After a long time, Ling Feng happily entered the gate of the academy.

Twenty minutes later, Ling Feng happily entered the gate of the academy.

If the previous calculation of the boundary force level was correct, then if he swallowed the butt of the Sky Hunter Fox at night, the boundary force level would successfully break through 40.0!

In that case, he would have full confidence in the exchange competition on Friday.

This time, Ling Feng did not go directly to the classroom, but ran to Zheng Hongji's courtyard for the first time.

Zheng Hongji, who was drinking tea, put down the cup and rubbed his eyes carefully after seeing Ling Feng's figure.

He couldn't believe that Ling Feng actually came by himself!

This is as outrageous as the sun not coming out from the sky, but running out of his courtyard!

"Old Zheng, don't be surprised." Ling Feng said, "I have an exchange match in a few days. You can teach me a set of boxing or kicking techniques before the match!"

Zheng Hongji finally understood.

Ling Feng is a man who will not do anything without profit. No wonder he ran to him.

"What are you thinking? I have made an exception to teach you that set of whip techniques. Do you want to learn other techniques from me?" Zheng Hongji glared at him, "No way!"

Ling Feng said indifferently: "Okay, then I will just buy a set of rubbish boxing techniques online, and then go out and say that you taught me."

Zheng Hongji glared: "You kid!"

He was so angry that he had a headache.

Ling Feng could make him uncomfortable with just two words. This ability is unparalleled.

"It's not that I won't teach you, but all the boxing and kicking skills here can only be learned by students of the 'Thunder School'." Zheng Hongji said, "For example, the 'Thunder Palm' created by one of my senior brothers uses the power of the Thunder World to infuse the body with electricity and then stimulate it through the palm."

"Other skills have similar principles, but the methods are different."

"How can I teach you if you haven't awakened the Thunder World?"

Ling Feng also frowned.

He forgot about it.

There is indeed no electricity in the small world he awakened!

Although the name of the only Lightning World is electrified, the talent "Lightning Shock" can only be used for acceleration, and has nothing to do with the word "Thunder"!

"Old Zheng, this is your fault." Ling Feng blamed, "You are a strong protector of the academy, how can you not teach ordinary students the boxing and kicking skills?"

Zheng Hongji snorted and said, "I don't have any skills, but since you are here, don't leave in the morning, you can just demonstrate to others."

"Demonstrate to others?" Ling Feng was stunned, "Who?"


A familiar voice came from behind Ling Feng.

Song Zichuan walked in from the gate of the courtyard with a proud face.

Ling Feng was shocked and immediately turned back to Zheng Hongji and said, "Old Zheng, go and lock the toilet door! Song Zichuan came to your place to eat and drink for free!"

Song Zichuan's face fell instantly.

"Ling Feng!" He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be proud! I came here to learn the skills from Old Zheng today! When I learn it, it will be easy to surpass you!"

Ling Feng was stunned and looked at Zheng Hongji.

Zheng Hongji didn't say anything, obviously acquiescing.

Ling Feng turned around and asked Song Zichuan, "What is your level of strength?"

Song Zichuan said proudly, "8.3! It increased by 0.1 this morning!"

"8.3! That's a lot." Ling Feng nodded, "Well, keep going... I'm rooting for you."

Song Zichuan frowned. He always felt that Ling Feng's tone looked down on him.

He suppressed his anger and said to Zheng Hongji, "Mr. Zheng, I want to learn the same skills you taught Ling Feng! What Ling Feng can do, I can do too!"

Ling Feng sighed, "As long as you are happy."

Zheng Hongji frowned slightly. It was indeed as Dean Song said, Song Zichuan's temperament was too impatient.

However, compared with Ling Feng, Song Zichuan's brain circuit was at least not so strange. In a sense, he was a normal person.

"Go get the iron whip next to you, and I will teach you the same whipping method as him."

Zheng Hongji ordered.

Song Zichuan was overjoyed and immediately took out the iron whip that Ling Feng had used before from the warehouse in the courtyard.

"Before you learn it, let me tell you first that this set of skills is the foundation, and you don't need to open the small world to use it. The creator is my senior brother named Ma."

"There are five whips in total. As long as you learn all of them, it shouldn't be a problem to kill enemies above your level."

"It's good for most people to learn the first whip for the first time. Try your best."

Song Zichuan was a little excited. This was the real fighting method he learned. The military boxing taught in the academy was nothing.


"Mr. Zheng, how many whips could Ling Feng hit the first time he learned?" he asked.

Zheng Hongji hesitated for a while, but he didn't give an answer.

Ling Feng almost hit four whips the first time, which is unprecedented in the history of Thunder.

He was afraid of affecting Song Zichuan's confidence.

"Just practice, don't worry about Ling Feng." Zheng Hongji said, "You can take tonics while learning this. If you work hard, you should be able to become a one-star realm before the big exam."

Song Zichuan took a deep breath and nodded.

"Zichuan will live up to Mr. Zheng's expectations!"

Ling Feng said suddenly: "If you fail to live up to it, Mr. Zheng will eat children."

Song Zichuan and Zheng Hongji's faces froze at the same time.

"Ling Feng, why are you still standing there like an idiot? Go get the iron whip and show him!"

Zheng Hongji frowned.

Ling Feng had no choice but to take out another iron whip and stand in the middle of the courtyard.

He pointed at Song Zichuan and said, "Come closer."

Song Zichuan had no choice but to walk to the side.

Ling Feng said again, "Come closer."

Song Zichuan frowned, but still stepped back a few steps.

"Come closer!"

"If you go any closer, you'll be against the wall!"

Song Zichuan said angrily.

"Yes, I want you to lean against the wall!" Ling Feng laughed, "Otherwise I can't stop, I'm afraid I'll hurt you. That way I'll have half less fun every day!"

"You!" Song Zichuan was furious, but he didn't dare to step forward, so he could only stand against the wall as Ling Feng said.

"Watch it! I'll demonstrate it once!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and he quickly waved the iron whip in his hand.

The first whip, the second whip, the third whip, the fourth whip.

All in one go.

The arc of electricity filled the whole courtyard, spinning and flying.

Song Zichuan's heart was immediately excited. If he also learned this move, he could fight against opponents of higher level as Zheng Hongji said!

"That's all. These four whips are enough for you to learn for a while."

Ling Feng did not hit the fifth whip, but stopped directly.

He was very nice to Song Zichuan. You should know that Zheng Hongji only demonstrated three whips for the first time.

He bought three and got one free, which was a preferential treatment for classmates.

But Song Zichuan did not appreciate it, but sneered and said, "It's just four whips, I'll hit you now! My talent is definitely better than yours!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Please."

Song Zichuan grabbed the iron whip in his hand and began to swing the whip imitating Ling Feng's previous movements.

Halfway through the first whip, the electric current generated by the iron whip immediately penetrated Song Zichuan's body.


Song Zichuan's hair exploded in an instant!

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