As they got closer, the shadows kept getting bigger in front of Lin Ziyuan.

Lin Ziyuan could see clearly that these shadows were actually terrifying sea beasts.

At this time, they were like bloodthirsty monsters, with red eyes, fighting with their opponents.

They kept fighting, and their huge bodies were tossing in the ocean, stirring up the waves.

Every time an opponent fell, their bodies would be torn to pieces, with flesh and blood floating on the water, and blood gushing out.

Lin Ziyuan thought of the blood-stained sea water he had seen on the way here.

He found it hard to imagine.

How long did the fighting here last to dye so much sea water red?

Even he shuddered in front of such a terrifying scene.

He even accidentally made eye contact with a terrifying demon whale.

It was just a demon whale of the ninth level of the beast.

But its eyes were flashing with an incomparable blood color.

The blood color was full of bloodthirstiness, as if it was about to go crazy at any time.

Lin Ziyuan, the super martial saint, felt cold all over at this moment.

"This feeling……"

A primitive desire of brutality and madness rose in Lin Ziyuan's mind.

He was not unfamiliar with this feeling.

He had the same feeling when he was close to the Demon Emperor Sword.

Being constantly called by the Demon Emperor Sword, he was infected by its killing intent and almost became a killing machine.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyuan forced his consciousness to awaken.

The eyes of these sea beasts in front of him were also filled with blood.

Could it be that they were all infected by the killing intent of the Demon Emperor Sword?

This conjecture surged in Lin Ziyuan's mind.

If so, it makes sense.

Just as Lin Ziyuan was thinking, suddenly, the hairs all over his body suddenly exploded, and he felt an incomparable palpitation.

This is the instinctive warning between life and death of a warrior.

For a martial saint like Lin Ziyuan, this warning is even more effective.

There must be a powerful life and death crisis locking him.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyuan did not dare to be careless at all.

He gritted his teeth, and his body suddenly turned into a black light, and quickly ran towards the distance.

Soon, the figure disappeared in this area.

Under the water, what Lin Ziyuan didn't notice was a pair of scarlet eyes that had been watching his every move.

It wasn't until Lin Ziyuan was far away that the figure suddenly sank and stopped paying attention to him.

"Damn it!"

"What exactly is this!"

"It has been a while since I came here, what on earth is that?!"

In the distance,

Lin Ziyuan, who exploded into a black light, finally stopped.

This place is infinitely far away from the sea surface where he was just now, and there is no blood in the sea water.

But Lin Ziyuan's face is not good.

The feeling of being locked just now really makes him scared.

He has a strong premonition.

If he doesn't run fast, then he will definitely die.

"Could it be that the Demon Emperor Sword had caused something strange?"

After escaping here, Lin Ziyuan could also feel that the sense of crisis had disappeared.

He finally had time to guess.

Obviously, the Demon Emperor Sword had caused some problems.

Otherwise, the usually peaceful ocean would never have turned into such a bloody sea.

There was even the aura that made Lin Ziyuan palpitate.

"Never mind."

"Finding the Demon Emperor's Sword is none of my business."

"Let others deal with this mess."

Thinking of the strong sense of crisis that was locked in, Lin Ziyuan felt a chill in his heart.

He no longer wanted to care about it, so he immediately gave up and set off on his journey home.

The American continent, the eastern coastline.

Usually, this place is extremely peaceful, but now it is in chaos. The sound of fighting is endless, and all kinds of terrifying fluctuations are also accompanied


"Damn sea beasts! Go back to your territory!"

""All of you die!"

On the long coastline, scenes of humans fighting beasts can be seen everywhere.

Various marine beasts rushed out of the ocean.

Among them, there are many mutant crabs and mutant shrimps.

Various warrior forces on the American continent were also urgently mobilized and came here.

Ordinary soldiers controlled thermal weapons to cover some low-level marine beasts with firepower and restrain their actions.

For these marine beasts, the high-density thermal weapon attacks still caused considerable damage to them.

But for high-level marine beasts, thermal weapons seem a bit slow. Even if they used up all their bullets, they might not be able to leave any trace on the shell of the beast.

Of course, there are other people to deal with these beasts.

For example, the believers of light around them, or the warriors from the American continent.

The power of light and various spiritual fluctuations permeate the world and last for a long time.

After fighting to this extent, many soldiers have already shown fatigue on their faces.

But the beasts in the ocean are still charging.

There are also terrifying beasts in the ocean ready to go.

And on the sea, there are also strong men who take action to fight these beasts.

""Holy light!"

A believer of light shouted, and holy light suddenly burst out from behind him, burning a mutant sea crab in front of him.

The mutant sea crab was fully armed, with heavy armor all over its body, but even so, the holy light still penetrated the gaps in the armor and burned it.

While screaming and wailing in pain, the believer of light also seized the opportunity to take the opportunity to know the life of this sea beast.

Just as he was about to continue looking for the target and fight, he suddenly felt a chill under his feet.

The sea water was above his knees.

He suddenly became confused.

He didn't seem to be so close to the seaside, right?

At the same time, many people also discovered this abnormality.

They raised their heads one after another, and were horrified to find that the tide had risen.

Moreover, it was not an ordinary tide.

The sea water in the distance rose high, like a high wall, rushing towards them.

It was as if the devil had opened its big mouth to take their lives.

""Escape! Escape!"

This wall of water hides countless dangers.

With the arrival of seawater, more sea beasts will attack.

This made many fighters lose their fighting spirit and flee backwards.

Those who escaped were swallowed by the wall of water, and then countless blood floated to the surface of the sea.


As the tide rose, a huge demon whale also appeared on the sea.

Looking at the humans submerged by the water wall, it excitedly opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the submerged humans into its mouth, feasting on them.

This is like a level nine ferocious beast!

After tasting the delicious food in its mouth, the demon whale cast its eyes on the rest of the humans, with a faint scarlet color flashing in its eyes.

This scene made countless people fall into despair.

The demon whale slapped the sea water angrily, and countless sea water poured into the coastline. More humans were submerged, and its figure also approached

""Evil beast!"

But at this moment, a thin old man with white hair suddenly appeared.

He held a long sword in his hand, and his voice was like a bell, resounding through the world, and he looked at the demon whale with a sharp gaze.

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