"Sir Augustus!"

Seeing this person, the desperate crowd couldn't help but cheer up.

The person who came was Augustus, one of the two great martial saints in the American continent, who was in charge of the Martial Saint Temple.

His strength was unparalleled, and his appearance undoubtedly gave everyone a shot in the arm.

"Thank you for your hard work."

""Leave the rest to me."

Augustus held a long sword and looked at the demon whale.

The seawater beside it was still red, which was the blood of its compatriots.

This made Augustus' eyes more hateful.

""Sacred Demon Slash!"

Augustus shouted softly, and the long sword in his hand swept across his body.

Suddenly, a sharp sword light flew out, instantly splitting the body of the demon whale in two. The body of the demon whale was neatly cut open, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the ground. The scene was extremely bloody.

But the people around did not feel disgusted, but were extremely excited because of the death of the powerful enemy.

After all, it was just a level nine beast.

In front of Augustus, who was a super martial saint, it was naturally not worth mentioning.

After the demon whale was killed, many shrimp soldiers and crab generals appeared on the coastline during the high tide.

""The wind breaks!"

Augustus put his sword in front of him, and then his eyes were stern.

Suddenly, countless afterimages appeared between heaven and earth. Augustus's figure filled the sky and earth, appearing in front of every sea beast.

Every time he appeared, it also announced the death of the sea beast.

There were endless afterimages and countless sword shadows.

Every sword went to the fatal point of the beast.

In just a moment, all the sea beasts on the entire coastline were slaughtered by Augustus. There was blood everywhere, and the ground was in a mess.

Although many of them had not seen Augustus take action for the first time

, when they saw this miraculous scene again, they couldn't help but feel excited.

"He is worthy of being the strongest person in our American continent!"

"Lord Augustus' swordsmanship is still as powerful as ever, killing everything instantly!"

"Fortunately, His Excellency Augustus is here this time!"

"If he hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid we would have been wiped out this time!"

Everyone was impressed by Augustus's strength, and some people looked at the body of the demon whale that was cut in half, showing palpitations.

With Augustus's hearing, he heard all the voices of the people.

But his expression was not very good.

Because this was the third large-scale attack launched by the sea beasts in the past month.

Compared with the calm before, this was undoubtedly an abnormality.


Augustus recalled that when he looked at the demon whale just now, there was a faint scarlet color in the other's eyes.

He had never seen such a bloodthirsty light in the eyes of sea beasts before.

Even if the sea beasts are murderous, they would not have such a ferocious nature that made him palpitate.

Looking at the fighters below cleaning up the messy battlefield, Augustus cast his eyes into the distance.

As far as his eyes could see was the endless ocean.

"What happened in the ocean?"

Whether it was the riot of the beasts or the scarlet color in the eyes of the demon whale, Augustus felt that something extraordinary had happened in the ocean.

While he was thinking, his figure disappeared and left.

Two weeks later, Daxia.

Military Secret Place

"Commander-in-Chief, you are looking for me."

Lu Yue pushed open the door of the wooden house, walked in, and saluted Xu Wen.

"The southeast coastal war zone has sent a request for help."

Xu Wen motioned Lu Yue to come closer, and then handed him a battle report.

"Southeast coast?"

Hearing this, Lu Yue was surprised.

The southeast coast is a place where Daxia connects to the world's oceans.

But according to his impression, this place has always been a peaceful place.

Even if there are sea beasts invading from time to time, they are small invasions and harmless.

How could it suddenly become a situation where we need to ask for help?

With doubts, Lu Yue flipped through the battle report in his hand, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Is this battle report true?"

After reading the entire battle report, Lu Yue's expression changed and he confirmed with Xu Wen.

Seeing him nod, Lu Yue couldn't help but take a breath.

According to the battle report, in just one week, the southeastern coastal area experienced a total of three waves of ocean beasts.

Moreover, each wave was more turbulent than the last.

In the most serious one, there was even a level nine ocean beast that came, which almost caused a disaster.

Fortunately, there has always been a first-class warrior in the southeastern coastal war zone, which solved the problem.

Based on the prediction, the person in charge of the war zone felt that the next attack of the ocean beast might be more fierce, so he requested to send assistance.

This is obviously completely inconsistent with the peace in Lu Yue's memory.

"That's why I want you to check the situation."

Xu Wen also knew that this phenomenon was unusual.

So, he wanted to send Lu Yue to see what was going on.

But seeing this, Lu Yue was a little troubled.

"Master, to be honest, just now, His Excellency Augustus of the Martial Saint Temple also invited me."

"He said that there was also a large-scale invasion of ferocious marine beasts in the Americas."

"For this purpose, he invited several martial saints, hoping that we could go with him to the depths of the ocean to see what happened there."

Hearing this, Xu Wen also showed a thoughtful look.

He did not expect that the large-scale invasion of sea beasts did not only happen in Daxia.

But if Lu Yue left, who should be sent to the southeast coastal war zone?

Thinking of this, Xu Wen could not help but feel a little troubled.

There are still too few key warriors at the martial saint level.

Lu Yue also saw Xu Wen's embarrassment, so he suggested:

"Master, why don't you let Ming'er go?"

"Let Lu Ming go?"

Xu Wen raised his eyebrows and thought this seemed like a good idea.

"With the blessing of the Human Emperor Pen, Ming'er can unleash a power that can even suppress the ancient species."

"What's more, the southeast coast of my country is also at the edge of the real ocean."

"Even if there are sea beasts of the Martial Saint level, their strength is not that strong."

"With Ming'er's strength, he should be able to handle it."

After Lu Yue's explanation, Xu Wen also acquiesced to this decision.

"In that case, then you should go and inform Lu Ming."

"He doesn't have much time left. The battlefield is changing rapidly. If he delays, something unexpected will happen."

Xu Wen also waved his hand and urged Lu Yue.


Lu Yue replied, and then left the wooden house.

Xu Wen rubbed his brows and looked at the battle report on the table, feeling a headache.

After regaining some energy, he began to get busy again.

Three major battles a week would tire even the most experienced soldiers.

The soldiers on the southeast coast could no longer hold on, so in addition to sending Lu Ming, he had to temporarily dispatch an army to help them.

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