"Master, we are here."

The driver picked them up and soon arrived at the gate of Lu Ming's villa.

After two weeks away from home, Lu Ming got out of the car and couldn't help sighing.

In just two weeks, he participated in the training camp, competed in the southern trial, and even won the first place.

There were too many things that happened during this period.

""Mom, I'm back."

Lu Ming walked into the living room and shouted, and then he saw two figures.

One was his mother Liu Yun, and the other was Lu Yue who rarely came home!

"Dad, when did you come back?"

Seeing Lu Yue, Lu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

After all, he was busy with work and rarely came back for several years.

Lu Ming almost forgot the date of his last visit.

"I just arrived not long ago too."

Lu Yue hadn't seen his son for a long time, so he smiled and looked at him quietly.

"Mom, I have passed the southern test and got first place."

"Now, I have the choice of the three major martial arts colleges in the south."

"And a week later, I will go to Nandu to participate in the Cheng family martial arts examination."

"If he can pass, maybe your son will become a disciple of the Martial Saint."

Lu Ming didn't know that his entire trial was watched by Lu Yue.

He smiled and shared his daily life in the past two weeks with his parents.

"The competition is so fierce, it must be very hard."

Liu Yun felt sorry for her son who had been away from home for two weeks, so she pulled him to the dining table without saying a few words.

At the dining table, Liu Yun kept asking about Lu Ming's daily life.

Lu Ming talked about his cultivation, omitting some of the fighting and killing, fearing that Liu Yun would worry.

Lu Yue listened to the conversation between the mother and son, from listening while eating to being stunned later. He cultivated four fifth-grade martial arts to perfection in four days.

He broke through in battle, from the early stage of refining the spirit to the late stage of refining the spirit. Is his son really so evil?

Lu Yue gradually learned about Lu Ming's evil performance in the southern trial.

Listening to his sharing at this time, the more he listened, the more shocked his jaw dropped.

But in his heart, there was an idea that quietly emerged.

"Ming'er, come with me."

The meal passed quickly.

When leaving the table, Lu Yue called Lu Ming and then walked into the study.

Ever since he saw Lu Yue in the virtual combat system and saw Lu Yue perform the Cangxuan Sword Technique, Lu Ming had some guesses about Lu Yue's identity. It was definitely not that simple for him to come back on purpose.

Lu Ming also had many confusions in his heart and wanted to ask Lu Yue.

It was just that Liu Yun was there just now, and he was afraid that she would worry, so he didn't mention it.

Now that Lu Yue invited him to talk alone, Lu Ming also had a lot of questions that needed his answers.

In the study.

The father and son sat opposite each other, staring at each other, respecting each other like guests.

After a long time, Lu Ming broke the silence.

"Dad, you are the strong man with a sword in the battle of Xiliang, right?"

Lu Ming's guess was not groundless. In the battle of Xiliang, the swordsman with a sword was very skilled.

In the virtual combat system, Lu Yue, who had the same cultivation as him, also reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

If it weren't for the battle tactics, whether he could defeat Lu Yue was really unknown.

Moreover, according to the model of the virtual combat system, the more powerful the masters, the later they will appear.

And Lu Yue happened to be the last one.

He used a sword and his strength ranked first in the army. Lu Ming didn't believe this was a coincidence.

Therefore, he had this guess.

Lu Yue had already expected Lu Ming's question and nodded.

When the guess was confirmed, Lu Ming's heart was suddenly in turmoil.

Damn it, I have kept it a secret for 18 years, and my father is actually a martial saint?

What a popular novel title this would be.

Lu Ming had many thoughts in his mind, but he didn't know where to start.

It's like, you have always known that your family is a little rich.

But one day your father suddenly confronts you.

The family is not only a little rich, but also the richest man in the country.

But why did you keep it from them for so long?

"I'm not really super"

"Only with the help of external forces, his strength has reached the super level, but his own cultivation has not reached"

"The military has always treated me as a secret weapon and has not disclosed it to the outside world."

"In order not to worry your mother, I have not mentioned this to her, and you should not say anything."

Lu Yue saw Lu Ming's thoughts and warned him.

He didn't want to mention these things to his family, but there was no way.

