Standing on the corpses of the beasts, Lu Ming closed his eyes.

The battle tactics were running strongly in his body. The strong fighting spirit became a boost, pushing Lu Ming's practice and increasing his cultivation.

If you look inside his body, you can find that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is flowing into his brain through various meridians. The spiritual consciousness in his mind is growing stronger and stronger.

When it is strong to a certain degree, the spiritual consciousness begins to evolve, and a transparent little man is gradually materialized by the spiritual consciousness and appears in Lu Ming's mind.

The little man closed his eyes and looked the same as Lu Ming.

This is called the primordial spirit.

The mental power can only be condensed when it is strong to a certain degree.

At the same time, this is also a sign of the late stage of spiritual cultivation.

When Lu Ming opened his eyes again, because he had just broken through, the powerful aura was out of control and spread outward with his body as the center.

Everyone suddenly felt a pressure coming, as if they couldn't breathe.

Even the three beasts just now didn't bring them this pressure, which made everyone change color.

Fortunately, this pressure came and went quickly, and was taken back by Lu Ming in time.

Just the crowd���When they looked at Lu Ming, they felt respect and fear.

His strength had become stronger. His aura alone was so strong. He was completely on a different level from them.

The scene was completely silent. Lu Ming silently experienced the changes after the breakthrough. The others did not dare to speak, not even breathing. It was not until the sound of the radio sounded that the strange silence was broken.

"All the trial objects have been conquered. Now I declare that the Huainan branch of the Southern Trial is over."

"Below, the list of the top 200 is announced"

"First place, Lu Ming, 112,500 points"

"Second place, Chen Siyu, 22546 points"


"No. 200……"

"Students mentioned above, the admission letters of the three major universities will be issued to you after the martial arts college entrance examination."

"You can choose your favorite university and receive the corresponding admission letter."

"The Southern Trial Huainan Field has ended. Please board the helicopter and return."

After the broadcast, helicopters came from afar.

The results were announced, some were happy and some were sad.

Everyone had different expressions and boarded the helicopter with different faces.

Lu Ming wanted to follow the crowd, but someone came and led him to board a special helicopter.

""Student Lu Ming, congratulations."

After boarding the helicopter, Lu Ming immediately met the chief examiner of this trial, Ma Qianlong.

He smiled and looked at Lu Ming, becoming more and more satisfied.

"Examiner, you are overpraising me. It was just luck."

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Ma Qianlong's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, the helicopter had not yet flown far away. Looking back, he could still see the sea of blood and corpses of the ferocious beasts on the ground.

Such a masterpiece, you call it luck.

What is this called in light novels?

This hero is obviously powerful but too modest?

""Examiner, where are we going?"

Ma Qianlong's thoughts did not wander for long before Lu Ming called him back.

"This helicopter is only to take you back to Jiangcheng"

"Huainan's No.1, selected for the martial saint's disciple assessment, how could he lose face?"

Ma Qianlong smiled slightly.

With the strength Lu Ming showed, at such a young age, this was the treatment he deserved.

With such strength, there were only three people of the same generation he could think of.

In the northern martial arts world, there were two sons of the martial saint.

And in the southern martial arts world, the prodigy of the Cheng family, who was hailed as the son of the Cheng family.

Hearing Ma Qianlong's answer, Lu Ming also responded.

Calculating the time, he had been away from home for more than two weeks.

He was thinking about things, emptying himself, and the cabin suddenly fell into silence.

"Lu Ming, what do you think of Southern Martial Arts University?"

After a long while, Ma Qianlong finally broke the silence and asked Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's talent, needless to say, was enough to rank among the top geniuses.

Even compared with the three brilliant geniuses, Ma Qianlong could hardly tell who was stronger.

With such a genius, as a teacher at Southern Martial Arts University, he naturally wanted to win over Lu Ming.

"No impression"

"In fact, for me, it doesn't matter which university I go to."

Lu Ming was telling the truth. He has two red fates, [Martial Arts Master] and [Son of the Great Dao].

His understanding and perception of martial arts are far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Entering a martial arts university, he might be more interested in the treasures and martial arts it possesses.

The teachers and resources are all empty to him.

What resources can compare with his fate?


Seeing that Lu Ming really didn't care, Ma Qianlong stopped forcing him.

Recruiting is allowed, but one must be careful about the scale to avoid any bad feelings.

He began to change the subject and talked about the precautions for this apprenticeship assessment.

"The assessment will be conducted uniformly in Nandu"

"There will still be a special plane coming to pick you up for the assessment."

"Although this assessment selected the most powerful geniuses from the ten southern provinces,"

"But your final enemy is only the son of God of the Nandu Cheng family, Cheng Sheng."

"Cheng Sheng?"

"Is he strong?"

Lu Ming had naturally heard of the name of the Nandu Cheng family. This was the family to which Cheng Wuji, one of the three martial saints in Daxia and the only martial saint in the south, belonged.

Of course, he had never heard of the name of Cheng Sheng, the son of the Cheng family.

"Cheng Sheng, in his first year of high school, learned the basic boxing techniques in one week, broke the limits of the human body, and embarked on the path of practice"

"In the following year, he broke through from the Body Refining Realm to the Spirit Refining Realm, which was even better than the original Cheng Family Martial Saint."

"Therefore, he got the name of Cheng Family God Son."

"After that, he rarely appeared in the outside world, but it was said that his cultivation had been in the late stage of soul refining for a long time."

"He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to break through the sixth level of Huajin. This is also your chance."

"Otherwise, even with your current strength, you will most likely lose against him."

An opponent who has stayed in the Soul Refining Realm for at least two years.

Lu Ming's eyes were sparkling with a burning desire to fight.

The son of God of the Martial Saint Family sounds extraordinary, and it should be very exciting to fight him.

"It's almost there."

Ma Qianlong didn't notice Lu Ming's abnormality.

After talking to him, the helicopter had already arrived in Jiangcheng and was about to land.

The helicopter could only stop in an open area, and Lu Ming had to walk the rest of the way by himself.

When sending Lu Ming off the helicopter, Ma Qianlong suddenly trembled all over.

It was as if there were a pair of eyes in the dark, staring at him.

These eyes were extremely coercive, as if they saw through everything about him.

However, this feeling came and went quickly.

Lu Ming only took a few steps, but Ma Qianlong seemed to have just walked out of the gates of hell.

You know, he is a genuine fourth-grade warrior.

But now, the clothes behind him have been wet with sweat and stuck to his back, all of which are his cold sweat.

"Jiangcheng, is there some terrifying existence?!"

Ma Qianlong found it hard to imagine.

No warrior he had ever seen could give him such a feeling.

Although he could sense that the other party had no hostility towards him, just a glance at him almost suffocated him.

"Pilot, let's go."

After a while, Ma Qianlong came back to his senses and the helicopter climbed again.

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