After Lu Yue finished speaking, the study fell into silence again.

Lu Ming remained silent, as if he was thinking about everything Lu Yue had just said.

Lu Yue did not rush to urge him, but quietly waited for his reply.

After a long time, Lu Ming finally smiled with relief.

"Dad, I can only say that you think too much"

"Compared to becoming a disciple of the Martial Saint, the Cheng Family's Divine Son is what I value."

"Since he is the Godson of the Cheng family, the Cheng family specially paved this road for him."

"Then he should be very strong."

At the end, the fighting spirit was like a flame, burning on Lu Ming's body.

This fighting spirit was strong, like fighting spirit but not like fighting spirit.

"This is……"

Lu Yue sensed the aura coming from Lu Ming and was shocked.

"Son of God, this is the video of the Huainan examination room"

"The head of the family said that among the ten provinces in the south, this person is most likely to become your final opponent."

In a huge training room, a man holding a tablet respectfully faced a young man in front of him.

A virtual screen was projected on the tablet, showing Lu Ming holding a gun and killing people in the trial.


Hearing the man's words, the boy finally got interested.

He looked at the tablet, his eyes were full of domineering.

The man glanced at the boy's eyes from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help feeling a tingling pain, and hurriedly avoided his gaze.

The strength of the Son of God is really getting more and more terrifying.

The man didn't dare to look at it any more, and sighed in his heart. The boy didn't care about his thoughts, and his eyes were fixed on the screen.

In the picture, Lu Ming, who was two meters tall, was like a god descending from heaven, holding a dragon spear, his figure shuttled through the beasts, and the spear harvested the life of each ferocious beast.

The lightning intertwined on the spear, gorgeous and dazzling, every movement was extremely simple, but terrifyingly strong.

All of them were one-hit kills, all of them were one-shot kills.

The direct battle, even the Son of God of the Cheng family saw it, and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Such an opponent!"

"If you don't use the true meaning of martial arts, you can barely compete with me"

"The Southern Trial really picked out a perfect stepping stone!"

"The day I defeat this man is the day I break through the Supreme Golden Body!"

Cheng Sheng looked at Lu Ming's performance with a burning gaze.

A sense of dominance could not help but emanate from him and spread all around.

Feeling this pressure, the man's heart was even more turbulent.

The true meaning of martial arts can only be possessed by the fifth-grade awakening spirit realm.

The Son of God is only a seventh-grade spirit refiner now, how could he possess such a powerful true meaning of martial arts.

Of course, as a qualified servant of the Cheng family, he just lowered his head humbly and pretended not to see anything.

In the room, only Cheng Sheng stared at Lu Ming on the screen with a fiery eye.

""Martial Arts True Meaning?"

In the Lu family study, Lu Yue was confused and shocked.

Although the intention condensed by Lu Ming was only in its infancy, it was obviously the true meaning of martial arts.

As a first-grade warrior, he could not make a mistake.

But that was the strange thing.

According to the martial arts path of Blue Star, the true meaning of martial arts is clearly possessed by fifth-grade warriors. How could it appear in Lu Ming, who is only seventh-grade?

Is it the strangeness of the battle tactics?

Lu Yue was just guessing. After all, when he picked the battle tactics, he did not expect Lu Ming and the battle tactics to be so compatible.

Like him, Lu Yue had never heard of someone who practiced the battle tactics to such a great degree.

After all, there are very few people who practice this non-grade martial arts. There are even fewer who can practice it successfully.

Lu Yue could not give Lu Ming too much experience, so he could only rely on himself to explore.

"Dad, do you mean that the fighting spirit I have gathered has reached the level of martial arts truth?"

In the three years of high school, Lu Ming also learned the martial arts system of Blue Star thoroughly. When

Lu Yue mentioned the martial arts truth, he had some associations.

After he broke through the late stage of soul refining, he also realized that his fighting spirit seemed to have changed qualitatively.

"That's right."

At the seventh level of the soul refining realm, he has already mastered the true meaning of martial arts. Lu Yue didn't know whether it was good or bad.

But mastering the true meaning of martial arts still greatly improves the strength of a warrior.

Lu Yue simply explained it to Lu Ming.

"Martial arts are divided into four lower grades and five upper grades."

"Lower fourth rank, improve strength by tempering the body"

"When you reach the fifth level, you are truly entering the martial arts world and begin to cultivate your mind.’"

At this point, Lu Yue smiled bitterly again.

"‘Meaning: mysterious and illusory"

"Therefore, some people often say that the end of martial arts is metaphysics."

After the explanation, Lu Ming seemed to understand but not quite.

Lu Yue did not say more and began to demonstrate to Lu Ming.

"The true meaning of martial arts is invisible, but can be attached to tangible things"

"Everyone's true meaning of martial arts is different, it all depends on personal perception"

""The true meaning of my martial arts is to destroy."

As Lu Yue finished speaking, a huge pressure emanated from him.

His whole body was like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, with its edge exposed.

A true meaning that seemed to be able to destroy the world enveloped Lu Ming.

This true meaning was thousands of times greater than Lu Ming's fighting spirit.

Although Lu Yue tried to control it, Lu Ming still felt that he was so small in front of this true meaning.

In front of it, his body felt like it could not bear it and was about to be destroyed.

This was the result of Lu Yue's intentional control.

If he really went all out, Lu Ming could hardly imagine the horrible scene.

In the battle of Xiliang, it was said that the swordsman cut off the mountain with one sword.

Lu Ming once thought that was an exaggeration, but now it seems that it is even more than that.

"The lower four grades, if you study hard, you can also achieve certain results"

"But for the fifth rank, the understanding of the true meaning of martial arts depends entirely on one's understanding, which is enough to keep a person out of the door for life."

"Think carefully about what your true meaning of martial arts is."

"Only when you understand what it is, you will know how to use it."

Lu Yue took back his martial arts true meaning and explained it to Lu Ming.

When it comes to the martial arts true meaning, he doesn't have much experience to teach.

In this regard, it still depends on understanding and metaphysics.

Some people may have an epiphany, but some people may be stuck here for the rest of their lives.

But Lu Yue is still very optimistic about Lu Ming.

After all, at the seventh level, the prototype of the true meaning already exists.

In his opinion, it is only a matter of time to condense the martial arts true meaning.

"What is the true meaning of my martial arts?"

Lu Yue's question kept circling in Lu Ming's mind.

He thought about the answers one by one, and rejected them one by one.

During this period, the things around him seemed to be frozen.

He entered a wonderful ethereal state, and his whole body was completely relaxed, with only his thoughts in constant motion.

"Is this, enlightenment?"

Lu Yue reacted, looking confused.

Enlightenment is a mysterious state that a warrior enters when he is lost in a certain thought.

One enlightenment is enough to benefit a warrior for a lifetime.

But this state is hard to come by, and some people may not experience it once in their lifetime.

For example, Lu Yue

"It seems that I really misjudged Ming'er."

It's so easy to enter enlightenment, how can it be ordinary.

Seeing Lu Ming's state, Lu Yue smiled bitterly, thinking that he really misjudged Lu Ming's qualifications.

He left the study quietly, leaving Lu Ming alone in the room to have enlightenment.

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