Those involved are often confused, while those who are not involved can see things more clearly.

Lu Ming didn't know that he had entered a state of enlightenment.

He only knew that his brain was clearer than ever before, and his thinking speed was much faster than usual, like a supercomputer. He was thinking about a question.

What is the true meaning of martial arts?

The will to fight?

Lu Ming's mind couldn't help but play the scene of himself holding a gun and killing the enemy.

It was a scene that made his blood boil.

It was the desire to become stronger when facing a strong opponent, and to fight bravely for the stronger one.

But is that what he wants? Lu Ming didn't think so.

The battle tactics only helped him to condense the true meaning of martial arts.

But this true meaning of martial arts is still covered with a thin veil.

Lu Ming needs to cleverly uncover it in order to see its true face.

This step is simple to say, but it is difficult to actually take.

His thoughts sank again, immersed in his own world, trying to uncover this layer of mystery.

"Ming'er, is it really okay to not eat or drink like this?"

Outside the study room, Liu Yun looked at Lu Ming with a worried look.

He was still standing there, motionless. He had been in this position for three days.

If it weren't for his chest still rising and falling, Lu Ming would have looked like a corpse.

"He has already reached the seventh level of spiritual cultivation, and food is no longer necessary for him."

Lu Yue put his arm around his wife's shoulders and explained softly.

Liu Yun is also a warrior, so she naturally understands this truth, but she is too concerned.

Lu Yue didn't know how to help Lu Ming.

The realm of true meaning is mysterious.

Only by truly understanding and mastering it can the power of true meaning be fully exerted.

But at least Lu Ming has passed the stage of condensing true meaning.

It is only a matter of time to unveil this veil.

Under the gaze of the couple, Lu Ming's eyelashes suddenly trembled.

Lu Yue noticed this change and immediately locked his eyes on him.

"The Path of Martial Arts, Leading to Heaven and Earth"

"I am still trapped by myself after all."

In the world of consciousness, Lu Ming sighed.

For three days, he kept exploring his true meaning, but always returned empty-handed.

This made him sigh again at the magic of the [Martial Arts God] fate.

In the end, it was the [Martial Arts God] fate that awakened him and guided him back to his original intention of martial arts.

"It would be a pity if you come to this world and don't climb to the peak of martial arts and see the scenery from a high place."

Lu Ming finally grasped the true meaning of his martial arts.

It was not related to fighting, nor was it related to competition.

It was the direction that [Martial Arts to God] originally guided him to.

"Reaching the pinnacle of martial arts, trying to compete with the gods"

"This true meaning of martial arts is called"ascending to the heights."

Lu Ming's realization rose in his heart, and his grasp of the true meaning of martial arts also suddenly improved.

To ascend to the heights of martial arts, one must remain unmoved in the face of life and death, and must rise unyieldingly in the face of danger, just to ascend to the heights.

In the study, with Lu Ming as the center, a strong wind blew violently.

Countless objects around were blown by the strong wind and scattered in every corner.

The bookcase against the wall was shaking, and the door was shaking particularly violently.

Crack, crack.

The glass of the door finally couldn't withstand this pressure, and cracks appeared on the surface.

Until the cracks covered the glass, it finally couldn't hold on and became shattered.

The books in the bookcase were rolled out and fell to the ground, and the pages were flipped wantonly, with a rustling sound of turning books.

Not only that, even the floor under his feet was shaken by the power of the true meaning of martial arts. Pieces of tiles were crushed under pressure.

Tiles flew and scattered towards every corner of the study.

If Lu Yue had not been prepared and had not imposed his martial arts true meaning on Liu Yun in advance, she would also be affected by this pressure.

She is only at the seventh level of spiritual cultivation.

Being enveloped by this huge martial arts true meaning, the threat is quite great.

After protecting Liu Yun, Lu Yue finally had time to take care of his son.

He stood in the study, in the center of the strong wind, with his slightly long hair flying.

With his eyes closed, Lu Ming, who stood in place, inexplicably showed a sense of loneliness.

It was as if what Lu Yue saw was not Lu Ming, but a mountain.

A mountain that he could only look up to.

Such an illusion should not have arisen in Lu Yue's mind.

But such a feeling, it really happened in his mind.

"Ming'er's martial arts true meaning is so terrifying."

Looking at Lu Ming, Lu Yue's eyes were full of complexity.

This martial arts true meaning gave him such a terrifying feeling.

If he faced his peers, wouldn't it be difficult to even stand in front of him.

Lu Yue's thoughts were not false at all.

The fifth-grade true meaning realm, with Lu Ming's current strength of true meaning, has already entered the late fifth grade.

But he has not yet entered the sixth grade.

Lu Yue is also a little confused about the current division of Lu Ming's strength.

The only thing he can be sure of is that Lu Ming is very strong now, very strong

"Before reaching the sixth rank, the road to the fifth rank was clear"

"What kind of monster son did I give birth to?"

To this day, Lu Yue can only sigh.

His martial arts talent was average. If he hadn't mastered the Cangxuan Sword, he wouldn't even have the hope of becoming a first-class martial artist.

But he gave birth to such a monster son.

"If so, the Cheng family's divine son does not seem to be invincible?"

After seeing Lu Ming's true meaning of martial arts, even Lu Yue's mind could not help but drift a little.

"True meaning……"

After a long period of comprehension, Lu Ming finally opened his eyes.

The power of the true meaning was far beyond his imagination.

The true meaning"ascended to a higher place", and its momentum was as majestic as a mountain.

In front of Lu Ming, ordinary warriors in the Refining Spirit Realm only needed to release this martial arts true meaning, and he was confident that he could overwhelm the opponent.

But when he really came back to his senses from the comprehension, he saw the mess on the floor of the study.

And Liu Yun and Lu Yue were looking at him with complicated expressions.

Four days later, in the sky above Nandu

"It is indeed the place where the martial arts flourished in the south."

Lu Ming sat in his private helicopter and looked down. There were tall buildings everywhere, densely packed, as if he had come to a new world.

As the capital of the old dynasty, after the Cheng family's martial arts saint broke through to the martial arts saint, this place became the holy place of martial arts in the south.

Every day, countless martial artists came here to pursue the highest martial arts.

"There are so many people."

Among the tall buildings, Lu Ming could see a crowd of people.

In addition, there was a long line of cars.

"These people are here to take the examination for the purpose of recruiting disciples."

"The southern trials were conducted in secret, but the examination for accepting disciples was open to the public."

"Countless people came here to see the ten strongest geniuses in the south."

"And who will become the disciple of the Martial Saint?"

The pilot was talking to Lu Ming while flying the plane.

Lu Ming had been exploring the true meaning of his martial arts for the past seven days and had not paid much attention to the outside world.

He also did not know what kind of shock the end of the southern trial and the news of the Martial Saint accepting disciples had caused in the southern martial arts world.

When he was excited, the pilot recalled that the person he was picking up was one of the elite seedlings.

""Little brother, are you sure about this apprenticeship assessment?"

The pilot suddenly became interested and asked Lu Ming.


"If it's a disciple of the Martial Saint, there's probably no hope."

""First place in the assessment, it's easy."

Lu Ming's words made the pilot's CPU a little hot.

Getting first place in the assessment means there is no hope of becoming a martial arts disciple?

What kind of nonsense is this?

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