"Principal Lin, this is the Lu Ming I mentioned to you."

Ma Qianlong said respectfully to the man next to him in the front row of the audience.

He was Lin Heng, one of the vice presidents of Southern Martial Arts University.

He touched his chin and nodded after listening to Ma Qianlong's words.

"At such a young age, such martial arts attainments are indeed remarkable."

"Does he have any intention to come to our school?"

Ma Qianlong shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"This Southern Trial was jointly organized by the three schools, and all three schools issued them admission letters."

"I have met him before, and he doesn't have too many requirements for the colleges, as long as they are from the three major colleges."

After saying that, Ma Qianlong looked around again. Those who could sit in the front row of the audience were all of high status.

Among them were teachers from other colleges.

After seeing Lu Ming's performance, their eyes were also burning with enthusiasm, and they wanted to recruit him.

"Then make some plans."

Lin Heng groaned, without much hesitation.

He came to this disciple-taking examination more to see the demeanor of the Cheng family's divine son.

Compared to this person, all the geniuses are somewhat eclipsed in front of him.

Except for the two in the north.

While thinking, Lin Heng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two groups of people not far away.

They were from the two major martial arts halls in the north, and there were martial arts saints behind them. They came south specifically to see what kind of magic the Cheng family's divine son, who was favored by the Cheng family, had.

"The cultivation of this Cheng family's divine son is too weak. No wonder the Cheng family wants to hide him."

"The young master will break through the spiritual realm and comprehend the true meaning of martial arts"

"No, that's not necessary, young master. No matter which disciple of my Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School takes action, it is enough to make this Cheng family's son drink a pot of wine."

At the seat of the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School, one of the rough men spat with disdain.

In his eyes, the strength of the Cheng family's son is too inferior.

"That's fine."

"At least our worries about the world being divided into three parts no longer exist."

Beside the rough man, the elegant man glanced at him.

Sitting next to them was the mortal enemy of the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School, the Yunliu Martial Arts School.

If the Cheng family had not produced a martial saint, they would not even have set out for this disciple-recruiting examination.

Today, the Cheng family's foundation is still too weak.

In front of the two supreme martial arts schools, it is like a grain of light.

"This round of competition ends here."

""The second round of drawing lots will begin."

During the conversation, the first round of five matches had already ended.

As for Lu Ming's next two matches, they were both quite standard.

There were neither too many highlights nor any flaws.

Following Lei Ling's guidance, the five people who advanced returned to the stage and began a new round of drawing lots.

"Second round."

Lu Ming unfolded the paper in his hand, showing his second round match.

Cheng Sheng showed his blank paper, which meant he had a bye in this round.

"In that case, just give him a bye until the end."

Seeing Cheng Sheng draw the bye note, Lei Ling waved his hand and made a direct decision.

The other three naturally had no objection.

After seeing Cheng Sheng being easily defeated, they also recognized the facts.

This disciple-taking test was just a personal show of Cheng Sheng.

As for them, the geniuses selected from the nine southern provinces were just Cheng Sheng's foil.

Lu Ming didn't feel anything.

He was used to this kind of mode of overcoming difficulties.

Kill the monsters along the way and then defeat the final boss.

This is in line with the style of a brave man.

"Second round, first match!"

After announcing Cheng Sheng's bye, the other three walked off the stage. Only one man and one woman were left on the stage, and they began their fight at Lei Ling's announcement.

Lu Ming watched the fight from below, feeling bored.

Although the two people on the stage were both in the late stage of soul refining, their strength was completely incomparable to him and Cheng Sheng.

Whether it was their physical bodies, the purity of their spiritual energy, their mastery of martial arts, or their combat awareness, they were far inferior to them.

The only person Lu Ming felt was a little bit good, Yu Xinghe.

At this time, he was standing next to Lu Ming, also watching the fight on the stage.

The match he drew was also the second round, and he was Lu Ming's opponent.

Looking at the competition on the stage, Yu Xinghe looked at Lu Ming from time to time, Staring at the spear in his hand, he showed a thoughtful look.

The anxious but unfocused battle quickly made the audience on the stage lose interest.

I don't know how long it took before it finally ended with the boy's tragic victory.

Although he won, he also suffered a lot of injuries. He was bleeding almost all over and looked like a bloody man.

In this state, it was obviously impossible to continue fighting.

Medical staff quickly came on stage, carried the two people onto stretchers, and sent them to the treatment center.

This accident was also beyond everyone's expectations.

At this time, there were only three trial participants left, in addition to Cheng Sheng who had already had a bye, there were Lu Ming and Yu Xinghe.

In other words, as long as one of them decided, he would become the final opponent of the Cheng family's son of God.

""Two participants in the second round, please come on stage!"

With Lei Ling's shout, Lu Ming and Yu Xinghe jumped onto the stage together.

Lu Ming held the Youlong Spear tightly, and poured spiritual energy into it. The sharp spear energy filled the air, as if it was indestructible.

Yu Xinghe also clenched his fists and took a boxing stance.

His legs were slightly bent, and his lower body was stable, containing a terrifying explosion.

The tense atmosphere filled the air just by the confrontation, making the air extremely anxious.

"The second round begins!"

As soon as Lei Ling's voice fell, Lu Ming's figure immediately shot out like lightning.

Facing Yu Xinghe, who was also good at agility, he used Thunder Three Thousand with all his strength for the first time and quickly approached Yu Xinghe.

Relying on the advantage of the spear's attack range, the spear surrounded by lightning suddenly stretched out and bit Yu Xinghe like a spirit snake.

Yu Xinghe's pupils shrank, and his whole body sensed to the extreme. He raised his arm to move the spear head away, and used his clever strength to block the spear in Lu Ming's hand.

""Perfect first-grade body skills! Perfect first-grade spear skills! Perfect first-grade boxing skills!"

Ma Qianlong, who was in the front row of the audience, was shocked and exclaimed.

Beside him, Lin Heng's face was also a little serious.

First-grade martial arts is the pinnacle of martial arts in the world.

The power of each door should not be underestimated, and the difficulty of cultivation is comparable to ascending to heaven.

Without decades of practice, it is basically difficult to achieve perfection.

But what did he see now?

In two teenagers who were only 18 years old, he actually saw three perfect first-grade martial arts.

This is too shocking!

"With such a talent in martial arts, there is finally someone worthy of my attention."

"But that's all."

Lu Ming and Yu Xinghe's performance also slightly surprised the distant visitors from the two Wusheng martial arts halls.

But that's all.

In martial arts practice, cultivation is always the first metric.

Whether it is martial arts or other things, it is just a way to better display the strength of cultivation.

But cultivation is the foundation of a warrior from beginning to end!

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