With Lu Ming's talent, he would know these things sooner or later, and there was no point in hiding it.

Lu Ming nodded, which was considered to be informing him of the matter, and Lu Yue continued to speak

"I have seen your performance in the southern trials."

"Very good, I was far inferior to you now."

"Even for the martial saints of all generations, it is rare to see such performance at your age."

Listening to Lu Yue's evaluation, Lu Ming couldn't help but feel proud.

This is praise from his father, and also praise from a martial saint-level strongman.

Such gold content, you can imagine

"Dad, why did you suddenly come back?"

After knowing Lu Yue's identity, Lu Ming finally understood why his father was always out of sight.

Therefore, his sudden appearance this time seemed even more strange.

"For the Martial Saint to recruit disciples."

Lu Yue mentioned the serious matter, and his face became serious.

He came back specially to clarify this matter with Lu Ming.

"Ming'er, you only know that the Southern Trial is held by the three major universities."

"But they didn't know that this trial was just the intention of the Cheng family's martial saint from the beginning to the end."

"Just to become the final Martial Saint's disciple?"

Lu Ming was not a fool. Lu Yue made his words so clear that he could understand.

"That's right"

"Moreover, the relationship between the Martial Saint and the military is not that good."

"The reason why we have to lose face and cooperate with the military actually has a deeper meaning."When

Lu Yue talked about the key point, Lu Yu also became serious and focused.

"Do you know the Cheng family's divine son?"

Lu Ming nodded. On the way back, Ma Qianlong had mentioned this to him.

"He has been in the late stage of soul refining for two years."

"With his talent, this shouldn't be"

"But if you connect it to this apprenticeship examination, it makes sense."

Lu Ming was a little puzzled, but he didn't let him ask, and continued.

""Supreme Golden Body, you should have learned this knowledge in your three years of high school, right?"

Lu Ming nodded.

Supreme Golden Body, a small realm that exists in legends.

After the seventh-grade soul refining, it is originally the sixth-grade transformation.

But between the seventh and sixth grades, there is another Supreme Golden Body realm.

The Supreme Golden Body realm can only be fully stimulated through constant tempering and the soul penetrating the whole body.

This kind of tempering can be countless battles or the pressure between life and death.

This realm is called the Supreme Foundation.

Achieving the Golden Body can lay a solid foundation for the road of martial arts.

Daxia once had a genius who broke through the Supreme Golden Body between life and death when he was young, and since then he has embarked on the road of super-grade.

After becoming a martial saint, he traveled the world and had no rivals. He used his fists to open up a piece of peace for Daxia.

But since him, no one has been able to break through this realm.

Therefore, the Supreme Golden Body realm is also called the legendary realm.

"Dad, are you saying that this disciple-taking trial is to help the Cheng family's divine son break through the Supreme Golden Body?"

Lu Ming understood what his father meant.

At the same time, he was secretly shocked by the Martial Saint's terrifying move.

The Southern Trial can be said to be a screening of students from all over the South, selecting the ten strongest people.

This move is to use nine of them as stepping stones for the Cheng family's divine son to achieve the Supreme Foundation.

Such a big move can only be said to be worthy of being a Martial Saint!

Lu Yue nodded.

"This apprenticeship examination was a wedding dress for the Cheng family's son from the beginning to the end."

"Lay the most solid foundation for him to reach the top of the world"

"Even the position of Martial Saint Disciple was prepared for him."

"The military wants to use you as a knife to dampen the Cheng family's spirit."

"But I am your father, I cannot watch you suffer, so I came to explain this to you, but the final choice is still yours."

"You already know the whole thing. Do you want to go to this disciple assessment or not?"

Lu Yue looked at Lu Ming with deep eyes.

He didn't want to see Lu Ming just become a stepping stone for the Cheng family's Godson.

As for using Lu Ming as a knife to dampen the Cheng family's spirit?

Lu Yue felt that the military was overthinking it. The

Cheng family's Godson has been in the late stage of soul refining for three years.

Although his cultivation has not improved, with the support of the Cheng family and the martial saint, how bad can his strength be.

Lu Ming is very strong, but compared to the Cheng family's Godson, he is still far behind!

But as a father, he can only explain the disadvantages.

The rest is up to Lu Ming to decide.

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