The fire was scorched, and the fire was still burning.

Song Zichuan's face was charred, and he exhaled a puff of smoke.

He looked dazed, staring blankly at the iron whip in his hand.

Just now he felt a strong current entering from the palm of his hand, directly penetrating his limbs, and finally gathered on the top of his head, exploding on his scalp.

"Come on, squad leader! You successfully hit half a whip!"

Ling Feng's voice came at an inopportune time.

Song Zichuan gritted his teeth in anger and glared at Ling Feng viciously.

Zheng Hongji taught: "You can't be impatient when learning this whip technique. You have to take your time. You can practice here this morning. I'll watch you."

Ling Feng chuckled and said: "Old Zheng, what about me? Don't you have anything to teach me?"

Zheng Hongji glared: "No! But you can't leave! Otherwise, Dean Song will have a headache again later!"

Ling Feng, this kid, can cause trouble for him as long as he doesn't see him.

It's best to stay by his side.

"Okay." Ling Feng had no choice but to move a chair over, put his feet on the table, and lie down and said to Song Zichuan: "Practice quickly! Your grandfather Zheng and I are watching!"

Song Zichuan's eyes were wide open, this Ling Feng clearly wanted to take advantage of him.

But he had no choice, after all, Zheng Hongji was there.

Zheng Hongji frowned, he wanted to kick Ling Feng out, but he was afraid that he would make trouble everywhere, and he would have to clean up his mess.

So we can only turn a blind eye and let him stay here.

"Old Zheng, how is the matter of leaving the city?" Ling Feng asked.

Zheng Hongji glared at him: "What's your business?"

"Hehe, don't be so polite. You go out of the city to hunt monsters, you must bring back some materials." Ling Feng laughed, "My strength has improved rapidly recently, and my nutrition is a bit insufficient. I want to buy some monster meat to try."

"I am taking people to clear the monsters, not to make money!" Zheng Hongji frowned and said, "In order to achieve this goal, the team directly called the corpse collector to come over. After we kill the monster, he will take away its corpse at a low price, and you can't bring back what you want."

Ling Feng was helpless.

The corpse collector is a profession, which is held by those in the Chaos Realm who have opened up the storage ability, and some of them are in the Lingkong Realm who are not doing well.

Generally, these corpse collectors belong to major chambers of commerce, or individual buyers, and are responsible for the hard work of transportation.

The service targets are also those in the Chaos Realm who have no storage capacity and those in the Sky Realm who cannot fit into some small worlds.

"That is to say, none of your small worlds have storage capabilities?" Ling Feng curled his lips, "Old Zheng, I didn't expect you to be so bad!"

"Do you think storage capabilities are a good thing?" Zheng Hongji said angrily, "Only those whose small worlds are damaged or whose small worlds are not powerful enough will do such things! Opening storage capabilities is at the expense of a part of the small world's attributes. Do you know? Even in the Lingkong realm, the storage capacity of the small world is very limited, and there is no way to store too many things."

Zheng Hongji stared at Ling Feng and explained: "We old soldiers, even if we have no hope of reaching the Lingkong realm, will not do that kind of work! Shameful!"

Ling Feng replied: "Old Zheng, it's all about making money, not shabby."

"A man with ambition should be everywhere!" Zheng Hongji said, "Either put on a military uniform and protect the glory of Tianxia! Or equip a spear and fight all over the world!"

Ling Feng continued: "Or ride a tricycle and recycle old refrigerators."

Zheng Hongji: ? ? ?

Zheng Hongji's ambitions were extinguished by Ling Feng's words.

"Old Zheng, there's no point in saying so much. There's an exchange competition on Friday. If I go out and embarrass you, won't you lose face in front of your old comrades?" Ling Feng laughed, "Don't you really have any boxing and kicking skills? Even semi-finished products will do!"

Ling Feng actually wanted to say one more thing: the main thing is that it's free.

Isn't this much better than those Kung Fu secrets that cost hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of yuan on the Internet?

"Exchange competition?" Zheng Hongji frowned, "What exchange competition?"

"Old Zheng, you don't know yet?"

Ling Feng was stunned.

He quickly told Zheng Hongji what happened.

"So that's it, you're going to have an exchange competition with Jiangnan College... I was wondering why Dean Song suddenly sent his son to me."

Zheng Hongji understood.

He glanced at Song Zichuan who was still screaming in the yard from being electrocuted, and asked Ling Feng: "So, it's just you, Chen Xinyao, and Song Zichuan who are going?"

"Yes." Ling Feng said, "So, Lao Zheng, if you keep hiding it, and our college is embarrassed, you will also be responsible.


"You kid!" Zheng Hongji glared, "You've already put the blame on me before the fight even started!"

"Hey, Old Zheng, if you have any moves, show them quickly. If I'm strong, doesn't that mean our academy is strong? If our academy is strong, doesn't that mean you are strong?"

"You know what, what you said makes sense..."

Zheng Hongji thought about it and it was true.

Ling Feng laughed in his heart, and finally fooled this old man...

Zheng Hongji thought about it again and again, and said, "Well, I have a set of skills called 'Flash Fist', which can be divided into the boundary and chaos realm parts. However, the boxing power of the boundary part is weak, and it can only be fully exerted by mobilizing the power of the Thunder World. "

"Flash Fist?" Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "Compared with the military boxing, how does it compare?"

"Military boxing is for you to lay the foundation!" Zheng Hongji said speechlessly, "This flash fist is an advanced boxing technique! I have a junior brother, who is a two-star Chaos, and he used this move to defeat a four-star Chaos master! "

"Overtake two small levels? "Ling Feng said, "Yes, I want this set!"

"You can only learn the basics, because this set of boxing must be connected to the power of thunder to exert its power." Zheng Hongji said, "But it is enough for you to deal with the exchange competition."

Ling Feng nodded, it was true.

The opponent was also a world master who had not opened a small world, and did not need the blessing of the small world attribute.

Ling Feng immediately turned around and said to Song Zichuan: "Hey, let go of the field. Go to the side and shout, don't affect me and Lao Zheng."

Song Zichuan's face was livid, and he said angrily: "Ling Feng! I want to train here too!"

"What are you shouting, I know!" Ling Feng left the field and drew a half circle in the corner of the courtyard.

"Hey, this is your territory, the rest is mine. "

Song Zichuan was stunned.

Ling Feng's half circle was only the size of a toilet.

And he actually wanted to occupy the rest of the yard!

"Ling Feng! !" Song Zichuan clenched his fists.

"Squad leader, we are civilized people." Ling Feng picked up the iron whip on the ground with a smile and shot out an arc of electricity: "If you can avoid it, try not to do it, right?"

The arc spread out, causing Song Zichuan to step back a few steps.

He was pale and stood in the circle drawn by Ling Feng without saying a word.

"Isn't this good?" Ling Feng said, "We will finish learning soon, and then your Grandpa Zheng and I will guide you together! "

Song Zichuan was obviously so angry at Ling Feng that he gritted his teeth. Then he chose to turn his head away and no longer pay attention to Ling Feng.

Otherwise he might be furious.

Zheng Hongji watched this scene and did not interrupt.

It's not that he favors Ling Feng, but he has always believed that adults should not interfere too much in children's affairs.

Maybe Song Zichuan will also make rapid progress because of this!

"Let's get started." Zheng Hongji said lightly.

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