In the audience, the crowd was watching and appreciating this martial arts feast.

Although they could not see the mystery, they could feel the thrill.

Lu Ming's shot missed, and Yu Xinghe was about to counterattack, but Lu Ming reacted faster.

He quickly retracted the spear in his hand, turned lightly, and shot at Yu Xinghe at an unexpected angle with the Youlong Spear in his hand.

The killing move came first, and the gunshot came later.

Even Yu Xinghe found it difficult to react to such a fast gunmanship.

His spiritual sense was constantly expanding, keeping his mind tense, and sensing every detail around him, so that he could narrowly avoid it.

If he had not practiced the Eagle Falcon Fist, which is also known for its agility, he would not be able to catch any trace of Lu Ming's gun even if he was tense.

"How could this gun technique be so powerful?"

"Approaching the level of surpassing the first-grade martial arts."

As a first-grade martial artist, Lei Ling had a keen eye and could see Lu Ming's magic at a glance.

But first-grade martial arts are already extremely precious in the world.

Needless to say, this kind of martial arts that is close to surpassing the first-grade martial arts is even more so. Even Lei Ling has never come into contact with it.

At such a young age, he has already mastered two perfect first-grade martial arts.

Lei Ling frowned, feeling that there seemed to be a layer of fog on Lu Ming, which made him unable to figure it out.

Relying on the advantages of martial arts and strength, Lu Ming suppressed Yu Xinghe more and more.

The spear became faster and faster, but Yu Xinghe's movements could not be faster.

Without Lu Ming's speed, he would be hit by Lu Ming's spear.


The gunshot rang again, and Lu Ming's spear had already cut through Yu Xinghe's skin, blood splattered, and the tip of the Youlong spear was stained with a touch of crimson.


The pain did not make Yu Xinghe retreat. He roared, but his momentum did not slow down.

Holding the spear of the Youlong Spear sideways, Yu Xinghe turned around with pain and came close to Lu Ming.

This was his plan all along.

Boxers are best at close combat.

Lu Ming is good at spears. Close combat with him can not only magnify his own advantages, but also cripple one of Lu Ming's arms.

With such a close distance, how could he have time to perform spear skills?!

Yu Xinghe's tenacity surprised everyone. The sharpness of the Youlong Spear should not be underestimated.

In addition, it was driven by Lu Ming. This spear passed by and directly cut a deep wound in Yu Xinghe's lower abdomen, which was still bleeding.

But even so, Yu Xinghe still came close to Lu Ming, as if he had seen victory.

No matter how powerful the spear is, how can you resist the enemy in front of you.

There seemed to be an eagle cry, and the long whistle was deafening. Yu Xinghe quickly punched Lu Ming.

""Being attacked by a boxer! Lu Ming is in danger!"

Almost all the people watching Lu Ming's fight were worried for him.

However, the change in the scene in the next second was far beyond their expectations.

The punch that was as powerful as a bamboo came in front of Lu Ming, but he caught it steadily with his hand!

"How... How is this possible?!"

Yu Xinghe opened his eyes wide in disbelief, looking at his fist being held.

His Eagle Falcon Fist was known for its sharpness, but its power should not be underestimated.

How could it be caught so easily?!

"How is that impossible?"

"Your boxing is too weak."

Lu Ming spat softly, and then, he quietly loosened his right hand that was holding the Youlong Spear.

He clenched his five fingers, made a fist, and suddenly punched out!


Even though the tearing sound was blasted, a sound of air explosion exploded in the ears of everyone present. It was just because of Lu Ming's punch!

The fist wave was like a strong wind, whistling towards the opposite side, blowing many people's cheeks painfully.

This was just the aftermath of Lu Ming's punch.

What would be the ending of Yu Xinghe in front of Lu Ming?

Was he beaten to death by him?

Countless people struggled to pull He opened his eyes and looked at the scene on the stage.

Lu Ming was still holding one of Yu Xinghe's arms, and had not let go.

The other arm was resting on his chest.

He pulled his fist out at the last moment, and did not hit Yu Xinghe's body with all his strength.

Even so, the scene around him was not much better.

The ground on both sides of the ring behind Yu Xinghe was cracked by the terrifying fist wind.

The ground was like rubble, forming bulges, which made people palpitate and terrified.

And this was just Lu Ming's punch!

"Perfect first-class body skills! Perfect first-class spear skills! Perfect first-class boxing skills!"

"What the hell is this monster!"

Lin Heng blurted out in shock, having lost the solemnity of a vice-principal.

Not to mention him, even the people from the two martial arts schools were dumbfounded at this moment. It's not like they haven't seen people who have mastered three perfect first-grade martial arts before.

In addition to being talented and immersed in martial arts for many years, these people have another characteristic.

That is, they are not young. It takes at least ten years to study a first-grade martial art to perfection. Not to mention that they have to take care of their own practice.

Therefore, those who can practice multiple martial arts to a very high level are basically old.

But Lu Ming How old is he now? Eighteen!

At the age of eighteen, he already possesses three perfect first-grade martial arts!

This is really against the will of heaven!

This last overwhelming and stunning punch not only announced Lu Ming's victory, but also made the audience cheer fiercely.

They looked at Lu Ming with fiery eyes, as if they were looking at a rising bright new star.


The Youlong Spear finally fell to the ground, awakening Yu Xinghe from his trance.

His punch was very strong.

But Lu Ming's punch was even stronger!

Looking at the Youlong Spear on the ground and Lu Ming's fist in front of his chest, Yu Xinghe had a complicated expression.

"I, Yu Xinghe, have been practicing Eagle Falcon Fist since I was young."

"Fourteen years of hard work and perseverance have brought us to where we are today."

"But how come you can master the perfect spear technique and a perfect boxing technique?"

Yu Xinghe thought he was hardworking.

But even so, he only mastered one first-grade martial arts.

He couldn't even think of someone like Lu Ming mastering three first-grade martial arts at the same time.

That's why he had this doubt now.

Lu Ming naturally wouldn't mention the existence of the system to others.

Facing Yu Xinghe's confusion, he thought for a long time and finally came up with an answer.

"Have you ever heard that practicing a spear is like practicing a boxing?"

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