Lu Ming did not speak either. There was no need to explain too much.

He looked into the distance and saw a tall tower rising into the sky.

That was where the Cheng family was.

It was said that the Cheng family martial saint usually practiced on the top of the tower. It was hard to tell whether this statement was true or not, but it was precisely because of this that this tower had become the symbol of the Cheng family martial saint and the Cheng family.

In the entire Nandu, there was no building that could compare to it.

No matter where you were in Nandu, you could see this amazing tower.

""Cheng family, martial saint."

Lu Ming muttered to himself, clenched his fist, and a martial arts true meaning burst out.

The pilot's hands trembled slightly, causing the plane to tilt for a while, and he felt a chill on his back.

But this feeling came and went quickly.

Lu Ming's martial arts true meaning has now reached the level of being able to control it freely.

Although the pilot was palpitating, he was no longer affected.

He was confused, but he didn't know what was going on. He just silently accelerated and flew to the destination.

""Student Lu Ming, this is the competition venue for tomorrow."

After getting off the plane, someone came to meet Lu Ming.

The etiquette lady led him all the way and pointed to the distance.

Lu Ming was high up and could just see the whole scene of the venue, which was similar to an ancient arena.

The audience seats surrounded the entire venue, like a staircase, and could accommodate at least tens of thousands of people.

In the middle was a huge circular arena, about half the size of a football field.

In order to facilitate the view of the arena, there was a huge screen in front of the audience seats, broadcasting the scene of the arena live.

Lu Ming just glanced at it and then looked away.

Seeing that he was not very interested, the etiquette lady did not stay for long and continued to lead the way.

Soon, the two came to a villa area.

"Student Lu Ming, this is your residence"

"If you need any service, you can call us at any time."

"Tomorrow morning, someone will come to take you to the competition venue."

The etiquette lady said respectfully as she took Lu Ming to a three-story villa.

Lu Ming was amazed at this kind of generosity.

Just for participating in the assessment, they provided such a generous accommodation, which was worthy of being a martial arts family.

After nodding to the etiquette lady, Lu Ming entered the villa.

The facilities in the villa were complete and even brand new.

The reception room, lounge, and even the training room were all available.

Lying down on the sofa in the living room, Lu Ming turned on his mobile phone, and the first message that popped up was from Lu Yue.

"Arrived in Nandu"

"Take it easy and don't worry about anything else."

After all, Lu Yue was also worried about the layout of the Martial Saint.

When Lu Ming arrived in Nandu by helicopter, Lu Yue had already arrived.

In his words, his identity was sensitive and it was inconvenient for him to follow Lu Ming openly.

Lu Ming replied to a few more messages, then put down his phone and went directly to the practice room.

Three days ago, Lu Ming had already comprehended the true meaning of his martial arts.

The remaining four days were all used by Lu Ming to apply the true meaning of martial arts.

Unlike Lu Yue's true meaning of slashing.

Lu Ming's true meaning of climbing high brought an extreme sense of oppression.

It was as if there was a mountain in front of him, unshakable.

""Thunder Flame Infinite Spear!"

Lu Ming held the Dragon Spear in his hand, like a god descending from heaven.

Spiritual energy poured into the Dragon Spear, like lightning, wrapping the entire Dragon Spear.

His figure was as majestic as a mountain, but the spear in his hand was extremely light, leaving a trail of afterimages.

With the blessing of the true meaning of ascending, every time the spear energy flew out, it hit the wall of the training room, leaving one dent after another. The training room here has been specially modified, but even so, it still can't withstand Lu Ming's destruction.

The training room was constantly shaking from the inside out, as if it was undergoing renovation.

"It seems that I need to change to a new spear technique."

After Lu Ming finished a set of spear techniques, he thought silently in his heart.

The blessing of the true meaning of martial arts will definitely greatly improve the power of spear techniques.

However, the style of the Wuji Thunder Flame Spear does not match the true meaning of climbing.

The Wuji Thunder Flame Spear is sharp and agile, but the true meaning of climbing is as majestic as a mountain, full of oppression.

Tricks that do not match the true meaning, even if they are used, cannot fully exert the power of the true meaning.

"In comparison, the extreme boxing way is more in line with the true meaning of climbing high"

"I hope that the Cheng family's son of god will give me a chance to put down the spear."

Thinking of tomorrow's test, Lu Ming stopped practicing.

Now the Dragon Spear is a kind of restraint for him.

During the southern trial, the disadvantages of the Dragon Spear had already appeared.

The attack power of this spear is really limited. When fighting against Zhao Dongfang, it can't even penetrate the opponent's physical training martial arts.

In short, the power of the Dragon Spear can no longer keep up with Lu Ming's combat power improvement.

"New weapons, new gunplay"

"There are so many things needed."

Lu Ming simply gave up, returned to the living room, and lay back on the sofa.

Compared with the upcoming assessment, these things can be put off for a while.

At the same time, in Nandu, a high-end hotel.

The presidential suite on the top floor.

Lu Yue was wearing casual clothes and standing on the balcony.

The direction he was facing was exactly the tower that was known as the training ground of the Cheng family martial arts saint.

However, the tower reached the sky, and even if Lu Yue was on the top floor of the hotel, he still had to look up.

"Given the importance that Cheng Family Martial Saint places on the Son of God, there must be a backup plan left by the Martial Saint."

"I have secretly left a sword in Ming'er's body, which will save Ming'er's life between life and death."

"Cang Xuan, you may have to face another Martial Saint."

Lu Yue looked around and smiled softly.

The Cang Xuan Sword was floating beside him. When it heard Lu Yue's words, the sword trembled slightly and clanged, as if it was excited.

"Can you let me break through to become a Martial Saint sooner?"

"No hurry, I feel like my bottleneck of being a martial saint is about to be broken."

Lu Yue understood the meaning of the Cang Xuan Sword and gently stroked the sword to calm it down.

It was already late at night, and under the cover of night, one man and one sword just looked at the top of the tower hidden in the clouds.

There was no conversation that night, and the sun and the moon finished their work, and the day came again

""Student Lu Ming, we should go to the waiting room."

Early in the morning, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Ming opened his eyes and got up from the sofa.

As a warrior, no matter what the situation, he always maintained the most perfect state.

Even if he had not slept all night and was just taking a nap on the sofa, he was still energetic.

He didn't need to bring much.

After carrying the Youlong Spear, he got up and went out.

The etiquette lady was about to knock on the door for the second time when she saw the door was opened.

Lu Ming's tall figure stepped out of the door, carrying a red tasseled spear behind him.

His eyes were bright, even dazzling, and the whole person exuded a sharp aura that soared to the sky.

""Let's go, aren't we going to take the test?"

Lu Ming smiled slightly and woke up the somewhat absent-minded etiquette lady.

The etiquette lady finally reacted, slightly squeezed her legs together, and walked in front to lead the way for Lu Ming.

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