

But the specific situation was not clear here.

Lin Ziyuan gritted his teeth and finally decided to take the risk and move forward to see what was going on.

He used the breath-retaining technique to the extreme, and the whole person's breath seemed to be non-existent, and approached there.

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